The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1715: Please come, Mr. Jiang, just hope to do it in advance

After all, Hou Junji was a famous general in the dynasty. Hearing this, even if it was a shock in his heart, his expression did not move.

"You go on, if you have another, does he have to deal with you?"

"Yes." Helan Chushi took a deep breath and replied very confidently.

"Before, my son-in-law didn't have a deep relationship with him, and when my son-in-law joined the East Palace, he had not yet married Ling Ai."

"When he heard about the son-in-law's lady, it was the young lady, his expression..."

Helan Chushi smashed his mouth, trying to remember Cheng Saburo's weird appearance at the time.

It seemed to be a sudden realization, and it was like knowing myself for the first time. That kind of feeling made Helan Chushi uncomfortable.

Listening to Helan Chushi's explanation, Hou Junji stroked his long beard, his eyes narrowed and narrowed, as if there were swords intertwined in his eyes.

"At the last time, he also asked his son-in-law a very weird question. His Royal Highness, is the relationship with the husband-in-law very close?"

"After that, he gave a weird smile and left on his own."

With a snap, Helan Chushi looked down subconsciously, and saw that a purple pen that was pinched in his hand by the old man at some unknown time had already been folded into two pieces.

"..." Helan Chushi looked up again, and saw that the husband was still sitting in front of him at this moment, stroking his long beard.

But that look seemed extremely dangerous, like a beast that fell into a trap, it could violently pick someone and eat it at any time.

After a few breaths, Hou Junji's breath calmed down, and he spoke a little bit arduously.

"But what else is so strange?"

"No, but my son-in-law, my son-in-law thinks that Cheng Saburo must not know why he received a little wind, and secretly played with His Royal Highness."

"Otherwise, it's impossible for His Royal Highness to suddenly restore him to office without a reason."

"Cheng Saburo also checked in the East Palace only after the official was restored to his post..."

"The old man thinks that the kid should be just something else. By coincidence, there may be clues that make him curious."

"But it doesn't matter, this kid can be a big deal for the old man."

"But my husband, are we really going to continue? My son-in-law, I'm worried, that Cheng Saburo..."

Hou Junji smiled, raised his big hand and shook his face, his face once again returned to his calmness.

Decrease bXwX.C*o 汜. "Okay, okay, you don't have to say it anymore, everything is under the control of the old man, you don't have to panic."


General Hou interrupted the topic and didn't continue, but asked with concern how the girl who was pregnant with the second child is now.

Sacrifice such as Seeing that the old man was like this, Helan Chushi could only continue with the old man's words, and tried to turn the topic back several times, but he was unsuccessful.

In the end, after staying in Chen Guogong's mansion and visiting his mother-in-law, he stayed here for dinner.

Seeing that her husband had no interest in talking to him anymore, Helan Chushi had no choice but to get up and leave.

Hou Junji personally sent Helan Chushi to the gate of the mansion, and patted his son-in-law's shoulder heavily.

"My son-in-law, I won't talk about those who have many old husbands, but you can be relieved that everything has your own old husband."

"Take good care of my girl, let her be peaceful, understand?"

Helan Chushi nodded honestly, leaped on the horse back in strides, and drove away.

Seeing the son-in-law's back figure drifting away and disappearing into the depths of the night, the smile on Hou Junji's face gradually disappeared.

Turning his head, Hou Tao whispered to the confidant beside him. "Hurry up and ask that Mr. Jiang to talk about it."

"Now?" Hou Tao glanced at the sky and couldn't help but hesitate.

"Just now, go!" Hou Junji said in a deep voice, taking his hands and walking quickly towards the depths of the mansion.

After returning to the study, Hou Junji did not sit behind the accustomed case for the first time. Instead, he stood and walked around the house for a long time before he asked Hou Zhi, the confidant butler who followed him.

"You heard everything just now, the old man asked you, how much do you think Cheng Saburo and the prince know about?"

Hou Zhi, the housekeeper standing inside the study door, took a deep breath and said with a sullen face.

"Master, the villain thinks that the crown prince and Cheng Saburo should not know much, otherwise, Cheng Saburo would not be allowed to re-enter the East Palace and investigate around."

"If they have the slightest real evidence, they are afraid that they would have already reported to the emperor by flying a horse, and shouldn't be like this."

"Well, it's the same as the old man thought." Hou Junji nodded in satisfaction and glanced at the confidant butler.

"Master, since the prince is only suspicious in his heart, let Cheng Saburo investigate, should we just stand still?"

Hou Junji slowly shook his head, stroking his long beard and walking in the house.

"Hold the soldiers...impossible. The longer the delay of such conspiracy, the more morale will be hurt, and the easier it will be to leak the secrets."

"Although Cheng Saburo is only a junior, he is not a stupid after all, if he can really track down something."

"If you didn't do anything, it fell short. Isn't that a joke that has become a stinking thing for thousands of years?"

"Hou would rather live and die than die like that."

"The villain understands." The butler Hou Zhi also nodded in agreement. UU reading is now on the line and has to publish it.


Jiang Yaqing did not expect that Chen Guogong and Hou Jun would invite people to visit the mansion in the middle of the night.

At this point in time, especially when major events were approaching, Jiang Yaqing didn't dare to neglect, and could only go out helplessly.

Fortunately, in order to facilitate the secret business, Jiang Yaqing has already purchased a house in the same workshop as Chen Guogong. From here, no one will be disturbed.

After arriving at Chen Guogong's mansion, led by Hou Junji's confidant, Hou Tao, went straight to the study.

Jiang Yaqing's heart sank when he saw Hou Junji's dignified expression sitting behind the study.

"I have seen Gong Chen, I don't know Gong Chen summoned Jiang to come late at night, but what happened?"

"There is indeed something wrong, it's inside the East Palace..." Hou Junji raised his finger and said, pointing to the direction of the East Palace.

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Yaqing couldn't help but his face changed drastically. The hands that were originally resting on the knees instantly tightened.

"Gong Chen, please state clearly, what happened?"

"The prince seems to have spotted some clues, but he doesn't know who can believe it, so he uses Cheng Saburo to be the prince Zuo Nei, the deputy director. Let him come secretly investigate..."

"Cheng! San! Lang!" Jiang Yaqing heard the name that made His Royal Highness the most memorable, and couldn't help grinding his teeth.

"It's him, and although Cheng Saburo is a reckless junior, he is a little clever. What's important is that this kid is lucky."

Mi He Mi. Speaking of this, a cold light flashed in Hou Junji's narrowed eyes.

"So, the old man asked Mr. Jiang to come over today, just hoping to do it in advance."

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