The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1726: Xiaodong’s family is 2 quarters away from home, please Master Jiang...

Fang Jun is having a headache standing in this huge wilderness, where the forest is huge and there are towering ancient trees everywhere.

And there are some barren fields and houses.

With no more than a thousand people under his hand, it would be impossible to spread such a large area of ​​the countryside, but he was not too happy to wait so stupidly and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

A group of generals had no objection to Fang Jun getting them here for field training.

But the problem is, after General Fang slipped himself and others here, he actually let everyone stand by. What the **** did this mean?

In the end, Guoyi Du Weilu, who had been promoted to Fang Jun's deputy, got to Fang Jun's side.

"General, what kind of statute is it? How should the brethren train today? Please tell the generals clearly."

"Otherwise, the brothers are afraid that waiting so stupidly is not a way."

Seeing that the gang had stood in place and had already stood Zhuxiang Kungfu, although the team was still very neat, the pair of suspicious eyes were all aimed at him.

This made Fang Jun feel overwhelmed. After thinking about it, Fang Jun felt that he had no choice but to pull brother Chu Bi over.

After all, only Brother Chu Bi can afford this heavy black pot.

Fang Jun summoned a cadre and general, and his gaze swept over the chief general in the former states.

Now he has become a captain and commander in this left guard who knows orders and prohibits, and has a long history of battle.


At this point, Fang Jun felt that it was time for them to understand the purpose of today's training, and then he cleared his throat and said solemnly.

"You must have seen this general's brother Cheng Saburo yesterday, right?"

Upon hearing this, Luneng, Mokun, Mengding, Zhelong, Basong, Yalong, and other elite men, their heads tapped quickly.

"It was Cheng Saburo who let Fang lead the army here today, and he asked Ben to lead the army here."

"He told the general that there may be changes in this area today..."

Hearing Fang Jun's stern face squeaky and crooked here, and hearing the name of Cheng Saburo, the generals suddenly felt terrified.

All were solemnly listening to Fang Jun's explanation, although Cheng Saburo's arrangement sounded a little weird or even outrageous.

However, for a team of soldiers, Cheng Saburo, who exists like a ghost in the eyes of a man, can do anything outrageous.

Therefore, this kind of thing is just a bit outrageous, it is really normal operation.

"Since it is Cheng Saburo's policy, then I should follow the general's instructions and dare not violate it."

Luneng spoke first on behalf of a group of generals, and the other generals also joined in one after another.

When Fang Jun felt loose in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a little painful, and he also presided over the military affairs of this veteran for several years.

However, the status in the minds of this group of Zili people is still completely incomparable with Brother Chu Bi.

But Fang Jun changed his mind, what is the status of Brother Chu Bi in the minds of the Han people in the south-central Jiannan Road?

Well, sticking on the door can prevent evil, hanging a granary can prevent rodents, and burning incense inside the cave can protect you from being small enough to avoid being stolen, and big enough to bless you to marry a wife and give birth to a baby.

Especially nowadays, in the camp of the soldiers, you can still see the image of Cheng Saburo with three heads and six arms hanging like a ghost.

Although this group of guys saw the true face of Cheng Saburo, but the group of superstitious soldiers and soldiers were very sure.

With three heads and six arms, wings grow under the ribs, the eyes can generate electricity, and the appearance of thunder is the real face of Cheng Saburo.

Thinking about this, Fang Jun couldn't help but wiped his face fiercely, leaving it alone, it was also a blessing to be able to not stand shoulder to shoulder with Chu Bi.

At any rate, I was in the eyes of Liren, but he was just a mortal general.

"If this is the case, then listen to this general's order, the whole army is divided into ten brigades, Lu Neng, you lead one brigade, go north for two hundred and fifty steps, and then slowly search and move westward.

Mokun, you take a trip and head south two hundred and fifty steps..."

As Fang Jun issued military orders one by one, a group of generals took their orders, leading a team of elite soldiers, and began to march in the designated direction.

Fang Jun is also very helpless, but at this moment, he can only use such a stupid method to cast the net widely to see if he can find the clues of the attacker in advance.

With the thousands of elite soldiers and horses divided into ten teams, they began to slowly march from east to west.

Just a few miles in front of them, in a hidden place, there were elite iron-clad dead men wearing helmets and armours, carrying heavy weapons like Mo swords or hammers in their hands.

There are fewer than ten elite iron-clad dead men wearing helmets and armour. Their task is to kill those knights who are riding horses and intending to leave here.

Or it is responsible for dealing with the elite of the Forbidden Army, so that the brothers can shoot their opponents in the rear.

The rest were mostly hands with round swords and shields in leather armor, and some even wore leather armor and round helmets that Turkic people used to wear.

They were all hidden in abandoned houses not far from both sides of the fork, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

In addition, there are dozens of elite shooters who are unarmored, covered in weeds, or hidden in bushes.

He was carrying a hard bow and carrying a full quiver on his back, but there was no such thing as a mid-to-long range killer like a crossbow.

After all, Datang has extremely strict controls on crossbow gear and iron armor. Even if the crossbow gear is to be scrapped, the records must be returned to prevent the possibility of outflow.


In the East Palace, outside the side door of the Dian Shan Kitchen, Jiang Yaqing was sitting in a light carriage at the moment.

He was also extremely rare to put on a strong suit, sitting cross-legged, on his legs, horizontally placed the treasured sword given to him by His Highness King Wei before leaving Chang'an.

Suddenly heard a rush of footsteps, Jiang Yaqing shouted without thinking.

"what happened?"

"Master, someone is coming from over there..."

The response from outside the car made Jiang Yaqing restrain her inner throbbing and took a deep breath and opened the curtain.

I saw a confidant who had been assigned by Hou Junji to pass the message to him, rushing to the front, a few steps away, he was stopped by his own guard.

Jiang Yaqing waved his hand towards the guard, and ordered in a deep voice.

"Let him come, is there anything at home?"

"Go back to Mr. Jiang, Mr. Chen will let the villain know you, the little boss has been away from home for two quarters of an hour. Please Mr. Jiang to go home quickly."

"Okay, don't leave either, stay." Jiang Yaqing nodded, his eyes rolled, and said towards the confidant of Hou Junji.

After a little stunned, the other party nodded and actively stood aside and waited.

"The time is just right, let them come..." Jiang Yaqing looked at one of the people quietly beside the carriage, and ordered in a deep voice.

Not long after, the general who was guarding the side door of the East Palace Restaurant and Kitchen saw a handyman who often came in and out of this door quickly came...

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