The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1728: The sudden rain of arrows in the depths of the fork, the enemy attack!

The hideous Turkic man turned his head and glanced at the Turkic warriors behind him, and let out a low roar, after a long series of Turkic words popped out.

This group of Turkic people gave out low howls like wolves one after another, and rushed straight into the East Palace along this side door.

Seeing Jiang Yaqing's gestures, several dead soldiers from the Wei Palace who also dressed as Turks also rushed away with them.

"Go, the warriors on the grassland, the East Palace of the Tang Dynasty, have become the battlefield where you want to fight, and you will surely become the heroes of the Turkic people."

"It will also allow the emperor of Datang to have an object enough to vent his anger..."

Jiang Yaqing glanced away and saw Hou Bao, the confidant of General Hou next to him, and smiled indifferently at the other side.

"Among those people just now, the one headed is the subordinate of Ashina's association rate in the past, and he is loyal to him. In the past, when he fled from the Tang realm by following Ashina's association rate in the past."

"I was lost halfway. In the end, I received news of the death of Ashina's association rate. From that moment on, he always wanted revenge. Jiang was also lucky to find this person..."

Hou Biao and Hou Bao couldn't help feeling chills when facing this scheming Jiang Yaqing.

Hou Bao looked at those who had already entered the doorway, the door was hidden, and the dead soldiers of the Wei Palace who had been wearing the doorman's armor had begun to go out to stand guard.

And Jiang Yaqing actually still has leisure and elegance here to brag with herself, and can't help but remind.

"Sir, we people, are you here to watch?"

Jiang Yaqing raised her hand to caress her beard, but she caressed her loneliness on the masked black cloth.

A little embarrassed, he adjusted the masked black cloth on his face, put his hands on his back, and looked into the East Palace where he had accompanied His Royal Highness Wei to go in and out many times, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, everyone, don't worry, wait for the chaos in the East Palace to talk about it."

In the distance, screams and wailing were faintly heard, as well as the panicked screams.

But for Jiang Yaqing, it was not enough, not chaotic enough. At this moment, he turned his gaze to the north, and he didn't know what was going on there...


As you turn on the side road, the width of the side road is narrower than that of the main road.

But anyway, both carriages and horses can pass, but this side road is already overgrown with weeds because of the scarcity of pedestrians and horses.

Fortunately, although there are weeds, the road is still smooth and there will not be too much bumps.

Li Chengqian sat on the horseback and held the reins in his hand.

"I really didn't expect that this place would be so desolate. It feels like some unpopulated places that I passed through when I was alone in the north of Jinyang when I visited Jinyang."

"Yeah, Chen also feels like this..." Yu Zhining nodded with approval, and moved his neck uncomfortably.

The thief was uncomfortable with this iron armor draped on his body, and it was still hot. Fortunately, he is now walking through the woods and is covered by trees.

I really don't know how uncomfortable it will be to touch the army with this heavy thing in the scorching sun and appreciate the military exercise.

At this time, Yu Zhining had already begun to regret, why should he listen to Cheng Saburo's nagging and wear this tiring and hot stuff.

At this moment, Qian Niu Beishen yelled again, and the orderly team stopped.

The Qianniu was fully equipped and galloped forward with the two cavalrymen, looking suspiciously at the accumulation of the countless branches in front of him.

There was a thought in my mind. Could it be possible that in this short meeting Chen Guogong and the others left, the ancient woods were stolen and felled again?

With a soft sound, Qian Niu Bei, who was leaning down, felt as if he had received a fierce punch in the chest. Hit on his own heart shield.

Looking at the feather arrow whose arrow had been broken, Qian Niu stood up and roared without thinking. "Yu..."

Only the first word was roared, and another feather arrow pierced his jaw precisely, the sound of immortal buzzing, one after another...

The extremely burly and majestic Yuchi Baoqing did not hesitate to raise his elbow the first time he heard the sound of the string.

With an elbow, he directly lifted the golden crown prince off his mount, and bowed his head against the arrow rain that was violently shooting here.

With those feather arrows hitting the bright light heavy armor on his body, he roared violently at the same time.

"Enemy attack! The cavalry scattered to attack the enemy, Wu Qianniu, you lead your pawns to guard, and the offenders kill!"

At the moment when he roared, Yuchi Baoqing turned angrily, and the Ma Li in his hand was thrown upwards like a javelin by him.

There was a miserable howl from the tree, and a bow fell from the tree gap first.

Then a man in gray was covering his shoulders pierced by Ma Li with horror and pain, as if a mass of dead objects fell to the ground, seeing that he couldn't live anymore.

Tossed out the ambusher who was unable to exert his power in such a land full of woods, and stabbed to death the ambusher who had just shot an arrow from the top of his head.

Yuchi Baoqing drew the iron whip from his waist with one hand, he turned the horse's head, and rushed towards the gap between the big trees beside the fork in the Prince Li Chengqian, who was slammed into a gold star He wanted to stand up, but was held down by the elites around him.

"His Royal Highness, don't get up, these thieves have great archery skills."

If he was attacked, he would actually be attacked on the outskirts of Chang'an.

At this moment, Li Chengqian, who was already a godless master, squatted like that, looking at the iron-clad elites crowded around.

It seems to be a long description, but in fact it only took a few blinks of an eye.

A feather arrow came straight to Zhining. Fortunately, this feather arrow only shot on his breastplate and was shot to the side.

But this blow also made Yu Zhan, who hadn't been in battle for many years, directly stupid, before he could react.

The mount under him screamed in pain, and people stood up.

He directly threw the bewildered Yu Zhanshi off the mount, and fell directly into the stars.

On the contrary, the eunuch, Ning Zhong, saw the opportunity quickly, and fell directly on the horse's back. Without hesitation, he hung Cheng Saburo around his neck, put the bamboo whistle tied with hemp rope into his mouth and blew hard. stand up.

The sharp whistle sounded an ear-piercing noise like ten sissy being blasted by gunpowder guns in an instant...

The whistle was so sharp that it was uncomfortable for everyone's ears to make everyone feel their scalp numb and shrink their necks subconsciously.

The sharp whistle also made Li Chengqian's eyes lit up, and he quickly picked up the bamboo whistle hanging on his chest and blew it hard.

And Yu Zhining, who was also slammed with a Venus star, directly changed his posture. After becoming lying on the ground, he wanted to touch the bamboo whistle, only to find that the bamboo whistle was missing.

Yu Zhining felt several feet lying on his back, even on his thighs, and he almost couldn't breathe.

But he still stretched out towards the waist with difficulty, groping...

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