The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1721: That being the case, your Highness, you also hang up this stuff...

The arrival of Cheng Chubi caused a commotion in the entire camp of Liaoren, after all, compared to Fang Jun, they were their chief.

But to them, Cheng Chubi was like a demon, the kind that can bless the whole family by hanging on the wall.

Fang Jun didn't mind seeing the soldiers and generals in the camps rushing over to salute Cheng Saburo.

After a lot of greetings, the soldiers returned to their respective camps honestly and continued to take cultural classes.

Leading Cheng Saburo to his military account, Fang Jun couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Brother Chubi, how come you have free time to take a stroll here? Isn't it boring?"

"There's something, something big." Cheng Chubi slapped Fang Jun's generous shoulder with a big slap, and didn't say any more.

Fang Jun heard something from Brother Chu Bi's tone, and he hurried forward in his heart.

After entering the big tent, Fang Jun asked Fang Cheng to guard outside the tent, and then asked in a low voice.

Cheng Chubi didn't conceal it. After all, he was an old brother who had lived and died together for many years. He straightforwardly explained the problems he had discovered in the past few days and inferred them.

"..." Fang Jun stared blankly at Brother Chu Bi, who was flying across the sky. For a long time, he raised his hand with a headache.

"Brother Chubi, you don't need to say any more. You have analyzed too much. The more I listen to my brother, the more confused I am. In one sentence, what do you want my brother to do?"

"..." Cheng Chubi prepared a lot of well-founded analysis and inferences, and only just said that Zhuxiang Kungfu was not possible, so Fang Jun came straight into it.

"Alright, you need to do something tomorrow, take your soldiers and horses to the east gate of Naxi Neiyuan in the name of training soldiers..."

"Walk around there. If you receive a signal, you will immediately lead the brothers to rescue your Highness. Of course, if you don't receive the signal.

There is no sound of fighting, you just go to the night and return to the camp. "

"Signal, what kind of signal?"

"This thing...and this thing, whether it's this or this, as long as you hear it, it means that the prince is in danger."

Cheng Chubi opened his bow left and right, holding a powerful version of firecrackers in one hand, and a bamboo whistle used by the Husbandry army in combat command in the other.

Looking at these two things, Fang Jun couldn't help but feel amused. He stretched out his hand and picked up the powerful version of the firecracker to look at it, wondering.

"Why is it square? Isn't it possible, Brother Chubi, you..."

"Shhh... keep it quiet."

"..." Fang Jun looked at Brother Chu Bi who was sneaking in the square bamboo firecracker with a convincing expression on his face.

It seems that Brother Chu Bi will have to live his life with Fang Zhu, who his Majesty likes.


Since General Hou was teaming up with His Royal Highness King Wei, this guy was definitely not a rebellion, but an assassination.

Since it was an assassination, Cheng Chubi was not as worried as before. If General Hou wanted not to be exposed, he could only send a small number of elite death-killing raids.

With Fang Jun's thousand elites outside the east gate, how could the elites around the Prince's Prince be able to hold them for a while, until Fang Jun led the army to help.

It's a pity that all of my good brothers have already rushed to Luoyang Cengfan to eat.

The only thing left was Yuchi Baoqing, this guy was his immediate boss, and it was of course impossible for Cheng Chubi to let go of the opportunity to collude with him.

Regardless of whether he is on duty tomorrow, he must be allowed to enter the palace, and he cannot leave, but with the second child of the Yuchi family, the safety of His Royal Highness will be more guaranteed.

In the early morning, Cheng Chubi set out again with his helmet and armor, but today, he specially brought a few more good treasures made by the Chinese Fang bamboo in His Majesty's Palace on his waist.

However, people who have never used this stuff are prone to problems. Therefore, Cheng Chubi is not prepared to give more, only two, and one for each person.

"Daddy Ning, do what you do in a daze, take know how to use this thing, right?"

Cheng Chubi unwillingly took the head of the firecrackers and pushed Ding Ning's belly.

"Cheng Saburo, what do you do for our family with this ghost?" Ning Zhong looked at the firecracker with a black line.

As the confidant of His Royal Highness, Ning Zhong naturally knew the power of this gadget, and if it exploded, it was a gadget that no one could survive. How could this stuff be used to pester his own belly?

Seeing that Ning Zhong didn't respond, Cheng Chubi slammed his voice again.

"Today, His Royal Highness will not only go out of the palace, but also leave Chang'an City. If he is outside the city, what will happen to him?

Remember to light this thing, and throw it at no one's place as soon as it is lit, let alone throw it at the Prince's side. Do you understand it? "

"And this. This is a bamboo whistle. You can blow it when you hold it in your mouth. Come on, I'll hang it on your neck."

Crown Prince Li Chengqian, dressed in a coquettish and blind gold helmet and golden armor, watched with a dull look at Brother Chu Bi there with eyeballs threatening...

Uh, it should be the **** who told his confidant, feeling that he had been completely ignored by Brother Chu Bi, and couldn't help but spit out his sense of existence weakly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"...Brother Chubi, is this necessary?"

Ning Zhong looked at a rough hemp rope with a black line on his face, looping around his neck, and then tied to the hemp rope loop, something called a bamboo whistle by Cheng Saburo.

Holding the square bamboo firecracker in one hand and a bamboo whistle hanging around his neck, Ning Zhong felt that his current image must be very poor.


Cheng Chubi turned his head and solemnly said to the prince Li Chengqian.

"His Royal Highness, the ministers cannot be accompanied by His Royal Highness, they are very worried about His Highness's safety."

"As the saying goes, you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, so please accept the minister's painstaking efforts."

If it were other people, Li Chengqian would be really unhappy, but it happened to be the work of Brother Chubi, his life, and everything he has today is the work of Brother Chubi.

Seeing him like this, Li Chengqian couldn't make any complaints in his heart, so he quickly stepped forward and helped Chu Bi brother.

"Brother Chubi doesn't have to be like this. Since you think it's necessary, then listen to you."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi took out another bamboo whistle like a trick, and handed it to Li Chengqian seriously.

"In that case, your Highness, please hang up this thing too, and one more person will blow it, and it will be more safe."

"..." Li Chengqian glanced at the dumbfounded Ning Zhong with a smile, and shook his head helplessly, and hung a bamboo whistle around his neck.

Ning Zhong stared blankly at the bamboo whistle that Li Chengqian hung around his neck, using a bright red silk ribbon.

Touching the hemp rope on his neck that seemed to be of inferior quality, Ning Zhong felt that he had to fight.

"General Cheng, why did you tie the bamboo whistle to our family with hemp rope?"

"Why, do you still want to bring the same style with His Royal Highness?"


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