The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1740: Your Royal Highness and General Fang, the East Palace is attacked, please help...

Helan Chushi and Jiang Yaqing both looked at the place where the big tree made the sound with awkward expressions.

How confident is this kid Cheng Saburo that he actually wants to get down to die? is this real?

"I jumped down and caught Cheng!" Cheng Saburo's violent shout sounded again.

Helan Chushi was excited and suspiciously inserted the horizontal knife in his hand on the ground, with his hands on his hips, and looking up with a bit of anticipation, he wanted to see if Cheng Sanlang's monster moth would actually jump off. Smashed to death in front of me.

Then, everyone saw that a thing like dead wood flew out from between the branches and leaves.

Dangling slowly, falling downward, it seems that there is still green smoke lingering on it...


Ning Zhong, an **** who used to be disheveled and now looks like a dog, has already been ordered to rush towards the military exercise.

Li Chengqian stood up and jumped onto the mount Fang Jun had prepared for him, and began to walk towards the path.

It didn't take long for this to happen, and there was a knight coming towards this side, and Lu Neng, who was in charge of opening the road in the front, raised his arm immediately.

All the horrendous people around him raised their shields and drew their swords...

Seeing this scene, they directly frightened Wang Xiuyi and the two imperial soldiers and strangled their horses.汜减bxwx.C*O 汜

"Dare to ask who is the soldier, where is His Royal Highness?"

"Mou Nazawei Zhonglang General Fang Jun, who are you?!" Lu Neng squinted his eyes and asked the three knights.

When Wang Xiuyi heard Fang Jun's name, he couldn't help being overjoyed.

"A certain is Donggong guard Wang Feng. On the order of the Prince Zonai and Deputy Cheng Saburo, he came to see the Prince. Please tell the Prince and General Fang to the general as soon as possible.

Please help me if the East Palace is attacked..." Xiru Xiru

"What are you talking about?!" Lu Neng's eyes bulged directly, and the East Palace was attacked. The Prince here was just attacked, but the East Palace was also attacked over there?

Li Chengqian, surrounded by Fang Jun and a dry general, rode his horse forward with a look of depravity.

He often went to the Tibetan wine pavilion, and he naturally recognized the guard of the Tibetan wine pavilion, Wang Feng, and knew from him that the East Palace was attacked.

Cheng Sanlang led the chasing soldiers to protect the crown prince Su and the little prince, but now the East Palace is in chaos.

Li Chengqian immediately got anxious, thinking that Brother Chu Bi, in order to protect his wife Su and his child Li Xiang, alone led away dozens of desperadoes.

Even if Brother Chu Bi is able to bear so many enemies, his safety is really worrying.

Li Chengqian, with a green face, felt a strong anger spontaneously.

Li Tai, Hou Junji, you **** are damned, damned!

Li Chengqian raised his horse whip fiercely and whipped his horse's buttocks vigorously. The horse underneath him neighed, spreading his four hooves and ran wildly.

The Husbandry team, which was still moving slowly, began to speed up, moving towards the East Palace.

Fang Jun also had the same sullen face, running fast, and the thousand soldiers heard that Cheng Saburo was being chased by thieves at this moment.

Although they believed that this ghost-like Cheng Saburo would definitely be fine, but those **** dared to chase and kill Cheng Saburo who had blessed the people of Luzhou Hanyu.

This directly angered the thousands of brave and fearless hustlemen, howling, roaring, and rushing in the direction of the cavalry swiftly...


Helan Chushi's eyeballs suddenly turned into copper bells, roughly the shape of Cheng Saburo's dear baby.

After spending many days with Cheng Saburo's colleagues, he still knows a little bit.

Now that thing is in the sky, falling in the general direction where he is standing.

Helan Chushi turned his head and ran without hesitation. With his extremely corrupt expression and hurried pace, he seemed to hate his parents for not giving him more legs.

Jiang Yaqing's eyes were not very good, but he also saw a stick falling from the sky.

I even saw the murderous Helan Chushi just now, who was about to choose someone to eat, and ran toward this side like a mourning dog.

The tragedy of the elite shooter who had just been blown into pieces caused Jiang Yaqing to twist his **** and ran away without hesitation.

Facing the tree, Cheng Saburo had nothing to do, and everyone's morale began to fall.

And the actions of the two of them at the moment directly caused everyone to turn around and flee subconsciously.

Then, there was another earth-shaking sound of thunder from the ground, which once again swept through the inner palace of the East Palace...

Just when he felt that someone was pushing himself behind him, Helan Chushi rolled several times in a row to stabilize his figure.

Then he turned his head and stood at the place where he was calling Cheng Saburo. There, the horizontal knife that he had inserted on the ground was no longer known where he was being blown up.

And not only was the ground opened a large area, the surrounding weeds were blackened, and even flames were burning...

Helan Chushi searched left and right with blank eyes, and saw Jiang Yaqing, who had run several feet to the rear, and now finally stopped.

Then he looked at the towering old tree again, and inside his buzzing ears, he heard Cheng Saburo's energetic shouting above the tree again.

"Helan Chushi, I'm not asking you to stay there and don't walk around. How can you be so erratic, come back quickly, I will come down and fight with you."

"What am I..." Helan Chushi opened his mouth, UU read www. really doesn't know what language to use to express their feelings.

Jiang Yaqing raised his hand, and finally fell weakly and shook his head.

That's a thick-skinned person who doesn't eat hard and soft, it's useless to be scheming, and the method of excitement is useless...

Unexpectedly, the original plan of such a perfect murder of the prince's family would be ruined by Cheng Saburo, the demon moth.

"Or, let's go to Lu Guo Gong's Mansion..." a deceased man in Wei's Mansion gritted his teeth with despair and angrily.

Cheng Saburo, who was squatting on the tree, was immediately happy and yelled.

"Go, go if you have the ability, the Cheng family are still afraid of someone calling the door?"


Not to mention, Cheng Saburo thinks that there are thirty or forty of these gangsters for the fat and strong guards of the old Cheng family.

It’s doubled again, and it’s the life of the food delivery. Back then, the old man in Hou Junji led a ticket to the Hou family and went to the old Cheng’s house to hit the place.

As a result, Yiganhou's family was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, holding his head and scurrying. As a result, his father Cheng Yaojin was deducted from his salary for one year or six months.

This incident is still fresh in Cheng Saburo's memory, but it is a pity that at that time, he was still working as a medical worker in another time and space.

I regretted losing the opportunity to participate in such glorious collective activities as the old Cheng family.

At this moment, a dead soldier of the Wei Dynasty mansion wearing a Turkic armor rushed over, covered in blood. Mi He Mi

Can't even pay attention to saluting, and whispered quickly and quickly towards Jiang Yaqing.

"Sir, the forbidden army in the palace has come to help. I don't know how many people have come in. Go quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late..."


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