The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1735: Even if the Prince of Tang Dynasty faces life and death, how can he be afraid?

  Chapter 1742 Even if the Prince of Tang Dynasty is facing life and death, how can he be afraid? (Seeking subscription for votes)

  Hou Zhi turned his head back, his face was ecstatic at the moment when Li Chengqian had fewer and fewer soldiers from the Forbidden Army around him, and he could already see the shining golden armor.

  After a blazing flash of light, there was another cloud of fire, directly exploding several elite dead men who were stabbing with spears into the sky, and even severed limbs flying obliquely into the sky.

  The huge roar made Hou Zhi, who was only a few meters away from the explosion site, feel that his ears were tingling.

  The sharp tinnitus, which was obviously different from the bamboo whistle, made him lose his hearing, and he looked forward without focus.

  He saw it, and the other party fell down two more. At this moment, he could even see the young face of Prince Li Chengqian.

   also saw that his helmet no longer knows where it fell. He was covering his ears with his hands, blowing his mouth and blowing a bamboo whistle.

  Only at this moment, except for tinnitus, Hou Zhi could not hear any sound at all. He stared at Li Chengqian stubbornly and started to run forward.

The shield in his hand was also thrown aside, and even the horizontal knife was thrown away. While running, he finally took a good shot from a robe that had exploded to the ground and was convulsing. , A sharp spear.

   Forward, one step, two steps, the distance is getting closer and closer, Hou Zhi sees a wounded prince guard reluctantly raised his arm, trying to stop.

  He didn't pay any attention at all, just swayed the spear slightly, shook the opponent's waving arm, and continued to stab at Li Chengqian, who was looking at him at that moment.

  Li Chengqian looked calmly at the long soft rod that went straight to his front door. He was completely squeezed by the body of the soldiers guarding him and could not move.

  He couldn't even make an evasive move. At this moment, looking at the hideous assassin, his spear was not too far away from his face.

  Li Chengqian only made one move, and slowly and calmly closed his eyes. I am the Prince of Tang Dynasty. Even if I face life and death, how can I be afraid of it?


  Yichi Baoqing's eyes widened, and he roared. He threw an iron whip as a javelin, but was blocked by a survivor who was not afraid of death.

  Even if it was his great power, the buckler shattered, and the man’s arm was bloody, but there was no room left.

  Yichi Baoqing suddenly felt a gust of wind, which blew past his ears. At this moment, everyone on the battlefield was blown away by the thunder-like roar twice in a row, and almost no sound was heard in the ears.

  So, he could only feel the wind pointing across his cheek, and then, from the corner of his eye, he saw the smooth, satin-like fur.

  And the undulating muscle lines under the smooth fur, Yuchi Baoqing subconsciously thought that it was a horse...

   Then, moving his eyes up a little bit, he saw a rider who was wearing a heavy armor of bright light and carrying a horse in his hand flashed past.

  Hou Zhi's face was already showing almost crazy excitement, the prince murderer, it was me!

   Then I felt that my right chest was tight, and then my whole person was flying like a feather.

  And that shot was already close to the sharp spear that was less than three inches away from the Prince of Tang Dynasty, and it flew out directly...

  Flying in the air, Hou Zhi felt that everything had become so slow, and it was so hard for him to turn his head.

   Moved his gaze bit by bit, he finally saw clearly that it was the angry and distorted face of Fang Jia Erlang, who had abandoned Wen Congwu.

  He had released the horse that had pierced his body, and pulled out the sharp horizontal knife, and then the blade flashed as white as lightning.

  Hou Zhi’s consciousness has been frozen at this moment...

   "Kill!!" There are only more than ten horses, but this has been fully accelerated to the extreme of more than ten horses, just like more than ten siege hammers.

   hit hard and hit the dead soldiers. After two consecutive thunders, they lost their hearing and could hardly feel the arrival of this reinforcement.

   Unprepared, suffered heavy losses!

  Yichi Baoqing once again let out an excited roar, but the roaring sound passed into his ears whose hearing had not fully recovered, and it seemed to be extremely far away.

Ring arms, turn around, and brute force the spear in the hands of a dead soldier who pierced toward his own heart. Then, an iron whip caused the dead soldier's shoulder armor to shatter, revealing the stubble. …

  One more whip, sending away the opponent, Yuchi Baoqing finally rushed to the front, picked up the iron whip that had just been thrown, and finally rushed back to His Royal Highness.

   "Fang Jun!" Li Chengqian stared blankly at the general who was struggling in the woods, roaring and waving his horizontal sword crazily to bring up the sword light and blood light.

  There are more than ten rides, and they are like Fang Jun, sprinting in the forest repeatedly.

  Unless the horses are wounded to the ground, or they are overturned by the enemy, otherwise they will not stop.

  Those assassins are also going crazy at this moment, they are killing them desperately, they are absolutely unwilling, the victory that is about to get, will slip away quietly between their fingers...

  In the forest not far away, in the barren field, countless trained monks are galloping in the forest.

  These elite warriors, who have grown up among the beautiful mountains and wilds of the Great Southwest since childhood, feel like walking on the ground in such an environment.

   Just when Fang Jun and the lords rushed into the enemy's circle, dozens of feet away behind them, countless horizontal swords came out of their sheaths.

  The sound of the golden and iron mingled, more than a thousand soldiers raised their swords and opened their mouths, screaming: "Kill the thief!!"


  Wei soldiers swept like a torrent, and those elite dead men and Turkic thugs were like insects struggling in the stormy sea.

  Having not even aroused a wave, he swirled and was swallowed without a trace.

  The dead men and thugs who were already frightened began to flee away, UU reading, but their speed through such bushes and trees could not match these soldiers.

  Anyone who intends to resist is waiting for them with at least seven or eight horizontal knives, and they will be divided directly...

  If it hadn’t been for Fang Jun’s hello in advance, the sober soldiers shouted loudly, but at last they hadn’t killed all the dead men and thugs.

  There are also a few shooters who saw the opportunity quickly. They had fled early the first time Fang Jun and the others appeared, and left quietly towards the distance.

  Fang Jun finally jumped off his horse and took off his helmet. He saw Yuchi Baoqing, who was covered in blood and at least had more than twenty feather arrows in his body, sitting cross-legged.

   grinned reluctantly at herself, and breathed hard with the iron whip. Fighting from the beginning to the end, with arrows all over his body, Rao Shi Yuchi Baoqing is extremely strong, and his heart is relaxed, it is difficult to hold on at this moment.

  Fang Jun hurriedly urged several soldiers to rush over to give Yuchi Baoqing first aid, while he strode towards him, and then he felt a groan from a corpse he was stepping on.

  Fang Jun unthinkingly drew out the horizontal knife that had already been sheathed, and choked, causing Yu Zhining, who was trampled on, to lift his fingers with difficulty...


  (End of this chapter)

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