The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1736: There are so many people who want to kill Cheng

  Chapter 1743 There are so many people in the world who want to kill someone

  After Cheng Saburo and Wang Xiuyi fell outside the courtyard wall, Cheng Saburo pointed to the north and shouted towards Wang Xiuyi.

   "Run, their goal is my little majesty and me, you quickly try to get out of the palace and find your majesty."

  Wang Xiuyi looked dazed and authentic. "His Royal Highness has no more than a hundred people around. There are so many assassin mobs in the palace now..."

  "Don't worry, there are reinforcements, go!" Cheng Chubi pushed Wang Xiuyi hard, Teniang, do you want me to write you a strategy guide?

  I’m not playing script kill now, it’s Te Niang’s fate, okay?

   Seeing Wang Xiuyi finally jumped out like an agile rabbit, Cheng Chubi listened to the approaching footsteps.

   squeezed the heavy stone in his hand, and raised his throat and shouted.

   "Helan Chu Shigou thief, now you are going to change your past and get rid of the chaos anyway. Hurry up and kill the dead man of King Wei, maybe you can still get rid of the crime."

   "Cheng Chubi, I am going to kill you!"

  Helan Chushi had a black line on his face, this bastard, at this time, he did not forget to sow discord face to face.

  Your special mother’s instigation and separation are not okay. I think it is possible for three or five people on Lao Tzu’s side to capture and kill thirty or forty dead soldiers of the Wei King?

   "Ha! There are so many people who want to kill Cheng, there are so many people in the world, you are still a little tender..."

  Listening to the sound position, Cheng Chubi saw the moment Helan Chushi's head appeared, and a stone that had been held in his hand for a long time flew over.

  For many years, Cheng Chubi, who likes to play with hot weapons and grenades,’s quasi-head is not covered.

   Holding the wall with both hands, Helan Chushi, who just stretched out his head, never thought that Cheng Sanlang, a bitch, would even dare to fight back here.

   Unprepared, he could only close his eyes and lower his head, and then felt a pain in his head and black eyes.

  Oh, he fell backwards with a sound, and the iron helmet on his head was directly smashed and flew out obliquely.

   Cheng Chubi, who had completed the fatal blow, twisted his **** and ran away without hesitation. At this moment, the archers who had already climbed the courtyard wall opened their bows.

  It’s just that the feather arrows that flew out were all ding-dangling and hitting Cheng Saburo’s back armor, shooting a lonely...

   Cheng Saburo’s flying stone, fortunately, only hit his own iron helmet, but because of that, the forehead was already blue and bulging.

  Helan Chushi with a very painful expression shook his head, and finally recovered his sobriety, his eyes were red, hissing roar.

   "Kill him, kill the dog thief Cheng Saburo!"


  The same depraved Jiang Yaqing tore off the masked black scarf. At this moment, there is no need to cover up, what kind of gentleman demeanor.

   "Quick, quick, let me chase and kill Cheng Saburo. I want to see people when I live, and the corpse when I die."

   As soon as you can climb the wall, you will go over the wall, and the one who is far away from the wall will rush out of the courtyard again and go around to chase after you.

   Jiang Yaqing, accompanied by a few confidants, raised his hands to cover his nose, and walked around the blazing blazing wine pavilion with disgust, and began to exude the smell of burnt flesh.

  Even the smell came out, so you don’t have to wait for the fire to go out to admire the burnt corpse, because there is no time.

  The current goal is Cheng Saburo’s monster moth that flutters in the East Palace. He must be killed. It’s best to cut the body with a knife and chop it into meat to feed the dog!

  Otherwise, this hatred is hard to dispel.


  Yu Zhining spit out two words from his throat with difficulty. "it's me…"

  Fang Jun couldn't help being taken aback, lowered his head, and saw the fancy, pale face.

  "Who are you, say it!" The tip of the horizontal knife in Fang Jun's hand hovered in front of Yu Zhining's face.

  "Yu Zhining!" Yu Zhining squeezed out these three words from the gap between his teeth.

  Looking at the soldiers in front of him who were cleaning the battlefield, inspecting and treating the wounded, Li Chengqian finally came back to his senses.

  Even if he was a talent just now, he was able to face him calmly in the face of a mortal situation. At this moment, he realized that he was already weak and weak, and his armor was soaked in sweat.

  Looking at the corpses all over the place, Li Chengqian couldn't help feeling sad and never thought of it.

  I will really encounter so many desperate assassins in the suburbs of Chang'an, intending to kill myself, the Prince of Tang Dynasty.

  Looking at the soldiers around him who suffered heavy casualties in order to protect themselves, Li Chengqian's eyes were already red and tears were streaming down.

  At this moment, Li Chengqian couldn't help but shouted out of joy when he heard the three words Yu Zhining.

   "It's Yu Zhan, Yu Qing, are you still alive?"

  Yu Zhining, who was helped up by Fang Jun, still stood on his **** with a broken arrow shaft slightly trembling, and nodded with difficulty towards the overjoyed Royal Highness.

   "Thank you for your highness, minister, you are still alive..."

   "His Royal Highness, where are you hurt?" Ning Zhong, who had a disheveled hair but no injury, reached out his hand to support Prince Li Chengqian, and asked in a crying voice.

   "It's okay to be alone, come on, Fang Erlang, hurry up and treat the wounded."

   "No! Medical soldiers, hurry up and treat your highness's guards, hurry up!"

   Inside this scorpion, each brigade has a group of medical soldiers who know how to first aid on the battlefield.

  At this moment, these medical soldiers are instructing the brothers around them to lay down the dying wounded, remove their armor, debride the wound, and bandage...

  They will not be able to operate, but it does not prevent them from stopping the bleeding first and controlling the injury of the injured.

   Of the twenty eunuchs, only four are alive, and two of the coachmen are still alive, but all are wounded.

  As for the cavalry infantry, almost everyone was injured, and more than half of the dead were killed.

   is Yu Zhanshi. The arrow above the big scorpion still stands upright in the wind. I don't know how many legs have been trampled on my body. I feel pain every time I breathe, and I am afraid that several ribs have been broken.

  The only people who were unscathed were His Royal Highness, who dropped his helmet, and Ning Zhong, who had a disheveled hair.

  Prince Li Chengqian quickly saw not far away, sitting on the ground with an iron whip, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is full of feathers and arrows, and the whole person is like a hedgehog like Yuchi Baoqing.

  The circles under his eyes were red, and he stumbled towards it.

  "General Yuchi, you, are you all right..."

After listening to the cry of His Royal Highness, Yuchi Baoqing, who had been crying, bowed his head and eyes. Yuchi Baoqing, who had passed out in a faint, opened his eyes. He wanted to stand up, but after all, he was too tired and could only smile hard. road.

   "His Royal Highness, the minister is just out of his power and it doesn't get in the way."

  Fang Jun took Na Yu Zhining to the medics and rushed over, seeing this situation, he couldn't help but blush.

  "Brother Baoqing, you, are you in the way?..."

  Yichi Baoqing let the medics carefully remove the armor for him, while frantically complaining about Cheng Saburo who is like a fly.

   "Don't worry, a certain family was forced by Cheng Saburo's boy to have no other way, so he specially put on the inner armor.

  Don't look at a certain arrow all over, only a few fierce ones, pierced through the armor and broken some flesh. "


  (End of this chapter)

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