The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1720: Before Wei Wang left Beijing, did he go to the East Palace many times?

Wu Meiniang's clear eyes flickered, and she spoke confidently.

Cheng Saburo stared blankly at this girl Wu who was already a big evil omen, but she was still just Yingying holding a thin waist.

After hearing her analyze the character defects of the General Hou, she turned her bright eyes and fell on her.

"Brother Hou, what can't you do with General Hou?"

"...Mei Niang, you said everything I wanted to say."

Cheng Chubi Chong Wu Meiniang stretched out her hands, then raised her two thumbs and gestured at her.

In exchange, the girl showed a smile and a lovely white eye.

"I'm sincere, listen to me and tell you what happened to me these days, you can analyze and analyze for me..."

Cheng Chubi glanced around, then lowered her voice to Wu Meiniang's ear.

Speaking of the strangeness of the Helan Chushi in the past few days, as well as today's General Hou Da inviting His Royal Highness to go out of the city to watch the military exercise.

In addition, Cheng Chubi suspected that General Hou might be secretly hooked up with the Royal Highness Wei.

It's just that I don't have any evidence, everything is guessed, but I don't think it is very reasonable to deal with it. After all, in another historical time and space, Hou Junji united the prince to want to go to the emperor.

Now it is not impossible for Wang Wei to join the prince.

Although Wu Meiniang felt that Cheng Saburo's analysis was a bit too bizarre, her brain was a bit out of the sky.

But if you think about it carefully, there really is such a possibility.

"If your Royal Highness has an accident, the world will surely be shaken. Whether it is for comforting people's hearts or stabilizing the community, your Majesty will definitely re-appoint the prince as soon as possible."

"And this erudite, well-known and talented His Royal Highness Wang really might become the new prince."

Wu Meiniang followed Cheng Saburo's thinking to this point, and she couldn't help but feel shocked.

"His Royal Highness Wei and His Royal Highness are in the same situation, but these days, His Royal Highness Wei has frequently walked to the East Palace to show his favor to His Royal Highness."

"Could it be that he had planned this for a long time, thinking that he would avoid suspicion, and did this specially?"

"You mean Wang Wei walked to the East Palace many times before leaving Beijing?" Cheng Chubi directly puffed up his eyes.

After getting Wu Meiniang's affirmative reply, Cheng Chubi slapped her thigh with a real hammer.

With his toes, Cheng Chubi could analyze that the personality of Wang Wei, who was very ambitious and talented, was very arrogant.

Let him pull down his face and jump to the East Palace to make a smile. If there are no monster moths here, Lao Zi Cheng Chubi writes the three characters upside down.

"After listening to your third brother, Mei Niang reacted. It was only nearly half a year since King Wei went to the East Palace to walk around."

"And two months before leaving Beijing, I walked most frequently." 汜减bxW x. cO 汜

"It seems that at least 80 to 90% of this matter..." Cheng Chubi took a breath of toothache. "Unfortunately, no one believes in Cheng."

"Three brothers, I believe you." Seeing Cheng Saburo's sorrowful and lonely appearance, Wu Meiniang's heart tightened for no reason, and she said authentically without thinking.

"Since the third brother thinks there is such a possibility, no matter whether it will happen or not, we must prepare for the worst."

After hearing Wu Meiniang's words, Cheng Chubi finally felt a little relieved. After all, he was no longer alone in the fight.

"The worst plan is that Chen Guogong intends to take action against His Royal Highness outside the city tomorrow." Xiru Xiru

"In that case, what do you want to do, Third Brother? Or how do you need Mei Niang to do it?"

Cheng Chubi closed his eyebrows, his face full of embarrassment. "The biggest problem now is that Chen Guogong is the chief general in charge of Chang'an defense appointed by His Majesty."

"Chang'an's military power, I am afraid, except for the ten rates of the East Palace, it is all in its hands."

"So, I really don't know where I should start. After all, Yu Zhan from the East Palace also took my words into ears."

"As for Donggong Ten Rates, Cheng is not familiar with other people except Zuo Nei Li.

What's more, I have been away for many years. I can't guarantee who is trustworthy and who is not trustworthy. "

When Wu Meiniang thought about it for a while, her eyes lit up when she heard the third brother Jijiwaiwai and her clever woman could not cook without rice.

"If that's the case, why don't you go find your good brother, Third Brother."

"...Oh, why forgot that kid?" Cheng Chubi couldn't help but slapped his lap with a big slap.

That's right, although he is not familiar with the generals of the Chang'an Garrison, the problem is that Fang Erlang is still alone and coldly leading an elite roeman squatting outside Chang'an City.

For the elite combat effectiveness of this monk, Fang Erlang, a young professional soldier who even Li Ji nodded, led him.

Cheng Chubi felt that this soldier, even if it was again, would definitely not be inferior to the elites of Datang.

"Thank you Mei Niang for the suggestion. I will go out of the palace now to deal with Brother Jun."

"Well, third brother, go quickly, besides, what do you need Mei Niang to do tomorrow?"

"His Royal Highness is worried about the prince's body, so he wants me to stay in the East Palace, so today, no matter what, I must first prepare Brother Jun and his soldiers."

"If you have Lao Meiniang, take care of the princess, don't let her be frightened, because she has a fetal gas."

Wu Meiniang couldn't help feeling a little uneasy watching Cheng Saburo walk away quickly.

Although intellectually speaking, Cheng Saburo's reaction to UU Reading was a bit overdone. But the problem is that Wu Meiniang thought of Brother Chu Bi again and again to destroy those assassination plots against His Majesty and the assassination of His Royal Highness Wu.

Maybe it was because of his keen reaction that he benefited from this, if Hou Junji, who was in charge of Chang'an soldiers and horses, was really going to be against the prince.

If there is no precaution, the prince will definitely die, and he will die to the point where he can no longer die.

Wu Meiniang couldn't help taking a breath. Could it be that Hou Junji would really be angry with the prince because of his grievance with his majesty?

After Wu Meiniang racked his brains to think about the cause, Cheng Chubi had already jumped out of the East Palace and went straight to Fang Erlang's residence.

At this moment, Fang Jun was stern, carrying his hands on his back, and patrolling the big camp. Well, it should be said that he has become more and more general.

At this moment, a great soldier has used breakfast after morning exercises, and now he is studying cultural classes.

Of course, it is impossible to teach a bunch of masters of Zihu the Four Books and Five Classics, and they don't need poetry and heirlooms.

Teaching them is mainly literacy, and then learning arithmetic, or finding a few craftsmen to teach them the craft.

This is naturally because after they retired from the army and returned to their hometowns, they had at least learned a few skills.

If you want to do business, you have to know how to calculate and keep accounts. If you want to be a craftsman, you can also do it with a good hand.

After Fang Jun strolled around, he walked towards the Daying Camp gate without any problems, to see if the soldiers guarding the camp gate were lazy.

Just at this moment, suddenly heard a yelling from the camp gate, Fang Jun craned his neck and glanced, alas, it was Brother Chu Bi who was wearing a helmet and his armor came over. Mi He Mi

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