The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1733: Is this Cheng San Lang crazy? So frantic? …

   Hearing these words, Cheng Chubi stunned back.

   "What do you mean, for my brother's tongue discrimination technique, I dare not say that I am number one in the world, but it is also considered one of the few generations."

   "Speaking to people and talking nonsense to people are necessary skills. Do you understand?"

   "..." Li Ke's face was so black that it became the iron pan that was fried and fried every day, and he jumped out of the car with a snorting sound.

   is unwilling to talk to the old gentlemen Cheng Jiahu who like to pump his chest muscles and show his violent characteristics.

   God talks to people, talks to others, I'm a prince, and again a prince, alas...

   When I met Cheng Saburo with such a slippery crude embryo, I actually said that he couldn't beat him, and he couldn't beat him. What can I do?

   Cheng Chubi had a good time, quickly picked up two oil-paper bags, and stood side by side with Li Ke.

  With little effort, the two demon moths who often pierce each other's ribs and swords began to hook their shoulders and put their smiley faces on their backs.

   heading forward, their goal is the security captain who is in charge of the summer tour of His Majesty’s Jiucheng Palace at this moment, General Zuowei Chai Shao.


   At noon, the large group stopped again, and Li Shimin stood beside the imperial driver and looked around.

   This long and long journey is really boring.

   After all, the scenery along the way is very beautiful, but after watching it for so many days, it is nothing new.

   Thinking that there is nothing left or right, Li Shimin decided to get off the car and go to see his father...

   Zhao Kun quickly followed the emperor of Datang, fulfilling his responsibilities loyally.

  With little effort, he came to the place where his father was driving. Li Shimin walked quickly, and soon he saw his father Li Yuan sitting under the shade of the tree.

   lay down on a cool couch and dozed, and beside the cool couch, there was an empty plate with only a pile of stumps left.

   The father-in-law Zhongbao hurriedly saluted Li Shimin, and was about to wake up the Supreme Emperor.

   Li Shimin shook his head lightly, let it go, his father was just taking a nap after eating and drinking, so why bother him with his dreams.

   Li Shimin turned around, walked to the other side, and decided to see his son, the overweight blue bird.

   I don't know how he is doing such a long journey. After all, he is too fat. It is not easy to travel a long distance in this weather.

   After a short while, he came to Qingque's car driver, holding a plate of fried Zhihou before getting on the car, Grandpa Li saw Li Shimin and hurriedly saluted.

   "Slaves see your majesty..."

   Li Shimin smiled and waved his hand, his eyes swept, he saw the stuff in Li Gonggong's hand, and the corner of his eyes twitched.


   After chatting with the blue bird for a while, watching this guy talk, he can keep aiming at the deep-fried Zhimo on the case.

   Li Shimin finally got up and left without sitting for too long. No matter, it's more serious to see my good girl and Guanyin maidservant.

   swayed to the place where Empress Changsun was driving, and the Hushang Palace on the side saw Li Shimin about to salute.

   I saw the emperor of Tang Dynasty making a gesture, Hu Shanggong was very acquainted and did not speak, and quietly retreated.

   There was a teasing smile on Li Shimin's face, and he walked over gently.

   "It's delicious... Mother, you eat too..."

   "Well, our little girl is really filial, my mother stopped eating, she just ate a lot."

   "Oh, it's a pity that Daddy doesn't eat it, otherwise, I can feed Daddy. Click click..."

   "..." Li Shimin's eyelids jumped wildly, half of his body stretched out, and his neck stretched.

   Across Luanjia, I saw a good girl sitting in the shade of the tree, and she was stirring her cheeks happily.

   picked up an ugly fried Zhizhi monkey from the plate and handed it to his beloved wife, Guanyin.

   Guanyin maid opened her mouth helplessly, and then babbled, and began to eat this kind of bug that Li Shimin felt uncomfortable all over his body when he saw it.

   Li Shimin rubbed his eyeballs vigorously, his eyelids jumped wildly.

   "Mother, dad dare not eat them because he is afraid of such cute snacks?"

   "..." A certain relative who was peeping had a black line on his face.

   "You...your dad is a great hero, how could he be afraid of such a bug."

   "..." The husband who was peeping had a gentle face.

   "Oh, next time I have a chance, I will feed my father, how about mother?"

   "..." A daddy who is peeping has a black face +1.

   In the end, Li Shimin left here with a black face and light hands, like a thief.

   I am the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. What kind of big scenes have not been seen, the mere worms, how can I be afraid of them?

   It’s just that I think that thing is too ugly, the one that looks ugly in the sky, I really don’t have the thought of uttering it.

   Li Shimin buried his head, and God defended himself inwardly.

   Click click... the familiar voice came again.

   "???" Li Shimin was stunned, who would it be?

   Zhao Kun saw that the wise Emperor of Shenwu strode forward with a bit ugly expression, and quickly followed up.

   Then, after going around a big tree with Li Shimin, I saw General Chai Shaochai sitting on a small horse.

   sat around with a few generals from the left-back, and a few oil paper bags were placed in front of them.

   I saw General Chai picking up a deep-fried Zhimon monkey that looked very eye-catching and oily in the sun from the oily paper bag and threw it into his mouth, chewing it happily.

   "I didn't expect this thing to be so fragrant. Does it mean that the old man likes this bite?"

   "Yes, yeah, thanks to the general you accepted this gift from Cheng Saburo and His Royal Highness Wu Wang."

   "Otherwise, my brothers really don't know, this thing will be so fragrant and refreshing."

   "Well, it's a pity that you can't drink alcohol on the march. If this thing is paired with two or two, it will be more interesting."


   "Okay, don't talk too much, hurry up and eat yours, go back to your position after eating, remember your respective responsibilities, if there is negligence, severely punished."


   "..." Li Shimin stepped back slowly, then raised his head, looking numbly at the clear sky between the trees.

   Stop, I love to eat, anyway, I just don’t like this stuff?

   It was night. Li Shimin, who was sleeping, opened his eyes, only to find a mass of pitch black around him, but faintly heard laughter coming from ahead.

   couldn't help but walked forward curiously. After walking not far, he actually saw the **** boy Cheng Chubi turned into an ugly monkey.

   The girl slapped her next to her and said that Brother Cheng San was so cute, and then stretched out her slender hand to pinch Cheng Saburo’s changing Zhihou monkey.

   smiled happily at himself, stood on tiptoe and pinched Cheng Saburo who was screaming, and handed it over.

   "Daddy, dad, you try..."



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