The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1730: The three sword lights behind Cheng Sanlang...

   When Cheng Chubi hurried to Yichun Palace, he saw Crown Princess Su who was taking a leisurely stroll near Yichun Palace, supported by Wu Meiniang.

Next to   , there is the little majesty Li Xiang, who actually accompanies the princess Su's side at the same pace.

   Cheng Chubi couldn't help but breathe out, quickly stepped forward, and bowed respectfully to the princess Su clan.

   After a brief greeting, Cheng Chubi said to the princess Su. "Princess, the minister has something to tell, but this is not the place to talk..."

   Prince Concubine Su looked at Cheng Saburo with a solemn expression, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

   "Uncle Cheng, what happened?" Instead, Li Xiang asked Cheng Saburo with his eyes widened.

   The gentle princess Su clan raised his hand and stroked Li Xiang's small head, and then said sternly towards Cheng Saburo.

   "General Cheng, my husband said that if he is not in the palace, if there is something to do, please ask General Cheng to be the master."

   Hearing this, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, it was really difficult for him to explain before it happened.

   "It's rude to ask the prince concubine to forgive the minister, and ask the prince to go to the wine room with the minister."

   Prince Concubine Su heard this and was a little startled, but then I thought of last night, the husband said with a smile, Cheng Saburo was worried, for fear that someone would take him out of the palace and attack him.

   But now, seeing Cheng Saburo's appearance, thinking of the husband's previous confession, Crown Princess Su nodded, and the **** pushed the wheelchair in.

   Princess Su now has a big belly and is inconvenient, so she can only take a wheelchair.

   Pushed by two eunuchs, he headed towards the wine room located at the southeast corner of the East Palace Inner Palace.

   And Cheng Saburo directly picked up Li Xiang, smiled and walked forward with this little majesty, and said to him.

   "Your Majesty, let's go play a game of hide-and-seek together, okay?"

   "Okay, okay, I like hide-and-seek the most." Li Xiang couldn't help but feel happy, and curiously touched Cheng Saburo's body with the bright and heavy armor piece and replied.

  Because Cheng Saburo told the prince Li Chengqian that the wine needs to be stored in a kiln if it wants to be stored for a long time.

   So Li Chengqian dug out a small wine kiln under the wine storage room, which is specially used to store fine wine.

   Compared to the buildings in the East Palace, places like wine kilns are less likely to be found.


   Just when Cheng Saburo and the Crown Princess arrived at the wine room, there were only two guards waiting here to guard against someone coming to steal the wine.

   Seeing Cheng Fuli and the prince concubine come together, the two can't help being a little confused, but they still hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

   And at this moment, an **** suddenly called out. "Vice Cheng, look over there, there seems to be smoke over there..."

   Cheng Chubi turned his head subconsciously, and saw that there was green smoke rising from the south, and it seemed that there was a faint shout.

   Cheng Chubi's heart couldn't help but sink, his eyes swept, and he looked at the four court ladies, two eunuchs, and Wu Meiniang who were accompanying him.

   "Brother Three!" Wu Meiniang also saw the rising blue smoke, and she subconsciously understood what was going on, and she couldn't help but call out anxiously.

   "It's okay, maybe where is the water?" Cheng Chubi smiled at the pale-faced princess Su Shi, and then ordered the two forbidden soldiers to open the wine room.

   The two soldiers did not dare to neglect, and quickly opened the door.

   And Cheng Chubi asked the two imperial soldiers to lift the prince and the wheelchair up the steps.

   At this moment, several eunuchs hurriedly ran over here, they saw the crown prince Su, and the little majesty Li Xiang, and their eyes lit up.

The **** headed by    yelled loudly with his unique sharp voice while running.

   "Prince Princess, it’s not good, there’s water in the main hall of Lizheng, which is very powerful.

   Zhang Shaozhan has already rushed over to deal with the matter, and asked the slave servant to report to the princess, do you want to..."

   "Is it father-in-law?" Hearing the eunuch's yelling, the crown prince Su raised her hand to signal the two imperial soldiers to stop first.

   After seeing the incoming person clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked with concern. "Are there any casualties in the main hall of Nali?"

   Cheng Saburo, who had already turned around and stared at these eunuchs, heard that the crown concubine Su recognized the leading eunuch, and his heart felt a little relieved.

   Just about to turn around, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the eunuch's face that should have been white and needless.

   actually appeared green in the sun, like a cheeky who just shaved his beard.

   And the eunuchs who were clearly not far away did not mean to slow down...

   At the moment when Cheng Saburo's mind was madly turning his thoughts, Wu Meiniang, who was standing on the steps, saw it.

   She saw that the eyes of the eunuchs were all focused on the third brother's body, almost invariably reached out into their sleeves, as if they were digging out something.

   Wu Meiniang subconsciously rounded her apricot eyes and opened her cherry lips just to remind Cheng Saburo.

   I saw Cheng Saburo, who had turned halfway around, put his hands on his waist and then shouted two words. "Close your eyes!"


   The father-in-law Fang is the true father-in-law, he is the slowest, and he has no weapons in his hands, so he is behind the three eunuchs.

   He saw that the three eunuchs were already galloping, their hands had already pulled out the short swords from their sleeves, UU reading was already shining with cold light under the blazing sun that day.

   I saw Cheng Saburo, who had already turned around in front of him, had already turned his head, then opened his big mouth and roared like an angry lion.

   Two black lights swayed with his arms and rushed to an **** who was less than one step away from him, and half of his head flew out directly.

   The one next to him subconsciously wanted to use a dagger to block the black light, and then the dagger in his hand was directly smashed into pieces, and the black light was still in the air and hit him directly.

   directly smashed a big piece under the ribs, and the whole person flew out a few feet away before falling to the ground, only staring at the eyeballs without air in the air.

   As for the remaining one, the short sword in his hand was already handed out, and it pierced into Cheng Saburo's throat.

   looked at the sharp dagger in his hand, as if slowly and hurriedly towards Cheng Saburo's throat.

   Cheng Saburo also saw the dagger coming straight to his throat, and he returned his elbow without thinking, and the armored iron elbow easily slapped the dagger high and raised.

   Then the iron elbow just met this person's face, and the assassin's eyeballs dressed as an **** stared to the extreme in horror.

   But at this moment, he leaped up, intending to give Cheng Saburo a fatal blow, he has nowhere to take advantage of it.

   Shengsheng used his face fiercely and perfectly interpreted the tragedy of an egg hitting a stone with Cheng Saburo’s iron elbow...

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