The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1729: Quick, kill the prince, kill the prince! ...

Yuchi Baoqing, who rushed out with a horse, waved the iron whip in his hand, and an archer who was drawing a bow and arrows was directly hit and flew out.

And Yuchi Baoqing's rider also had seven or eight arrows stuck in them, and he staggered and fell directly to the ground.

Yuchi Baoqing looked back and glanced at the prince who was more than thirty steps away. I don't know where many people in grey clothes appeared, and even Turkic people.

There were also a small number of elites with iron armor, all of them slaughtered towards the place where the prince was.

Yuchi Baoqing yelled angrily, the iron whip in his hand was raised, and one hand held a cleavage sword, and the other iron whip was flicked.

Shengsheng beat the iron helmet of the armored swordman and his head into a hollow nearly half, and fell to the ground, convulsing like a dying ant.

Several more people rushed toward him in a fierce manner, and Yuchi Baoqing, who was aroused by his fierceness, roared again and again under his face guard.

Double whips in a row, regardless of whether it is facing a shield, an iron armor, or a weapon. All were smashed and killed one by one by him, and the pieces of flesh and limbs that he brought flew across.

Shengsheng frustrated those elite dead men who had been fiercely slaughtered.

At this time, Hou Zhi, who was also wearing iron armor and holding a shield in one hand and a knife in one hand, couldn't help roaring depravedly.

"Bow and arrow, bow and arrow shoot him, all go to kill the prince, hurry!"

Unexpectedly, that **** shrill whistle kept ringing again and again, even though it was deserted.

However, Hou Zhi was still worried that people would find out the strangeness here, and this fat and strong Yuchi Baoqing was as difficult as his father to deal with.

Only let those shooters interfere with him and let the main force kill the prince.

Almost all the unarmed eunuchs, as well as the coachman, were lying on the ground.

And the assaults of those feather arrows, spears, and even Mo Dao caused heavy casualties to these Donggong guards who were desperately protecting the prince.

The hurried whistle is still screaming stubbornly...


Just in a deserted field that is still in the distance from the land where the Prince was attacked, a group of hordes is aimlessly searching forward.

Now that the dragon who has had a short beard has started to look around his surroundings quickly, he intends to find out where there is something unusual.

At this moment, a soldier in the front suddenly yelled.

"General, listen... over there!"

Zhelong immediately rode his horse forward and rushed to the forefront. He already heard the intermittent whistle sound, which was coming from afar.

Zhelong couldn't help showing ecstasy, and with a choke, he drew his knife out of its sheath, stuffed the bamboo whistle into his mouth, and slammed his cheeks hard to blow.

At the next moment, almost ten husk troops all began to gather here, one side facing forward...

Fang Jun also heard the sharp whistle, and at that moment, his face became extremely ugly.

Brother Chubi's suspicion has come true, and His Royal Highness is in danger.

Fang Jun also drew his sword out of its sheath. Looking back, he saw that in addition to himself and Fang Cheng, there were ten horsemen in the brigade that he led.

The rest are pawns, and at this time, Fang Jun can't take care of the others.

"Brother Cavalry rush with me first, Ba Song, you came with your **** as fast as possible."

Without waiting for Ba Song to answer, Fang Jun roared wildly and galloped out first, and Fang Cheng and others behind him galloped without hesitation...

Yu Zhining no longer knows who is near him, anyway, the sound of fighting has always been near him and has not stopped, one after another bamboo whistles.

It proved that His Royal Highness and the Ning Zhongning father-in-law were still alive at least for now, still maintaining a prostrate posture, and slowly and hardly ignited the Huo Zhezi Yu Zhining.

Finally, the powerful firecracker that Cheng Saburo handed over to him ignited the fuse, then raised his arm, and slammed the smoke-bending thing toward the side of the road.

Unexpectedly, it happened to hit the tree trunk, whirled, and flew towards Yu Zhining again.

Yu Zhining's eyes suddenly went to the extreme, but he didn't want to. At this time, a roaring iron-clad dead man was rushing forward with his Mo Dao held high.

It happened to hit the firecracker with blue smoke, and the firecracker bounced again. Then, just above the heads of the iron-clad dead man and several companions, it suddenly turned into a ball of fire...

A loud roar, accompanied by a blazing flame, was born out of thin air.

The iron-clad dead soldier holding a Modao forward, as if being hit by a thousand-weight boulder on his head, his helmet deformed in an instant.

And his whole person directly hit the ground heavily. Behind him, one raised his head and looked curiously at the dead soldier who was close at hand.

The head exploded directly like a balloon, and the upper body was torn apart like crispy tofu...

The huge roar made Yu Zhining, who was not far away, his eyes darkened, and he was directly shocked to faint. It saves him from continuing to be frightened.


Already he was completely bloodied, UU Reading hit a dozen arrows on his body. Fortunately, Yuchi Baoqing, who was not seriously injured, could not care about the rumbling of his ears.

The three iron-clad dead men who were besieging him were suddenly blasted by this huge roar like thunder on the ground.

Taking a step forward, the iron whip hit directly, directly smashing the jaw of one of them, swinging the whip sideways, breaking the arm of the armored soldier who could not dodge next to him, and howling again and again.

The last iron-clad dead soldier watched Yuchi Baoqing as he tried to kill him, but he was scared two steps away from his courage.

Yuchi Baoqing couldn't help but laughed wildly and roared. "Cheng Saburo is here, brethren stand up!"

In his impression, Cheng Saburo's demon-moth brother likes to carry this kind of scary ghost stuff with him.

"!!!" Hou Zhi, who was still buzzing in his ears, also heard Yuchi Baoqing's roar, and looked around in astonishment.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, quick, kill the prince, kill the prince..."

At this moment, there are no more than a dozen elites who can still stand beside Li Chengqian.

The sound of thunder on the ground just now made these Donggong imperial soldiers, who had been almost completely desperate, once again violent the desire to survive.

He was struggling to use the body of the wounded robe to resist the sharp spears.

At this moment, the leather helmet on his head no longer knows where it flew, Ning Zhong, who had a disheveled hair, finally lit the firecracker and threw it towards the crowd...

After hearing the thunderous roar, Fang Jun, who was running wildly, had already determined his direction and shook his horse wildly.

At this moment, right in front, there was once again a huge fire, and then another earth-shaking thunder roar blasted between the world...

PS: For such a lively scene, ask for a monthly pass

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