The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1714: My son-in-law thinks that Cheng San Lang seems to have noticed something

It seems that in another historical time and space, General Hou, who thinks that the heroes of the world are only worth looking at his nostrils, and Prince Li Chengqian conspired to murder Li Shimin.

It was this Helan Chushi who informed His Majesty. In the end, the prince was driven to the south and General Hou was also executed.

As for the fate of this Helan Chushi, Cheng Chubi really didn't know, but he should be alive.

Helan Chushi saw Cheng Sanlang staring at him, his eyes flickering, and he looked at Helan Chushi upside down.

But he didn't dare to move a little, both legs started to feel a little weak. He asked himself whether his martial arts was weak, but the problem was a guilty conscience.

汜豜汜. Cheng Chubi smashed his mouth, patted Helan Chushi's shoulder with a big hand, and wanted to ask him if he was willing to accept a test.

Anyway, your mother-in-law and the baby are also there, and the second child is pregnant. At this time, it doesn't matter much to cut everything.

But when the words were about to be spoken, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but hesitate.

After all, it was Chen Guogong's son-in-law. If he had cut his foreskin, I don't know what General Hou would think.

Hmm...presumably General Hou shouldn't know how much or a few pieces of skin under his son-in-law are.

After all, they are just sons-in-law, and they are not the kind of relationship that just talks at every turn and sleeps.

"Well... Then Cheng will congratulate Brother Chushi first, and if there is any problem with Mrs.-in-law during her pregnancy, she can come to find Cheng."

Hearing this, Helan Chu let out a suffocating breath for the rest of his life, smiled reluctantly, and left after thanking Cheng Saburo.

Without the process, Chubi stopped Helan Chushi again, and couldn't help but gossip authentically.

"By the way, how is the relationship between your old father-in-law and His Royal Highness? Is the relationship close?"

"..." Helan Chushi stiffened all over, suppressing his bounced heartbeat, and slowly turned his head to look at Xiang Cheng Saburo.

It's just his stiff expression that Cheng Chubi was a bit mad when asked about this guy.

It’s right to think about it. The prince Li Chengqian wanted to kill his father because he had been crippled for ten years.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. #####

Coupled with the fact that the fat man Wei Wang Li Tai was spoiled and spoiled, and his actions were frequent, and Li Shimin's various sorrowful operations, everyone in the world felt that Wei Wang Li Tai might replace the prince.

In that situation, Li Chengqian and General Hou were involved in a partnership and wanted to kill his father.

But now, the fat man Wei Wang Litai has been in bad luck ever since he was cured of his sluggish dark ailment.

The air luck also seems to disappear with the disappearance of the eye disease, either such a problem or such a problem.

Anyway, as far as Cheng Chubi knows, that guy is typically a hapless guy who is choking his teeth when drinking cold water.

On the contrary, it was Li Chengqian. Since he cured his leg problems, his luck has been better than a day. Compared with that other historical time and space, it is simply not the same.

So, it's too late for the prince to be filial to Li Shimin, how could he squat with Hou Junji's unlucky guy to calculate the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

Thinking about this, Cheng Chubi gave a haha ​​and smiled apologetically at Helan Chushi.

"Cheng is just curious, don't say forget it, haha. Okay, Brother Helan will come back to talk."

"..." Helan Chushi couldn't control himself when he looked at Cheng Saburo's back, thinking of his previous expression changes.

He felt that he could no longer continue to procrastinate, and he had to tell the old man earlier that Cheng Sanlang, a demon moth with a bright ear, was afraid that he had already discovered something.

I must communicate well with the old man, and it is best to persuade him to give up that idea.

In the next time, Helan Chushi, who had made up his mind, still carefully tried to stare at Cheng Saburo without exposing himself.

Sure enough, Helan Chushi quickly found out that Cheng Saburo was still looking for something among Zuo Neishi's talents.


After getting off the value, Helan Chushi hurriedly left the East Palace, jumped on the mount, and walked with Brother Yigan in the direction of home for a while.

Only then did he slap his head, oops. "There is something for a certain thing, let my husband's family visit me, brothers, you go first."

After parting with the brothers who accompanied him, Helan Chushi urged the horse to gallop towards the mansion of Chen Guogong.

Not long after, I rushed to Chen Guogong's mansion. The people in Chen Guogong's mansion naturally recognized this beloved son-in-law who was highly valued by the master. He heard that he was looking for the master, and he quickly reported it.

"Why did Xian son-in-law come here?"

Hou Junji saw that this person had just got off the job, and he hadn't even solved his armor, so he rushed to the beloved son-in-law Helan Chushi in his house.

Can't help but be suspicious, is it possible that something unexpected happened? Helan Chushi, who has always had a strong temperament, seemed a little bit frustrated.

"My father-in-law, my son-in-law, my son-in-law thinks that Cheng Saburo seems to have noticed something."

"Huh?!" Hou Junji raised his eyebrows abruptly, his whole body converged suddenly.

If he was just like a dozing leopard, now it seems that he has discovered danger and his whole body has blown up.

Facing Hou Junji's sharp eyes like a knife, Helan Chushi calmly began to get along with Cheng Saburo for the past few days. UU reading and what he observed were all aware of the situation. .

For example, Cheng Saburo would enter the palace quietly at night, whether he was on duty or not, although some colleagues said that he entered the east palace only to accompany the prince Li Xiang to catch bugs.

But the question, is this necessary? What's more, the prince has always adhered to the righteousness.

The prince, Li Xiang, was always misbehaving. I don’t know how many times he was cleaned up by the prince. How could the prince be so foolish by Cheng Saburo?

Moreover, Cheng Saburo was suddenly appointed by the prince Li Chengqian as the deputy leader of the school inspector in the East Palace, and the officer was restored to his post.

"...East Palace Qunjun, want to ask for an explanation from the prince, Cheng Saburo was dismissed from the official position by his majesty, and the prince did this, is it suspected of violating his father's order?"

"But the prince was very stubborn, and even for this matter, he quarreled with the ministers of the Eastern Palace again..."

"Furthermore, after Cheng Saburo joined the prince Zuo Neizhi, he did not spend time playing cards in the East Palace as usual."

"Instead, we have frequent private conversations with a group of soldiers and soldiers..."

Hearing this, General Hou, who was still full of disapproval, breathed suddenly.

There was a bit of suspicion in Yin Xiao's gaze.

"Chu Shi, did you find out, what did he talk to those people secretly?"

Mi He Mi. Helan Chushi let out a suffocating breath, his face looked a little ugly and authentic.

"My son-in-law has looked for a few people who are familiar with each other, but they... They squeak, saying that General Cheng just inquired about their family affairs..."

"If they are asking about family matters, then they should be so perfunctory when they ask their son-in-law?"


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