The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1718: The safest place to talk in the East Palace:...

Standing in the Lizheng Hall, Cheng Chubi looked at Prince Li Chengqian, whose mouth kept opening and closing.

Thinking of Helan Chushi's abnormal behavior in the past few days, and Hou Junji actually invited His Royal Highness to perform martial arts in the East Palace tomorrow.

It's not right, it's very wrong. After all, Hou Junji is a person with a criminal record. Well, in another historical time and space, this guy conspired with the undressed and fleshy prince in front of him to kill Li Shimin.

Now, who can guarantee that Hou Junji will not conspire with others to kill the prince...

Li Chengqian saw that Brother Chubi's face suddenly became very ugly, and stood there, staring blankly at the iron armor making no sound, and couldn't help wondering.

"Brother Chubi, what's wrong with you Brother Chubi?"

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "His Royal Highness, Minister..."

Cheng Chubi turned his face and opened his mouth to speak, and suddenly discovered that he had no physical evidence, and no one. Who can guarantee that General Hou would have the intention of harming the prince?

What if you are suspicious? Can't let the prince send someone to arrest General Hou now because of his suspicion?

The most difficult part of this presumption of guilt is that there is no evidence, even if it is a lotus flower, no one will believe it.

"Brother Chubi, what's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?" Li Chengqian asked with concern looking at Brother Chubi who was entangled like constipation.

Cheng Chubi waved his hand and reluctantly smiled, his eyes rolled, and he spoke towards Li Chengqian.

"My stomach is a little uncomfortable. Your Royal Highness, the minister thinks that the operation should be done sooner rather than later. Or, would you send someone to inform General Hou that you will go another day?"

Before Li Chengqian uttered a word, Yu Zhining on the side was unhappy. He stood up and spoke in a sincere and honest voice towards Cheng Chubi.

"Vice Cheng, military affairs are not a matter of entertainment, military orders are like a mountain, how can order be changed day and night?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi became irritable for no reason, and his eyes glared.

"If something happens to your Highness, you will be responsible?!"

Upon hearing this, Yu Zhining unwillingly puffed up his eyes.

"...That is natural. As the prince Zhan Shi, Yu must naturally bear the responsibility."

"Hehe... There is an accident in the body of the daughter of the prince, can you afford it?"

Seeing that these two guys started again, well, habitually fighting each other, Li Chengqian had seen too many scenes like this.

He wiped his face helplessly, risking being a man on his left and right, and quickly stepped in between the two big men.

"Two, two, brother Chubi, Yu Qing, both stop for a while."

"Both are about the safety of loneliness, loneliness is very gratifying, but loneliness has already agreed to Chen Guogong."

"Chen Guogong is the head of the military ministers stationed in the imperial capital. Since his request has already been granted, it would be really not beautiful if he turned his ears back."


After listening to Li Chengqian's explanation, Cheng Chubi understood that after all, he and the prince were both people who knew each other.

The other party can know what he wants to do.

The more Li Chengqian explained, it meant that he had to go, otherwise, why bother to waste his words and solve it if he didn't go.

But since he was going, it was not impossible. Cheng Chubi wanted to go with him, but His Royal Highness was not happy.

"Brother Chubi, brother, I am going out of the city to train the army, and I have to leave in the morning. I have to pay it back in the afternoon at the earliest."

"So, please also Brother Chu Bi Wanwan to stay in the East Palace, in case there is any accident, if Brother Chu Bi you are not, how can I leave without worry?"

Seeing the sincere Prince in front of him, Cheng Chubi could only harden his scalp and nod his head.


The inconspicuous kung fu, the court ladies, the eunuchs, and the guards of the East Palace passing by, all looked at the two people with a dazed expression.

Cheng Saburo, who was wearing a helmet and pierced armour, was pulling the prince Zhan Shi Yu Zhi Ning swiftly forward.

"Cheng Saburo, you're dragging someone to do something, don't let go, don't let go, if you don't let go, I can call someone."

With a black line on Yu Zhining's face, he tried to get away with Cheng Saburo's hand several times, but couldn't get rid of it, so he couldn't help but anxiously.

"Hehe, it's useless for you to crack your throat, follow me obediently."

Cheng Chubi continued to stride forward without turning his head, until he came to a secluded place, and then released Yu Zhining's hand.

Yu Zhining didn't care about Cheng Saburo's bulging eyes for the first time, so he raised his arms and covered his nose with his hands.

"I said Cheng Saburo, and just talk about it. Is it guilty to come to such a place?"

Cheng Chubi took out two white masks like a trick, and put on one first. Then he handed the other one to Yu Zhining.

"This is the East Palace like a fence, only here is the safest place to talk."

"..." Yu Zhining had a black line on his face, but he couldn't refute Cheng Saburo's words. He didn't know which adjective came out of him.

Now that the full-length security knows that this word is used to describe the East Palace, His Royal Highness is a big heart, and it doesn't matter.

But as the chief steward of the East Palace, when he heard this, he blushed, um, smoked.

It is said that this adjective came from the old Cheng's house, but unfortunately, I can't grasp the evidence.


"If you have anything you want to say, just say it quickly. UU reading will have to deal with official affairs after a while, and you will have to prepare for your Royal Highness to help the army tomorrow."

Cheng Chubi wore a white mask and stood next to the pigpen with Yu Zhining. Well, pigs, sheep, and all kinds of livestock and poultry were still kept here.

Decrease bxwx.cO*汜. The purpose was to supply meat, milk and eggs and other products to His Royal Highness's family. This was exactly the proposal of Cheng Saburo.

Looking at the big fat pig groaning and sleeping lazily in the pigpen, Cheng Chubi finally made up his mind.

"There is a saying that Cheng doesn't know when to say it inappropriately."

Hearing this, Yu Zhining was happy. "Vice Cheng, if you think it's inappropriate to talk about it, then don't talk about it."

"I said I'm old, can you be more reliable, listen to Cheng first, and it's not too late for you to talk coldly."

"Since you have always been in Chang'an, do you know what is the relationship between General Chen Guogong and the King Wei? How often do you move around?"

Yu Zhining, who was still full of disgust and wished to leave directly, heard this, and couldn't help looking at Cheng Saburo with a little astonishment.

"Look at what I do, I want to ask you something."

"This...this Yu is not clear, why would you think of asking this question without Cheng Saburo?"

"In the past few days, Helan Qianniu's performance is very wrong, and I have never heard of any fussing exercises before.

Suddenly, Chen Guogong made such a decision, don't you think it is strange? "

Mi He Mi. Even if Cheng Saburo was covered by a white mask, Yu Zhining still heard Cheng Saburo's tone very solemn.


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