The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1716: I also ask General Hou, Wan Wan to send that Li Chengqian Yu...

Jiang Yaqing glanced at Hou Junji in a daze, subconsciously wanting to refute.

However, Hou Junji's words of excellent luck also made his heart hang.

That kid is like the nemesis of His Royal Highness King Wei. Almost every time King Wei's major events are broken.

More or less, this kid is acting as a demon behind his back, and His Royal Highness Wang has tried to deal with him countless times with obvious means.

The results of it? Apart from his fame, this kid was almost innocent to him.

What is the reputation of the Cheng family, who doesn't take the usual path? Besides, this kid is more and more valued by His Majesty.

Don't think that your majesty dismissed him from office because of his anger. In Jiang Yaqing's view, this was clearly planned in advance to build the palace and avoid court disputes.

His Royal Highness King Wei has already heard the news from Empress Changsun, that is, only waiting for 10% of Luoyang Palace.

That was the day when his Majesty Cheng Saburo greeted His Majesty Princess Jinyang, the pearl in his hand.

His Royal Highness can have today because of his various means by Cheng Saburo.

His Royal Highness's trust in him is even more speechless, and there is even a vague discussion in the circle of officials.

Take Cheng Saburo and His Royal Highness the Prince to compare the two pairs of partners with His Majesty and Changsun Wuji.

"Since Gong Chen has this plan, Jiang has no objection, but I don't know how Gong Chen plans it? Please indicate it."

"Five, two days later, the old man will ask His Royal Highness to go to the North Yafu army to observe the remaining Bei Ya flying cavalry military exercise.

The old man will first rush to stay in the Beiya Feiqi Camp in Chang'an, and lead Feiqi to welcome His Royal Highness..."

Hou Junji unfolded a map in front of him, which was a detailed deployment map of Chang'an.


Beiya Feiqi Camp was originally close to Xuanwumen, but the Hou Jun rally led to the north of Xiyuan in the name of military exercise.

It is located by the Dong'an Water, the terrain is open and gentle, and it is indeed very suitable for cavalry exercises.

And one important reason is that the prince is just the prince, and he still lives in the East Palace, not the imperial palace, so it is naturally impossible to enter and exit the Xuanwu Gate.

Therefore, the prince needs to go out through Xuande Gate, then go out of the city from the east gate of Xi Neiyuan and go straight to the north.

"This area was originally a large expanse of land that His Majesty intended to build a palace for His Majesty the Emperor."

"The people here have already moved away. There are sparsely populated and towering old trees. It is most suitable for ambushes."

"The old man will order the dead man in the mansion, here, the prince will be killed."

"As for the emperor's grandson Li Xiang, and the princess who is pregnant with twins, then you need to look at your methods, Mr. Jiang."

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "We...Duke Chen, isn't it appropriate? His Royal Highness King Wei's dead man should act outside the city. After all, the East Palace is heavily guarded..."

Hou Junji glanced contemptuously at this Jiang Yaqing, who was anxious, and when it came to these intrigues, he might not be as good as this Jiang Yaqing.

But when it comes to marching combat, a hundred Jiang Yaqing pinched together, I am afraid that they will not be enough to pinch with two fingers.

"Don't worry, the old man will send people back to the East Palace to ask for reinforcements. The brave and inexperienced people like Yuchi Baoqing will definitely do their best to save the prince."

"As a result, the East Palace is empty, and the old man doesn't believe it. His Royal Highness Wei has no arrangement in the East Palace."

"If you can't even hold an empty East Palace, it's all right to leave the pregnant princess and the eldest son Li Xiang."

Jiang Yaqing took a deep breath and raised his head, looking at the confident and well-informed General Hou.

This old thing is clearly showing off to himself, but at the same time, he is also showing his strength.

Decrease bxwx.cO 汜. Jiang Yaqing tapped her fingers gently on her knees for a long time, and finally nodded heavily.

"If this is the case, then the East Palace will be handed over to someone in Jiang, and General Hou will be asked to kill Li Chengqian, otherwise..."

"Don't worry, the old man's wealth and life are all tied to the crown prince. How can the old man allow him to survive and kill my wealth?"

"On your side, Mr. Jiang, I think Mr. Jiang is weak. If Mr. Jiang needs it, the old man can support you with a few guards."

"It's okay if you have work, but Jiang will also send a few personal followers to see Chen Gong's heroic attack on the enemy."

Speaking of this, the two collaborators who were both pregnant and jealous of each other chuckled in unison.


Cheng Chubi was just an excuse to give those young, unmarried brothers popular science, so he inquired out.

Several goals were finally determined, and after a few more choices, three goals were finally determined.

Well, these three are typical young people whose true foreskin is too long and are about to get married.

Through a secret exchange with them and using a three-inch tongue, Cheng Saburo finally persuaded the three to agree to the operation.

After all, Cheng Sanlang's medical skills are well-known, and several of the royal elders, the Supreme Emperor, the Empress Longsun, His Royal Highness King Wei, and the Royal Highness Wu who was seriously injured and dying in Luoyang were all rescued by him. UU reading

Naturally, no one would question his medical skills, coupled with the long foreskin of the bird, this kind of male privacy disease.

It made the three young people very painful and they were about to get married, after hearing Cheng Saburo's three-inch incorruptible tongue speak about the terrible sequelae caused by the excessively long foreskin.

In addition, out of confidence in Cheng Saburo's magical medical skills, the three of them naturally became the top three test samples for circumcision surgery in the Tang Dynasty.

It is impossible for the big guy to advertise that his bird's foreskin is too long. After all, who has the face to advertise that this thing is longer than others?

Therefore, it is of course impossible to tell others about the sneaky work of Cheng Saburo and the brothers in Zuo Naisi.

Finally got the big deal done, Cheng Chubi finally grew a breath of air, and then quietly prepared for the operation and worked quietly.

Of course, it is impossible to slip the person over and let the other person take out a knife and cut it off. After all, this is to make a sample for the son of His Royal Highness.

Therefore, we must first report to His Royal Highness, and discuss with His Royal Highness how to cut and where to cut, whether His Royal Highness personally appreciates the cut, or is willing to reward it afterwards.

Um, but it seemed that His Royal Highness was busy with government affairs, so Cheng Chubi naturally didn't go in to make people feel uncomfortable.

There was nothing left and right, Cheng Chubi looked around, and there were no outsiders nearby, just a few brothers bragging.

Mi He Mi. In this case, Cheng Chubi, who was so bored that it hurts, stretched out his hand and touched his waist for a long time, and couldn't help but smile.

He took out a set of bamboo cards and beckoned to Helan Chushi, who was frequently looking here not far away.

"Brother Chu Shi, come and come... and who else, come and come, idle and idle, come and do a few."


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