The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1734: Kill him, if he spread the news, all...

Cheng Saburo glanced at the face of the ragdoll in his arms, painted by his own master of Fauvism impressionist.


   The eyes are a big circle with a small black ink ball, and the mouth is a horizontal line, drawn a little eagerly, and the corner of the mouth is raised wildly.


   As for the nose, it is a bit like a mountain character, with two dots at the bottom, and the ears are simpler. Two Arabic numerals are three, one is positive and the other is reversed.


   To tell the truth, ugliness is a bit ugly, but at least it is more realistic, more like a bear boy like Li Xiang than a stickman.


   But now, when a bear kid suspects his art of painting and calligraphy, Cheng Saburo, the talent director of the old Cheng family, of course can’t be happy.


   Eyeballs bulged subconsciously, and the tone was very powerful and authentic.


   "Your Majesty, ugliness is certain, but don't you think it is ugly and cute, and don't have a childish taste?"


   Seeing Uncle Cheng's obviously unkind and unkind expression, Li Xiang's head was like a chicken pecking at rice.


   "Yeah, Uncle Cheng is right. My nephew also thinks ugly and cute."


   Seeing that this child knows how to guide the situation and overcome strength with softness. Cheng Chubi smiled kindly at Li Xiang with great comfort.


   At this moment, Wang Xiuyi's voice came over. "General Cheng, here comes..."


   The moment his voice sounded, Cheng Chubi did not hesitate, and shouted hoarsely.


   "Prince Princess, Crown Princess...Courier, death penalty..."


   While shouting, he quickly hit the flint and lit the tinder, and then put a little bit on the wine that was brought in.


   With a boom, under the sunlight, almost only the light blue flame appeared, and suddenly began to burn quickly along the wine mark towards the Tibetan wine pavilion.


   The wine storehouse that was already filled with spirits, with the support of this high level of spirits, almost just a few breaths of effort, seemed to have become a huge torch.


   Cheng Saburo’s sorrowful cry with so much emotion made the three women hiding in the kiln raise their hands and cover their faces in a tacit understanding.


   After all, this is for the sake of everyone's safety, and General Cheng will do such a hard performance.


   Just for some reason, it makes people feel embarrassed, um, really embarrassed.


   After watching that the whole wine storehouse was completely enveloped by the raging flames, Cheng Chubi quickly patted Li Xiang, who was completely stunned.


   Li Xiang took a deep breath in exaggeration. "mother!!!!!"


   Cheng Chubi showed a relieved smile on his face, and then made a vicious gesture of closing in front of him.


   Li Xiang covered his mouth with both hands in time, and his voice stopped abruptly. Without waiting for Cheng Sanlang to move, Wu Xiuyi nodded towards Cheng Sanlang, then madly backed towards the hiding place.




   Seeing that the wine storehouse is already in sight, from outside the wall, we can already see the roof of the wine storehouse.


   At this time, Cheng Saburo's heartbreaking cry came from the hospital.


   It was as if someone had already died bravely, Jiang Yaqing's mouth was raised high for no reason, and his footsteps took a few steps faster.


   Soon, I could see that the raging fire was burning violently, and the tongue of the fire was licking the roof of the wine cabinet frantically.


   And at this time, I heard it, and heard the immature and high-pitched childish voice of the little majesty Li Xiang screaming.


   The high-pitched and stern voice of this voice was so sad that the listener was sad, and the listener shed tears, but the high-pitched childish voice suddenly stopped.

   I don't know if the little majesty passed out with excessive excitement, or was knocked out by the sinister, sinister, and innocent Cheng Saburo.


   "Quick!" Helan Chushi picked up a horizontal knife to speed up, rushed towards the wine storehouse, then rushed to the front, kicked viciously on the door.


   The courtyard gate banged, but it did not collapse as Helan Chushi expected.


   At this moment, Jiang Yaqing and Helan Chushi both heard the roar of Cheng Saburo in the Tibetan wine pavilion.


   "Hurry up, tie the little majesty a little stronger, and don't hinder Cheng's actions."


   "..." Outside the courtyard, Jiang Yaqing, who was about to come over to assassinate Li Xiang, could not help raising his hand and wiping his face.


   Cheng Saburo is also the Assassin who is also arranged by His Royal Highness Wei Wang to be next to the prince.


   No, no, definitely not. Jiang Yaqing shook his head vigorously. No matter what, the **** Cheng Saburo was too dangerous and had to be killed.


"Stupefied doing something, kick the door!" Accompanied by a violent shout, a few feet were there frequently kicking the door, as well as those with agility. After observing for a while, Fei Shi ran towards the big tree on the side, towards Climb above the big tree.


   Then, the agile assassin shouted loudly. "I saw Cheng Saburo, he is over there!"


   At this moment, the courtyard door finally fell on the couch in the gang of fierce and brutal assassins, and the few stones blocked behind the door were also moved away.


   Hearing the yelling of the assassin on the tree, Helan Chushi, who was struggling to squeeze into the wine storehouse, raised his head following the direction of his fingers.


   saw Cheng Saburo already sitting on the top of the wall in the northwest, pulling his companion up the wall forcefully.


   And Cheng Saburo turned his head when he heard the yelling, just in time to see Helan Chushi who broke open the courtyard door and stuck his head in.


   "Helan Chushi, you dog thief, it really is you! General Hou and King Wei conspired to kill the prince's family, and it really has something to do with you."


   "Shoot him!" Helan Chu Shiqing his face After rushing into the Tibetan wine pavilion, the tip of the knife pointed at Cheng Saburo and roared sharply.


  Several archers who had already climbed up the courtyard wall opened their bows and arrows without hesitation.


   Cheng Chubi hesitated, raised his arms to protect the ugly doll in his arms, dressed in the clothes of his Royal Highness Li Xiang, and then leaped towards the wall.


   The face of Jiang Yaqing, who was still calm and confident, turned directly into grayish white, and without hesitation, he pulled out the treasured sword given by His Royal Highness King Wei by his waist and roared with a pointed throat.


   "Go around, quickly, go around and kill him! Don't let him leave the inner palace. If he spreads the news, he will die, everyone will die!"


   Cheng Saburo did not see himself at all, he only saw Helan Chushi, but the question is, is this **** a reasonable person?


  No, their old Cheng family didn't make sense. This lunatic, in all likelihood, in order to alleviate his guilt for persecuting the princess to self-immolate, he dumped his sins on His Royal Highness Wei.


   Actually, Jiang Yaqing didn't need to roar, just as Cheng Saburo roared that voice.


  All the dead members of the Wei Palace understood a truth. If you don't kill this notorious monster moth today, everyone has to finish playing.


   Helan Chushi's eyes were almost dripping with blood, and he rushed towards that side frantically.


   Well, under anger, my brain is not so good, just like road rage, I want to go over the wall, not willing to make a detour, what's wrong? ...


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