The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1722: Want to take the life of the prince, unless a certain family dies

Ning Zhong has a black line on his face. The style is the same as that of His Royal Highness. Is this what we want to talk about?


   You are a special mother to get a silky silk ribbon for your Royal Highness, and a twine for our family, what do you mean?


   Isn't it that you found out a secret complaint two days ago, can you make this revenge so timely?


   Well, just two days ago, Cheng Saburo, who had nothing to do with him, exchanged feelings with a group of brothers. Since it is an exchange, of course they have to engage in some activities or something.


  , that is, secretly roasting two rabbits at the restaurant and chef, but Ning Zhong from the special mother saw it.


   This Ning Zhong jokingly joked with his Royal Highness Cheng Saburo while on duty, he brought a vote of brothers to bake rabbits to eat.


   Unexpectedly, just when a passing Zuo Neishi heard it, Cheng Chubi couldn't help feeling very evil in his heart, and immediately jumped over.


   Of course, it was not a conflict, but a serious expression on his face and told His Royal Highness that he needed to communicate more with the brothers who had been separated for many years, to get closer, and to have a relationship.


   Otherwise, how could those people expose their privacy, and the minister would do so unselfishly.


   Li Chengqian was deeply moved when he heard that, and especially allowed this deputy Cheng to act cheaply.


   Well, then the inferior hemp rope that grinds his neck was tied around Ning's neck.


   Cheng Chubi's big slap fell on Father Ning Zhong's shoulder, and said with a distressed expression on his face.


   "It's alright, it's not like letting you wear it for three or five years. For the sake of your Royal Highness, you are not willing to suffer even this little bit of suffering?"


   Li Chengqian almost tilted the corners of his mouth, and quickly turned around in time to look hideously on the waiting bronze mirror for a while.


   Who loves who and who, this prince will not care about these trivial things, anyway, he can steal some fun.


   was taking a self-portrait in the mirror under His Royal Highness, and Cheng Chubi and Na Ning Zhong were chatty and crooked.


   I heard the sound of iron armor suddenly, and the crown prince turned his head, alas, he screamed out loud.


   "Yu Qing, you are..."


   Cheng Chubi also twisted his head subconsciously, and almost uttered aloud, um, Yu Zhining walked into the hall with a dark face wearing a light armor.


   "Please refer to His Royal Highness. Today, His Royal Highness fuses the army to perform martial arts. His Royal Highness is dressed in military uniform, and the ministers naturally follow."


   Hearing this, the prince Li Chengqian couldn't help feeling happy, and stepped forward to hold Yu Zhining in his arms, feeling very relieved in his heart.


   "Yu Qing deserves to be a lonely minister, it's hard for you to think so well."


   Yu Zhining saw the prince's expression, and smashed his mouth, so he was praised by his highness in armor, and he had to accept Cheng Saburo's favor.




   Then he turned his head and saw Cheng Saburo walking towards him with a smile, and when he reached him, he drew his bow left and right.


   is a twine with a green ribbon in one hand, and a solid firecracker in the other.


   Seeing these two things, especially the powerful firecrackers, Yu Zhining's eyes popped up instantly.


   "Cheng Saburo, what do you want to do?!"


   Seeing Yu Zhining's reaction so great, Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes helplessly, and pulled the goods aside.


   "Come on, Yu Zhan, let's have a good chat here..."


   Li Chengqian saw Yu Zhining standing there with a dark complexion and rolling his eyes frequently, while Brother Chu Bi, spitting, Xingzi flew across and took the firecrackers frequently toward Yu Zhining's abdomen and made gestures there.


   couldn't help feeling warm, and he was just going out of the East Palace and strolling outside.


   Unexpectedly, he didn't let Brother Chu Bi go with him. He was so nervous for his own safety, which really made people feel warm.

   Standing together, Ning Zhong, who was full of complaints but wanted to quietly blow a few words in his ears, saw the expression of His Royal Highness.


   Helplessly, he looked at the ceiling with a desperate face, Te Niang's, it seems that it is impossible for him to secretly entertain gluttonous words.


   In the end, Yu Zhining, who couldn't stop the process of Saburo, saw His Royal Highness standing not far away, smiling and licking a fart.


   had no choice but to surrender, and hung the green ribbon around his neck with a sad expression, and then carefully inserted the firecracker on his waist.


   Only then came to Li Chengqian in disgrace. "His Royal Highness, the mount is ready, shall we set off now?"


   "No, no, no rush, we have to wait for someone."


   "Who are you waiting for?" Li Chengqian and others looked at Cheng Saburo with a bit of amazement.


   Cheng Saburo hasn't answered yet, everyone heard the sound of Jia Ye slamming.


   Then, I saw Yuchi Baoqing, who was supposed to be on vacation in the mansion today, the prince Zuo Nei led a big step into the hall and paid a salute to the prince.


   "The minister sees His Royal Highness, and it is heard that His Royal Highness is out of the palace to reassure the army today, and the minister will come to **** him."


   "..." Li Chengqian looked at Cheng Saburo, dumbfounded.


   Yu Zhining and Ning Zhong also looked at Cheng Saburo with black lines on their faces.


   Seeing Cheng Saburo step forward, he slapped the broad shoulders of the No. 1 strongman in the East Palace.


   "Brother Baoqing, the safety of your Highness is all tied to you."


   I saw that this burly man who looked almost exactly the same as Uncle Yuchi raised his mouth confidently.


   A big slap on the iron armor on the chest, slammed loudly, and slammed into the air.


   "Don't worry, you want to take the life of His Royal Highness, unless a certain family dies."


   "..." Everyone in the Lizheng Hall wiped their faces, Te Niang, this guy doesn't know how to say auspicious words.


   But everyone knows that the members of the Yuchi family are stubborn, quick-witted, and can't speak well, but they are solid, well, they are just like the old Cheng family.




  Wei Chi Baoqing is not willing to tie the bamboo whistle to and even dislikes the firecracker, after all, he trusts the horse in his hand more.


   Cheng Chubi was very helpless, but it was him, after all, because of Yuchi Baoqing's loud voice, he was afraid that he would roar no worse than firecrackers.


   racked his brains, and the heartbroken Cheng Saburo finally felt that as long as Hou Junji was not rebelling.


   Then, even if his Royal Highness is traveling today, even if he is attacked, the probability of surviving is at least 90%.


   The remaining fractional odds, including a series of natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, meteorites, and lightning strikes, are beyond the scope of Cheng Saburo's solution.


   There is really going to be a tsunami going straight to Guanzhong to kill Li Chengqian. Cheng Chubi felt that it was no longer Li Chengqian. Prince Li Tang would be extinct, and most mammals would not survive next year.


   A group of shining silver loyal men, surrounded by the shining golden Li Chengqian, finally left the main hall of Li.


   Well, even if it was the **** Ning Zhong, Cheng Saburo also reminded him that although this guy often sues himself, he is not guilty of death.


   This father-in-law Ning Zhong naturally can't wear iron armor like a normal person, but instead wears a pair of iron breastplate and iron bracers, and wears a leather crown.


   This set is naturally the outfit he used to go out in the field when he accompanied the prince on his northern tour, but he didn't expect it to come in handy today.


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