The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1723: Waiting here for His Royal Highness, for His Royal Highness...

Chen Guogong and Hou Junji are now walking side by side with Ma Zhou, the assistant civil minister, talking in a low voice.


   Originally, Ma Zhou wanted to come with His Royal Highness, but Chen Guogong and Hou Junji happened to have important affairs for the government and needed to discuss with him.


   Ma Zhou couldn't stop this one, so he could only ride the horse side by side with him, even talking about it.


   Riding horses unhurriedly, the people had already moved away before that area, but because the project stopped, they didn't move anymore.


   As a result, the houses in this area are beginning to show signs of decay, and some have even begun to collapse.


   Seeing this scene, Ma Zhou couldn't help but vomit.


   "It seems that Ma should ask your majesty to move back to the people, otherwise, it is a pity that the fields and houses here are so deserted and abandoned."


   "Yes, it looks really heartbreaking..." Hou Junji attached a sentence together, sweeping the area like a eagle.


   Seeing Ma Zhou walking forward, Hou Junji was not in a hurry.


   Today, he insisted on pulling Ma Zhou with him, naturally to prove that he was not there.


   Ma Zhou is the most trusted minister of his Majesty. With him testifying for himself, if he thinks about it, his Majesty will definitely not be able to doubt himself.


   At this moment, the flying cavalry army general who came to accompany him did not continue straight along the main road, but took a fork in the northeast direction.


   "General Ning, what do you mean? Why don't you go straight to the main road, but go this way?"


  "Chen Gong, please listen to the final explanation. There is a towering ancient tree that was stolen and fell across the road. Because it is too huge to be cleared."


   "I only need to go northward for a few miles toward the fork and reach the Taiye Pond and then turn to the west, which is a few more miles than the main road."


   Ma Zhou heard this, but hadn't spoken yet, Hou Junji already snorted, and immediately rode the horse forward.


   After Ma Zhou was also stunned, he could only follow the footsteps of General Hou.


   Sure enough, not far ahead, I saw a towering tree already crossing the road, blocking the road.


   Without waiting for Ma Zhou to speak, Hou Junji stared at General Ning with majestic eyes. "What's the matter, why is there someone hacking here?"


  General Ning reluctantly bowed to Hou Junji.


   "Duke Chen, this area is so unguarded by sergeants, and there is no one left, but the ancient trees here are huge, so illegal logging often occurs."


   "This..." Hou Junji stroked his long beard with pain on his face, and cast his eyes on Ma Zhou.


   "Shilang Ma, look, or else, Hou Mou ordered the generals to cut trees and make a way first, and you should report to His Royal Highness..."


   Ma Zhou thought for a moment, waved his hand and said. "The prince's training of the army is a major event in the military, and it is not easy to change the date.


   Since it's enough to detour for a few miles, then it's a detour. "


   "In that case, well, General Ning, since you have just come by this way, you have to leave two people here, and wait for your Royal Highness here, and lead the way for His Royal Highness and his party."


   "Promise!" General Ning did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly promised loudly.


   Hou Junji stroked his long beard, and along with Ma Zhou, turned to the side road with General Ning and headed northeast.


   Because it is a fork road, it is naturally not as wide as the main road, but at any rate, carriages and horses can also travel, and the road conditions are not bad.


   It's just that the trees on both sides of the road are more lush, and there are also abandoned houses. On the surface, they don't seem to be unusual.

   But Hou Junji knew best in his heart that the elite dead men he set up were hidden in this area right now.


   Only waiting for the Prince's Palace to appear, those brave and elite who followed their own struggles and killed countless people.


   will let the prince Li Chengqian, simply die here neatly, and then, the cutlass and bows of those Turkic people that were thrown away.


   will prove that these are those Turkic desperadoes who came to retaliate because of the death of Ashina’s association rate, and the Turk Khan son Heluhu was exiled.


   And among his elite dead men, there are really a lot of Turkic people who are quietly recruited. As long as the money is sufficient, the life can be avoided.


   The gray figure standing on the towering ancient trees beside the road is still watching everything silently, and this person is the confidant of General Hou Tao, Hou Tao.


   Until General Hou waited a long way away, Hou Tao made a cry like a bird's song from his mouth.


   A few more gray shadows appeared in the rear tens of feet away, and then every two feet, a very thick rope was pulled up, and then covered with soil and weeds.


   About ten feet in front, just at another corner, a dozen people were carrying a row of heavy rebel horses.


   The refusal of horses in the front can block the possibility of the prince and the others going forward, and the slings behind them.


   There are also shooters hidden behind, who can intercept and kill those who intend to escape to the greatest extent.


   forced this cavalry team to walk through the towering ancient trees. Once the speed can't get up quickly, it can only be slaughtered by elite dead men who have been prepared.


   This place, after the group of General Hou and Ma Zhou disappeared, and after the people in grey clothes were busy, the tranquility was once again restored.




   At this moment, as Qianniu's bodyguard, Helan Chushizheng, who belonged to the personal elite of His Royal Highness, and Yiganze Ze are standing at Xuandemen with their mounts.


   Everyone is bragging and talking about the flying cavalry exercise to be enjoyed today.


   Feiqi, that is the elite of the Tang Dynasty elite, UU Reading is the birth team of your Majesty's selection of Baiqi.


   At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, some of the soldiers who followed Li Yuan's army to Taiyuan set up the North Gate (Xuanwumen) camp, and the army was led by the "Yuan Cong Forbidden Army".


   And when today's son was in Zhenguan in the twelfth year, the left and right camps were divided into two camps.


   In addition, in Feiqi, there are hundreds of people who are good at riding and shooting. They will ride on the north gate twice, shoot and hunt in five-color clothes, and ride on six free horses to follow.


   According to Cheng Saburo's understanding, Feiqi is an elite cavalry division of Datang, and that Baiqi is a special cavalry force.


   Well, they are all awesome, they are very awesome in riding and shooting, and every one of them has the skill of attacking that is not inferior to ordinary generals.


   Although their origins are not like those of Donggong Zhusui who are mostly honorable children, it is precisely because of their relatively cold origin that everyone exercises martial arts with extra strength.


   I just hope that one day, I can also use military service to seal my wife and son.


   And they, the elites of the East Palace, can appreciate the heroic posture of the flying horse, and they have an eye addiction.


   After all, the prince would not be on the battlefield, and the ten-rate elite princes who were born as honorable children could only squat in the East Palace and fish for the elderly.


   Just like what the deputy Cheng said, when working in the East Palace, you must have a calm mind.


   Eat when you have something to eat, drink when you have a drink, play when you have a card, and do something when you have something.

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