The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1727: The shadow of the sword and the arrow outside the side door of the East Palace Restau

The handyman drew closer, bowed to the Lang Jiang who was guarding the side door, and smiled.

"General Zhang, the 50 piglets, 30 lambs, and 200 chickens that Grandpa Wu asked the villain’s owner to prepare the day before yesterday are all ready.

I also asked General Zhang to make it easy for the villain to inform Wu Gonggong. "

"Well, come here, open the door, let this person in..." Zhang Langjiang nodded. Duke Wu had already greeted him before, so it wouldn't be difficult for him to be a handyman.

With little effort, the handyman came to the Dianshan Kitchen, and here, Gonggong Wu, who was in charge of the Dianshan Kitchen, was staying in a room with six young eunuchs at the moment.

Although these young eunuchs are also pale and needless, if you look closely, you can see that their faces are green and they have clearly shaved their beards carefully.

At this moment, I was wiping the many long, cold sharp blades of the ruler.

Duke Wu walked around repeatedly with a rather anxious expression. With little effort, he heard movement outside the house and raised his hand.

The six young eunuchs silently hid their sharp blades back in their sleeves, and squatted gently under the walls on both sides of the door.

Duke Wu took a deep breath, opened the door of the house, and saw the confidant **** standing in front of him, deliberately speaking loudly.

"Duke Wu, the piglets and lambs ordered yesterday are coming. Do you think they can send them directly?"

"This is the East Palace, how can anyone come in and out at will, you guys, go and see with our family..."

Not long afterwards, a group of eunuchs with bowed heads and pleasing eyebrows pushed the carts specially used for loading livestock, and followed Wu Gonggong toward the side door.

The little effort arrived at the side door, and Duke Wu greeted the Zhang Lang general with a smile.

"Also ask Zhang Langjiang and the brothers to work hard to open all the doors, otherwise these livestock vehicles will not be able to get in and out."

"Okay, then you better hurry up." Zhang Langjiang saw the vehicles, but he was rather helpless, raised his hand, and several soldiers hurriedly went to completely open the side door that was only half open.

Almost at the moment when Duke Wu appeared outside the side door, there were carts full of pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks on the corner of the street not far away.

It was being pushed and pulled by the coachmen, but these cars came when they were still dozens of steps away from the side gate of the East Palace.

A very luxurious and huge carriage was met by more than a dozen servants and several horse-riding guards.

Then, I saw the guard in front of the wagon, which looked like a rich and expensive carriage, unwillingly yell at the convoys that transported ingredients.

There were even Jian servants who came forward with the intention of pulling the carts that were blocking the road aside.

Wu Gonggong couldn't help being very anxious, and couldn't help but look at Zhang Lang general next to him. He was just an eunuch, and he was naturally not as powerful as this general.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Lang couldn't help but close his eyebrows and wave his big hand, leaving ten soldiers to guard, and he led five soldiers to stride forward.

"What's the matter, who dares to fool around? These are all the ingredients needed by the Eastern Palace. What do you want to do if you wait?"

Just as Zhang Lang stepped forward, the six eunuchs had quietly approached behind the four soldiers standing in the doorway.


Gonggong Wu turned his head and smiled at the four soldiers, who looked dumbfounded and didn't know why.

I felt that my mouth and nose were suddenly covered, and then I felt a pain in my heart.

The long sharp blade of the ruler slid into the nail gap fiercely, and then after entering the body, it stirred frantically...

The four attacked soldiers stretched their arms forward weakly, seeming to want to grab something, and also wanting to ask for help.

However, their robes turned their backs to them at the moment, looking into the distance endlessly.

Then the spear in his hand did not have a chance to hit the ground, and it was lightly caught by someone reaching out.

Zhang Lang held his face and strode forward with Hengdao, and stood still in front of the car and shouted. "Which one is noble, why are they dumb?"

Before he finished his words, Zhang Lang would suddenly notice the gauzy car window behind him, shadowy, and then a few arrows shining with cold light came out through the curtain.

The six guards on horseback galloped in an instant, just as a cadaver was surprised by his face.

The light of the knife stirred up by a horizontal knife, without hesitation, pierced their hearts and throats...

The rough-handed coachmen pushing and pulling the ingredients have already drew spears from the cart.

Or a horizontal knife, or even a simple shield made of wooden planks, also rushed towards this side.

Zhang Lang pulled out only half of his horizontal knife, and inserted five arrows into his face and neck.

He fell straight to the rear, convulsing all over, seeing that he couldn't live anymore.

The other five soldiers were also severely injured almost immediately after the knights were launched.

From the carriage, seven or eight savage soldiers of the Wei Palace jumped down in succession.

The six soldiers guarding the city gate, UU reading www.uukanshu. com finally reacted, but their attention was completely attracted by the panic ahead.

Just as they began to call out loudly and took up their weapons in an attempt to rescue the robe, the sharp daggers that were still stained with blood pierced into their hearts again.

Not far away, dozens of Turkic thugs dressed in leather robes and helmets, bucklers in one hand and machetes in the other.

He was rushing out of the small alley not far away, and rushed toward the side door that opened.

Behind them, there were more than a dozen dead soldiers from the Palace of Wei who were also dressed as Turks, surrounded by Jiang Yaqing, who was covered in black cloth and dressed up.

Jiang Yaqing looked at the dead bodies all over the place, trembling with excitement, and clenched his hands into fists, his plan was perfect.

Next, it depends on whether the final blow can kill the princess and the little prince in the East Palace.

"Quickly, drag all the dead people in, and quickly clean up, don't leave any flaws.

Du Da, you lead ten people to put on their armors, stand here, and wait for me to guard the back road. "

"Mr. Don't worry, there will be no problems with Du in the future."

The thick-bearded man who had already jumped off his horse, wiped off the blood of the blade, grinned coldly.

At this moment, Hou Bao and Hou Biao stood silently beside Jiang Yaqing. They both saw the tragic scene in front of them, and they invariably breathed a sigh of relief.

The Royal Palace of Wei could be regarded as handing in the name certificate to his master.

"Wu Gonggong, hard work..." Jiang Yaqing hurried to the Wu Gonggong who was the inner respondent, and gave a very solemn salute.

"How dare you receive such a gift from Mr.,"

Jiang Yaqing turned around, glanced over the more than forty Turkic thugs who were eager to try, and nodded towards their leader.

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