The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1719: Cheng Sanlang, can you be reliable?

Yu Zhining looked at Cheng Saburo and considered it for a long time.

"Cheng Saburo, you have to figure it out, that's a great court official who has made great contributions."

"If you want to be unfavorable to the prince, what good can he do? A little carelessness will be the end of the ransacking of the family."

Cheng Chubi's eyes swept the neighborhood, and only far away, there was a handyman who was taking care of the chicken coop, and he couldn't hear the answer here.

"Shi Yu Zhan, there are countless people in this world who are willing to take risks for the sake of profit."

"You said that General Hou was a great court official. That's right, the former Tuli Khan and his son He Luhu succeeded him as the king of Peking County."

"I am already a prince, but he is still trying to kill the emperor. Tell me, what is he doing?"

Hearing this, Yu Zhining smashed his mouth with a toothache. How could this kid speak so well.

"That can only be blamed on that He Luhu is stupid and ignorant, bewildered by his uncle Ashina's association rate, and confused his mind, so he made such unwise actions."

"If you dare to ask about Zhan Shi, you can be sure that Chen Guogong, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, will not be instigated by others and hide malicious intent towards His Royal Highness?"

Facing plausible words, Yu Zhining, who had said that he was speechless, was not good.

Subconsciously raised his hand and wiped the stinky sweat on his forehead, helplessly.

"...Cheng Saburo, can you be more reliable, anyway, if you think Chen Guogong is against it, or if you intend to be against His Royal Highness."

"Then please come up with evidence, as long as there is evidence, Yu will definitely be on your side."

"...If Cheng can get evidence, can he still be guilty of dragging you over to talk in private?"

"Then why are you sure? Just rely on your suspicion and random guessing? Cheng Saburo, Yu is also willing to believe you, but please show evidence."

"There is no evidence, please forgive me for being helpless."

Speaking of this, Yu Zhining shook his head and wanted to turn around. Then he felt his waist tighten, and his face suddenly turned black.

"Cheng Saburo, let go!"

Cheng Chubi was sure that Yu Zhining couldn't run away, so he let go of his hand, unwilling to speak authentically. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

"Yu Zhan, you are in a hurry, what do you mean you want to leave in a hurry before I finish talking..."

"Well, well, you said you said, Yumou listened to the head office respectfully, right?"


"If you go tomorrow, I would like to ask Yu Zhanshi to suggest that His Royal Highness bring more talents."

Even if he is unwilling to listen to Cheng Saburo's ghost talk, but this matter involves the safety of His Royal Highness, Yu Zhining naturally would rather be careful not to make a big mistake than to dare to be careless.

"It's okay. You will report to your Royal Highness soon, please bring your talents."

"Second, leave the boy Helan Chushi behind, since Cheng will stay in the East Palace tomorrow.

Just let the kid stay with Cheng, even if it's playing cards, there will be multiple companions, but you'd better inform him tomorrow. "

Yu Zhining's eyes were dark, but he rolled his eyes helplessly, and nodded **** his head.

"...Sure, tomorrow when a certain elite is assigned to accompany him, he will be left behind."

"Furthermore, since there is nothing wrong today, Cheng is also free when he is idle. After a while, I am afraid that I will have to go a step earlier, so how about you take a leave of absence with Yu Zhan in advance?"

"Now?" Yu Zhining raised his eyelids and glanced at the sky.

This special lady just finished the morning meeting, you just want to jump out, is that okay?

"What's your expression on Yu Zhan, this is for the operation, and some preliminary preparations are needed for Cheng.

There are many things in the palace, so Cheng can only buy them quietly. "

Seeing this guy in front of him was obviously talking nonsense, Yu Zhining raised his hand with a headache.

"Stop! Hurry up if you want to go, but you'd better leave quietly, don't forget, Zhang Shaozhan has been irritated by you, and I have been trying to find your fault these few days."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but sneered and sneered again and again.

"Ha! Can Cheng still be afraid of him? Don't worry, the memorial that I impeached him is already on my way to Chang'an."

Seeing Cheng Saburo this, thinking of Zhang Xuansu's depraved and violent appearance before, Yu Zhining couldn't help but swell his head, swing his hand, and love who and who.

"Yes, you love to attack each other, just go to attack each other, Yu has no time to take care of you two."

"What happened to Yu Zhan!" Seeing Yu Zhining strode away, Cheng Chubi thought about it and summoned the other party, then pointed to his iron armor and then to the other's shirt.

After all, he was an old driver who had dealt with Cheng Saburo for many years. Yu Zhining understood that Cheng Saburo was reminding himself to remember A tomorrow.

Although Yu Zhining is not very happy, but Cheng Saburo is so solemn and kind, if he refuses, uh...

"Thanks to Deputy Cheng for reminding me that this official will wear heavy armor tomorrow and go with His Royal Highness."

Cheng Chubi nodded in satisfaction, until Yu Zhining disappeared out of sight, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but sigh.

I just doubted what this special lady was, but the problem was that the abnormality of the old boy Helan Chushi really made me dare not to ignore it.

After all, His Majesty has already brought most of Chang'an's troops to and the rest of the garrison is in the hands of Na Hou Junji.

What can I do? I am empty-handed. Although the prince Zuo Nei is the deputy leader, but if there is a problem with Helan Chushi, who can guarantee that there is no problem with the other people?

I have been there for several years, and now I have just returned to the East Palace to join. These numbers have not been seen in years, and I can't see loyalty floating on my forehead. What do you do?

Cheng Chubi looked at the humming livestock and poultry, and his heart was very irritable.

After thinking about it, I finally thought of a person. When he turned around without hesitation, he went deep into the East Palace.


Wu Meiniang looked at Cheng Saburo, who was standing in front of her, although her face was smiling, but the gloom between her brows could not be concealed, and asked with concern. BXwX.C*o汜

"Brother, what happened?"

"One thing, let me put it this way, Mei Niang, what kind of person do you think Chen Guogong Hou Junji is?"

Seeing that Cheng Saburo, who was standing in front of him worried and worried, suddenly mentioned Hou Junji, an important court minister, although he didn't know what happened.

But Wu Meiniang calmed down and gave the answer after a little thought. Mi He Mi

"Chen Guogong's army has passed, and he is considered to be a leading figure among my many martial arts in the Tang Dynasty. However, Chen Guogong's character is a bit too lonely and proud, and he is proud of himself.

Since its destruction of Gaochang, the act of embezzlement due to the lure of wealth..."

Cheng Chubi stared blankly at the methodical girl Wu who commented on Hou Junji here.

If I didn't know the history of another historical time and space at any rate, I was afraid that it was only my half bucket of water, which looked like two drops of water at the bottom of the bottle in front of Girl Wu.

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