The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1712: Your eyes are fierce, may it be against your Highness...

After seeing the direction they were leaving, Cheng Chubi looked back at Helan Chushi's eyes, rolled his eyes and pulled a handful of Helan Chushi.

"Walk around, hurry up and call a few brothers, rush to the gang of gentle beasts, and stop them."

Seeing that Brother Chu Bi, who was not gentle at all, started to speed up, Helan Chushi wiped his face, but he could only follow Cheng Saburo's footsteps.

With little effort, a prince with a helmet and armor, Zuo Neizhi, all the elites stood together outside the Nali Palace.

After Cheng Chubi jumped into the hall, he quickly and quickly explained to His Royal Highness that Zhang Xuansu's old thing was about to bring someone to smash the place.

Li Chengqian's face turned dark when he heard it, and he felt a little uncomfortable. Lao Tzu is the prince, okay? If you appoint Brother Chu Bi to the East Palace, what is Guan Er waiting for?

Cheng Chubi also saw Li Chengqian's very unhappy expression, and said immediately.

"His Royal Highness, after all, this matter involves the royal reputation, so the minister thinks that it is inexplicable and should not be explained."

"However, if there is a conflict between your Highness and those ministers, it is really not beautiful, why don't you hand it over to the ministers?"

Li Chengqian was in a daze, looking at Brother Chu Bi who was standing in front of him with confidence, his heart warmed.

Just like back then, when those Donggong subordinate officials frequently attacked themselves, Brother Chu Bi would always stand in front of him, blocking the impeachment of those guys.

"Brother Chubi, you... I understand, brother Chubi, please."

"But I also invite Father-in-law Ning Zhong to come with me."

"No problem, Ning Zhong, follow Cheng Qing."

Seeing the gaze cast by Cheng Saburo and the warm smile, Ning Zhong felt as if he was back in the past.

One bite after bite of the black pot was put on his back by Cheng Saburo one by one. In those days, I simply didn't know when he was headed.

Now it's here again, but the problem is that His Royal Highness is willing to listen to him, so what can I do?

Ning Zhong touched his nose, and could only bow to His Royal Highness, and then reluctantly went to the outside of Lizheng Hall.

At this moment, Zhang Xuansu and others were no more than a few feet away from the Lizheng Hall, and they saw Helan Chushi leading the tens of left-handed elites blocking the road leading to the Lizheng Hall.

"Helan Qianniu, what are you doing?" Zhang Xuansu's face sank, and pointed like a sword, almost poking Helan Chushi's nose.

Helan Chushi looked at the finger with a dark face, and even saw that Zhang Xuansu had actually left the nails on the little finger very long.

I don't know what to do if you stay so long, whether it is convenient to pick your ears or pick your nose?

Helan Chushi pulled his face, motionless, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Zhang Shaozhan's affairs, the last general will be guarded here by the order of General Cheng. If Shaozhan's affairs feel that there is a problem, please go directly to find General Cheng."

At this moment, the seven or eight officials of the Eastern Palace who followed Zhang Xuansu were not happy anymore.

"Bold, what do you mean by Helan Qianniu, Zhang Shaozhan is a high-ranking minister next to His Royal Highness, and you are just talking nonsense by Cheng Sanlang's mischief."

"I'm here to stop Shao Zhan from speaking to His Royal Highness. Can you afford the consequences?"

"That's right, Helan Qianniu, you still get out of the way quickly, don't get too close to Cheng Saburo, or I will wait for you to close it quickly, um, impeachment."

Helan Chu Shiqing's face was green, and he was lying in his heart again and again. This group of Donggong officials are not good birds, they are typically bullying and fearful of hardship.

With Zhang Xuansu taking the lead one or two, the saliva and stars flew wildly like chicken blood.

At this moment, I heard the footsteps coming from behind, and the familiar laughter.

"Yo yo yo... who, who wants to impeach this general? What about impeaching this general, eh? This general is the school inspector's prince Zuo Nai and the deputy leader."

"Having the right to monitor the illegality of the East Palace, but also the heavy responsibility of protecting the safety of His Royal Highness."

"You wait for one or two with hideous looks and fierce eyes, do you want to be against your Highness?"

"???" The Donggong subordinates were immediately dumbfounded, all of them puffed up their eyes and dumbfounded.

What kind of gods are not good to your Highness, what is it, you rough man, still learn from our gentleman's speech? !

The elite of the left inner rate almost couldn't hold the weapon and pulled it over, one by one, in order to control the emotions, grinned.

Sure enough, it was Cheng Saburo, who made people laugh when he came. Diminish

Zhang Xuansu also turned dark and took deep breaths frequently. He must not have a fight with this vulgar martial artist who likes serious nonsense. Sacrifice as Sacrifice as

Well, the main reason is that this **** is too quibble, and has the ability to speak for a long time without breathing.

Zhang Xuansu suppressed his anger and decided to go straight ahead. "Vice Cheng, you quickly let these soldiers get out of the way, the officer has an important task to play the prince."

Cheng Chubi stretched out his hand and pulled it towards the back, and slipped Ning Zhong, who was hiding behind him in a low-key manner, to his side, and pointed his finger at this Ledao.

"But I'm sorry, your Royal Highness is asleep, the kind that you can't wake up, if you don't believe me, ask Daddy Ning..."

"..." Ning Zhong suddenly felt a loud noise in his mind, and a heavy black pot hit his and smashed himself into a gold star.

Facing the Donggong subordinate officials who were glaring at each other, Ning Zhong cautiously nodded his head twice at a speed close to slow motion.

"Have you seen it? You have something to do. I'll talk about it tomorrow. During this time, the prince has been conscientious and conscientious in supervising the affairs of the country.

"Finally, I'm done, and if you want to sleep, don't bother your Royal Highness when you wait."

After all, Zhang Xuansu was aroused by Cheng Saburo's whistle and crooked, and pointed at Cheng Saburo as a sword.

"...You, Deputy Cheng, this official is Donggong Shaozhan, the powers and responsibilities are above you, it is best to give the official a quick way out."

Cheng Chubi happily, strode forward, Zhang Xuansu still remembers the scene where Kong Yingda was dislocated by Cheng Saburo's abdominal muscles.

Now his fingers were not facing Cheng Saburo's abdominal muscles, but Te Niang's iron armor.

Even if it was too late, after Zhang Xuansu reacted, he retracted his fingers for the first time, and even quickly put his hands behind him.

Cheng Chubi didn't expect Zhang Xuansu to react so quickly. After Jiazhen failed, Cheng Saburo took a step forward unwillingly, bowing his head to look at Zhang Xuansu who was half of his head short.

"Oh? What? What if the power and responsibility are above me. The officer is a military commander. You and I don't belong to each other. The general just won't let it go. How are you going?"

"..." Zhang Xuansu stood with his hand, raised his head stubbornly, and looked at Cheng Saburo, but the feeling of being sprayed on his face was very uncomfortable. Mi He Mi

However, if you raise your hand to wipe it, you feel that you will weaken your momentum.

For a while, Zhang Xuansu was like the hungry dog ​​who wanted to bite a hedgehog, there was nowhere to put his mouth.

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