The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1724: Shao Zhan wanted to take advantage of the Crown Prince not to fish and steal...

Of course, everyone just laughed at what Cheng Fulu said, who is like daring to be like this, not just talking about it, but really doing it.


   And Helan Chushi was also bragging and beating with Yiganpaoze brothers as usual, and he heard the sound of footsteps not far away.


   looked back and couldn't help but was taken aback. He saw the Prince of the Golden Helmet and Golden Armor taking the lead.


   At the side of the prince, even the prince Zhan Shi Yu Zhining was a little awkwardly wearing a bright armor.


   After seeing this gentleman put on this thing, he seemed to be a little uncomfortable when he walked, and was filled with the secret joy of Donggong elite winking eyebrows.


   However, the most unexpected thing by Helan Chushi was Yuchi Baoqing, the No. 1 military general of the East Palace who was supposed to rest today.


   unexpectedly lifted up, looking at this fat, strong, and energetic Yuchi cock, Helan Chushi couldn't help his eyes become black and painful.




   I didn't expect that Yuchi Baoqing would appear today, but what if he is the prince who drives him?


   If his father, Wei Chigong, who is a powerful and powerful general in the world, was here, Helan Chushi might be embarrassed.


   However, Yuchi Baoqing is only good enough to dominate in the East Palace, and it can also fly when he meets a fat and strong elder.


   After all, except for Yuchi Baoqing, when he first joined the officialdom, he had gone to the battlefield to kill the enemy a few times.


   These years, I have been quietly staying in the East Palace, not on the battlefield, and set up a majestic power, naturally not scaring people.


   Just when Helan Chushi was silently doing psychological construction, he suddenly heard a greeting.


   Then I felt someone pushing his elbow against him. "Helan Qianniu, dazed to do something, Yu Zhan is calling you."


   "Ah... oh oh..." Helan Chushi gave the horse rein in his hand to Paoze with a look of confusion, walked out of the line, and paid respect to Yu Zhining, who was standing in front of him.


   "I will see Yu Zhan at the end, I don't know what Zhan has shown?"


   Yu Zhining first glanced at Cheng Saburo, who was frequently squeezing his eyes not far away, and said helplessly towards Helan Chushi Wen.


   "Today the East Palace is full of talents, and the Prince is accompanied by His Royal Highness, but the defense in the East Palace should not be neglected."


   "After all, Deputy Li Cheng has been away from the East Palace for a long time, so you will stay in Helan Qianniu to assist Deputy Li Cheng."


   "???" Helan Chushi raised his head with a look of error and looked at Yu Zhining, who was wearing a helmet and piercing in front of him.


What's happening here? Helan Chushi turned his head subconsciously and saw Cheng Saburo looking over here. After seeing his own gaze, he showed a silly smile and waved his arm at him, day!


   Helan Chushi barely responded with a smile, and then looked at Yu Zhining eagerly.


   It's a pity that Yu Zhining stretched out his hand, patted Helan Chushi's shoulder kindly, and then patted his **** and drove away.


   "Well, your Royal Highness has already got on the horse, and the officer has to go. That's all for this matter. Thanks for your hard work, Helan Qianniu..."


   To tell the truth, Yu Zhining felt that Helan Chushi's appearance was really innocent.


   After all, that boy Cheng Saburo might be because His Royal Highness King Wu was assassinated by his side, which led to the bite of a snake for a while, and he was afraid of well ropes for ten years.


   Therefore, this kid is so nervous now that he is suspicious, but his Royal Highness is very considerate of Cheng Saburo.


   actually followed his meaning in everything, which made Yu Zhining a little jealous. His Royal Highness was also a little better at that kid.

   Yu Zhining, who was full of thoughts in his mind, dropped the bewildered Helan Chushi, strode to his horse, turned over and jumped onto the horse's back.


   At this moment, a Qianniu from the Eastern Palace is riding a horse in the forefront, and His Royal Highness is surrounded by a team of elites in the middle.


   Yuchi Baoqing, who is carrying the long 槊 and Gu Panshengwei, is shoulder to shoulder with His Royal Highness, and Yu Zhining is riding the horse on the other side of His Royal Highness.


   As for the father-in-law Ning Zhongning, he could only follow these three **** with a black face and eat ashes.


   There are more than 30 riders, plus 50 elite steppers, more than 20 walking eunuchs, and dozens of bullock carts and cart drivers loaded with supplies for the military.


   After all, this is going to fend off the army and appreciate the military exercises. Naturally, there will be no court ladies accompanying.


  As the team got ready, Zhang Xuansu, the prince Shao Zhan, stood by the side and shouted respectfully to the prince Li Chengqian.


   "Gracefully send your Royal Highness the Prince."


   The ministers and workers who came to see off were all respectfully saluting.


   "Everyone, please stay flat, let's go." Li Chengqian shouted loudly, his eyes swept away. After seeing the salute, his expression still looked a little worried and looked at Brother Chu Bi.


   can't help but feel warm. After thinking about it, he picked up the bamboo whistle hanging from his chest, raised his brother Chong Chubi, and then rode away.


   Watching this team drift away, Cheng Chubi can only hope that all the preparations he made before will take effect.


   At this moment, when all the people were dispersed, Cheng Chubi saw that Helan Chushi also partnered with a few elite left-handed men, bragging and farting while drifting away.


   After thinking for a while, I followed in a stride.


   At the moment when Helan Chushi was bragging with others, he suddenly felt his shoulders sink, and when he turned his head, he saw Cheng Saburo's smiling face.


   "Come and come, brothers, your Royal Highness is out of the palace, and our brothers have nothing to do for the time being, and we are idle when we are idle. Find a place to play a few."


   "..." The eyes of these elite left inner raters suddenly brightened. This is okay. Helan Chushi's face changed slightly, you are so special. UU reading




   At this moment, an angry and grumpy roar suddenly rang from a short distance behind him.


   "Cheng! Office! Bi! And you guys in the left inside rate actually..."


   Cheng Chubi turned his head and saw the Donggong Young Master Zhang Xuansu just a few steps behind him. At this moment, his face was stern and he pointed straight forward.


   The elites of the prince Zuo Neishi couldn't help but become disgusted. Too bad, they would be caught by Zhang Shaozhan, who is on the opposite side of his own boss Cheng Saburo.


   Cheng Chubi also has a black line on his face, **** it! Unexpectedly, this old man would be behind him, making a mistake.


  How can Saburo easily follow him if he doesn’t process it.


   Cheng Chubi straightened his face and pointed straight at the opponent like a sword.


   "What do you mean by Zhang Shaozhan? Cheng is here to see if these subordinates are deliberately trying to fish when they are on duty."


   "Unexpectedly, my subordinates are steadfast-willed, conscientious and courageous people, and they have no response.


   On the contrary, Zhang Shaozhan is so excited about things, why does he even have his eyes shining brightly? Is it possible that Zhang Shaozhan wanted to take advantage of His Royal Highness not to catch fish and play bamboo cards? "




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