The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1739: You just stand there and don’t want to walk around, Cheng Mou is here to fight you...

The elite archers finally rushed directly under the big tree, and after putting the feather arrows on the bowstrings, they began to carefully search for suitable shooting points.

After all, this special lady is a towering old tree, and there are too many horizontal branches. If you want to hit Cheng Saburo instead of the trunk, it requires not only skills, but also fate, um, of course luck.

Just as seven or eight shooters circled below, Cheng Saburo had already set off the powerful square bamboo-shaped firecracker.

"Below, there's a baby coming, pick it up..."

"..." An elite archer had a black line on his face, and he couldn't wait for an arrow to be pierced into the eye of the demon moth, letting him know how powerful the dead man in the Wei Palace was.

Two dead soldiers of the Wei Palace who were good at climbing, babbling knives in their mouths, using both hands and feet, began to climb slowly...

At this time, the impact of the wood sounded in the air, and everyone saw it, as if a piece of dead wood was thrown down by Cheng Saburo.

This dog thief, threw a root of rotten wood and called it a good baby, how poor is your old Cheng family?

Just as an elite archer spit out and shoots his bow and arrows, even if he misses the shot, he will scare the bastard.

The thing that led to a lead fell just at the feet of an elite archer.

At this moment, Jiang Yaqing was standing a few feet away, as the commander of the Wei Dynasty Palace, of course it was impossible to stand so aggrieved under the big tree.

At this time, Helan Chushi was already summoned by Jiang Yaqing, and he was discussing how to clean up after killing Cheng Saburo.

At this moment, the lead wires of the square bamboo-shaped power-enhanced firecrackers burned to the end.

A group of dazzling fire light suddenly bloomed under the big tree, and instantly and easily tore the lower body of the nearby elite shooter to pieces.

Then there was a flat ground thunder blasting in the ears, and the powerful shock wave made the elite shooters under the big tree, as if being hit by a bull, directly flew out in all directions with the explosion point as the original heart...

The two young tree-climbing experts in the Wei Palace who had just climbed up to Zhang Xu were directly shocked and smashed to the ground with all four feet weakly.

It hit the ground hard, splashing dust and grass clippings. It's not clear whether it's dead or not.

But the blood from the nose and mouth, and the slightly convulsive body, showed that they were not invincible.


Even the archers and dead men who stood a little further away were blown to the ground.

It was Jiang Yaqing and Helan Chushi, who didn't know whether they were frightened or blown by. They just sat down on the ground and looked at the towering ancient tree with an inhuman face.

An archer who just got around the tree leaned under the tree. At this moment, blood was flowing out of Qiqiao. He opened his mouth, his eyes were dull and hollow and looked upward.

Cheng Saburo, who had already stuffed cotton in his ears, hugged the trunk for the first time after dropping the firecrackers.

The explosion below, as well as the huge roar, also made this huge towering ancient tree tremble, scaring Cheng Sanlang's liver for a while.

It seems like you can’t just throw it at the foot of the big tree next time. Although this towering ancient tree is very huge, what if it is hollow and it is blown off? Sacrifice as

Laozi just attracted the enemy for the Crown Princess Su and Wu Meiniang, keeping them away from the Tibetan wine pavilion, instead of fighting the enemy, OK?

But just now, Quan Te Niang is the shooter. If you don't come to the cruelty, it will make them suffer a big loss.

I'm afraid it's my own **** that doesn't have much protection, and it is very likely that those very nasty shooters will come up and down a few times.

Helan Chushi's eyes were red, and he watched that the trunk of the big tree was blackened, and even the bark in some places was lifted.

There was also a corpse with only the broken upper body left, as well as the shooters who were thrown out around him and didn't know their life or death.

Can't help but scream at the towering old tree, stomping and roaring.

"Cheng dog thief, in the East Palace, dare to carry such a ghost thing?!"

Jiang Yaqing stared blankly at the big tree that can only be hugged by a few people. It was only a matter of time before Cheng Saburo died on the spot in his consciousness.

But now... not necessarily anymore.

Tree felling? With such a thick and strong tree, several experienced loggers are afraid that they will have to chop it for a day.

Fire attack? Haha, such a thick wood, now it is Te Niang's summer, it is really not easy to light it. Minus

Climb up, who dares? The two master climbers who had just been smashed down by the shock hadn't gotten up until this time, and it was unclear whether they were dead or alive.

What's more, there is a monster moth squatting on it, and no one knows if he still has it, and whether he will drop that kind of ghost stuff again.

It is said that after Cheng Saburo developed it, except for one martial arts performance, he secretly made the court officials to appreciate the power of this thing.

After that, the terrible weapon that His Majesty has kept secret, today in the East Palace, these desperadoes finally learned how powerful it is.

Now, everyone has seen its terrible power, directly tore people to pieces, and those elite shooters flew out, dying.

Helan Chushi took the knife and walked a few steps, thought about it, and then backed back. After all, he was also afraid, what if Cheng Saburo still had that kind of stuff?

Turning his head to, he looked at Jiang Yaqing, who was so scared of others and stared at the tree motionlessly.

"What to do, if the dog thief Cheng Sanlang doesn't come down, what can we do to kill this **** directly."

"..." Jiang Yaqing took a breath of toothache, and shook her head slowly and desperately.

"Only Huo Gong, but with such a thick ancient wood, we don't have time..."

"What's more, we have made such a big noise in the East Palace. I am afraid that the soldiers and horses from all over the Chang'an City are coming for reinforcements. It is too late..."


Hearing this, the hideous color on his face turned into a miserable Helan Chushi directly rushed forward, grabbing Jiang Yaqing's skirt with both hands fiercely.

"...What does it mean to be too late? Do you just let that guy live and tell your majesty that it is my husband, and His Royal Highness King Wei who is plotting to kill the prince?!"

Jiang Yaqing struggled hard and roared frantically.

"Let go of the old man, do you think the old man doesn't want to kill the dog thief?!"

"You have the ability, you go and kill him, go!"

Seeing that the dead men of the Wei Palace were already out of their sheaths, Helan Chushi sullenly loosened Jiang Yaqing's shirt.

Turning his head, he looked bitterly at the towering ancient tree...

"Cheng Sanlang, a dog thief, a brave rat, dare to come down and fight a certain family?" Helan Chushi strode forward to about thirty feet away from the canopy of the ancient tree, and shouted sharply.

After a moment of dead silence, from above the big tree, came Cheng Saburo's energetic stern shout. Mi He Mi

"Well, it's worthy of the Helan family's little baby, very courageous, you just stand there and don't want to walk around, Cheng Mou is here to fight you..."


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