The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1717: Your Highness, are you going to leave the city to help the army tomorrow? How come yo


"Grabbing the landlord..."

"Don't grab..."

"Ouch, come on, Shunzi..."



Cheng Saburo's energetic playing cards quickly attracted a few brothers from Zuo Nai Li and jumped over.

A group of people waited, as if returning to the past. At that time, Helan Chushi hadn't married yet, and there was no baby yet.

Cheng Saburo is still a bachelor, um... he is still still.

The brothers like to get together like this, playing cards quietly and casually while bragging.

This made Cheng Saburo feel as if he was back in the past, so unfettered.

I play cards in the East Palace every day, at the Imperial Medical Office, or at the Chengjia Restaurant, or at the Chengshi University.

But what he has always regretted is that, as the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple, he has never been to the Yamen of Taichang Temple.

Having played cards in Taichang Temple, I have to say that this is an irreparable regret. After all, he has resigned as Shaoqing of Taichang Temple, and he will never return to the past...

With a snap, Cheng Chubi reluctantly threw down a two, and finally met a pair of ghosts from a peasant, and after the opponent made a straight, the battle was solved perfectly. day!

This is a noun that praises the sun at the end of summer, swaying on the Tropic of Cancer, making the north also full of warmth.

Cheng Sanlang flicked the stinky card in his hand with a black face and began to shuffle the cards.

Next, Cheng Saburo, who was kicked from the position of the landlord, was in bad luck, and importantly, after three.

Cheng Chubi noticed the problem, and the old boy Helan Chushi felt completely out of his mind.

Cheng Chubi reminded him several times, but the boy started to lose his mind again, just when Cheng Chubi was impatient and wanted to speak again.

I saw that a cadre, minister and worker had already left the Lizheng Hall, and Na Ning Zhong was walking quickly toward this side.

Cheng Chubi could only throw down the card in his hand angrily. "Brothers, who will replace one, Cheng has something to do, so I'll go back and continue."

Ning Zhong was far away, and he saw several left-handed soldiers squatting over there frequently slinging bamboo cards.

Seeing Cheng Saburo who was approaching with a smile, Ning Zhong couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"General Cheng, can you do this?"

"It's not that I'm playing cards. If you think there is a problem, go and shout."

Cheng Chubi spread his hands unwillingly, pointed his thumb behind him, and looked behind him by the way. He happened to see Helan Chushi, who was holding the bamboo card in his hand, looking over here.

Seeing the gaze that I swept over, he happily happily continued to immerse himself in playing cards.

Ning Zhong shook his head with a black line on his face, facing the shameless person, saying nothing would work.

"His Royal Highness wants to see you, please..."

Cheng Sanlang stood there for a long time without moving, until Ning Zhong urged again, and Cheng Chubi turned around suspiciously.

"General Cheng, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, let's go..." Cheng Chubi smiled and shook his head, wondering if he was too suspicious.


Stepping into the main hall of Li, Cheng Chubi saw that His Royal Highness was enthusiastically spinning around a piece of shiny yellow iron armor right now.

I couldn't help but my eyes lit up, and he strode forward. This must be the exclusive protective gear of the prince. The decorative patterns on it are so luxurious that it is outrageous.

Cheng Chubi had seen Li Shimin's armor before, and it was similar to this one, with the same gleaming gold, and the same luxurious and malicious.

Seeing Brother Chu Bi's eyes gleaming, making a sound, and even touching his hands there, Li Chengqian couldn't help being full of expressions.

"Brother Chubi, how about it? This is the Mingguang Jia that my father gave to the younger brother last year, but it's a pity that I haven't left Chang'an for the younger brother.

Except for trying several times in the East Palace, there is no chance to put it on the body and show it in front of others. "

Cheng Chubi reluctantly retracted his fingers and rubbed them. Te Niang's, he thought it was pure gold, but he felt bad.

He pinched a claw and only rubbed off some gold leaf, fearing that it would be gone as soon as the wind blows. It was really bad luck.

"Could it be that your Royal Highness is very excited today and wants to wear it to the princess?"

"..." Li Chengqian looked at Brother Chu Bi with a black line on his face. I really couldn't understand what Brother Chu Bi thought?

It’s not impossible to wear it to your own mother-in-law, but the problem is that the mother-in-law is still having a big belly. Can't do anything, okay?

"Of course not, this is my little brother, I will hang on when the city is rejuvenating the army tomorrow."


"His Royal Highness, you are going out of the city to help the army tomorrow? Why don't the officials know." Cheng Chubi couldn't help but look at Li Chengqian.

Yu Zhining on the side also did not leave. Hearing Cheng Saburo's doubts at the moment, he explained on the side.

"This is only today when Chen Guogong spoke to His Royal Highness. After His Majesty led the civil and military officials and the army of all guards to patrol east, the Beiya only left a small number of elites to station."

"His Royal Highness is the prince of the prison, and UU Reading www.uukā handles civil affairs and government affairs during imperial confinement every day. You should also consult military strategies."

"And tomorrow, Chen Guogong is going to perform the elite flying knights on the south bank of Dong'an Shui in the north of Xiyuan, so he specially invites His Royal Highness to go to Fujun to enjoy the martial arts performance by the way."

"Dong'an Shuinan Bank Yanwu, why not in Xi Neiyuan?" Cheng Chubi raised his eyebrows and couldn't help asking.

Li Chengqian couldn't help but enjoy seeing Brother Chu Bi's inquisitive appearance.

"Chen Guogong also explained to Gu, because it is a flying cavalry performing martial arts, although Xi Neiyuan has a school ground, it can't accommodate those elite flying horses running back and forth."

"Before, when the father watched flying and performing martial arts, it was also on the south bank of Dong'an Shui, where the terrain is open and gentle, which is most conducive to the cavalry."

Speaking of this, Li Chengqian raised his hand and waved, Ning Zhong and the others all retreated outside the Lizheng Hall, leaving only Cheng and Yu in the hall.

Li Chengqian lowered his voice and asked Cheng Saburo, "Brother Chubi, how are things going?"

After hearing Li Chengqian's words and this, Cheng Chubi, who always felt that something was wrong, could only press his mind and bow to Li Chengqian.

"Your Highness can rest assured, the minister has found three elite Zuo Neizhi with the same symptoms as the little prince, and they have also been persuaded by the minister. Next, it depends on what your highness means..."

Hearing this, Li Chengqian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and there were three cases before him.

As long as Brother Chu Bi can let himself see a satisfactory result, then his own doll and Yu Qing's doll can be cut forever.

"As expected, Brother Chubi, you do things, brother, what else can I worry about? Next, what should I do next, Brother Chubi, tell me."

"However, no matter how simple the operation is, I am afraid I will have to push it back. After all, my brother will be out of the city to help the army tomorrow. I don't know when I will come back."

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