The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1756: The first thing Li Shimin saw was not one person, but...

Remember in one second【】

Cheng Chubi raised his finger and pointed at the tip of his nose. "Wei Wang's goal is a child, Hou Junji's goal is a prince."

"Yes, that's what it means, as long as you can understand it."

General Cheng gave a relieved smile, but Saburo had a good brain, and he grasped the point at once.

"Father, the problem is, so many people know..."

General Cheng saw Cheng Saburo's stunned look, he couldn't help but smile and stroked the thick beard like a steel needle.

"Who knows? Only the old man Hou Junji and Wei Wang and Li Tai really know."

"As for the others, they just intended to frame King Wei, intended to disrupt the audiovisual, intended to make She Ji uneasy."

"...Father, you have a good point, but the problem is that Guanghaier believes it's useless."

"Hehe, silly boy, why do you think your Majesty would call you, Shi Lang and Yu Zhan Shi.

When the arrangement of the three of you is made clear, it is up to you to persuade the prince to let the prince understand the difficulties of your majesty. "

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi nodded, yes, it's your business how your elders want to make a monster moth.

I, an innocent and ignorant junior, just follow your orders with low eyebrows.

Cheng Chubi knew very well that he had to bear the identity of the victim himself. With Li Shimin's character, among other things, at least the benefits would be indispensable.

It must be the kind of benefit of very dry goods, for myself, for the old Cheng family, hehehe...

"Well, your Majesty is afraid that it will be difficult to solve it for a while. Come and talk to Dad. How did your kid find the clue that day?"

The serious matter is over, and your majesty hasn't jumped out yet. He's also idle when he's idle. Cheng Chubi winked at his father.

"Father, wait a while, you go into the house and sit for a while, the boy will bring you something, let's say in the house for a while..."

Seeing a familiar gesture from his own son, General Cheng couldn't help but slap his slap on the agile Saburo.

As expected, Saburo, who looks the most like himself with Bingqing, even looks like this cleverness and this kind of filial piety.

Cheng Chubi jumped to the gate of the courtyard, and the guards at the gate couldn't help but stretched out his hand to stop him with some doubts.

"Cheng Saburo, where do you want to go?"

"Brother Lu, my father is a little uncomfortable. I have to get my treatment kit so that I can come over and give my father a good check."

Hearing this, the Lu Shiwei could only step aside, let the filial child of the old Cheng family go out, and sneak in a wooden box and strode away.

When Cheng Saburo passed by, another guard on the side couldn't help sniffing.

"Hey, it's so weird, how come I smell the fried chicken."

"Hehe... Deep-fried Zhihou Monkey, it was made by the boy Cheng Saburo. It is normal for you to smell him."



General Cheng and Cheng Saburo sat in the office of the school director. Cheng Saburo jumped over and just closed the door.

General Cheng couldn't wait to open the jar, and he smelled the familiar smell of the secret three-leaf pulp made by Cheng's house.

"It's still good at home, unlike those spirits, which are powerful, but can't drink a few glasses.

How can it be like our three-leaf pulp, not only full of energy, not intoxicating, but also nurturing..."

When Cheng Chubi watched his father finish three cups in a row, he began to copy the fried chicken and chewed it with emotion.

Cheng Chubi wiped his face. Well, it's no wonder that my father is very happy to drink the raw tea, and he especially likes to make a long soak after drinking the tea.

That thing is also powerful, very suitable for tea customers with heavy flavors like my relatives. Except for my father, no one else can bear it.

General Cheng drank a small wine and ate snacks, watching Saburo start to brag about how his eyes are like electricity, how wise and martial, and how he can count on it. He heard that General Cheng had a big heart. Chang, toast frequently.

"Good job, this is the strength of our Cheng Jiaerlang, come on, do this cup."

Cheng Chubi took up the three-leaf pulp and drained it in one gulp, squeezing his eyes for a long time, and then he spit out a breath of alcohol, refreshing.

Over there, Li Shimin and Ma, who had been close to the end of the secret conversation, began to hear the noise outside on Monday, and they didn't take it seriously.

But then, the noise became louder and louder, and the two of them listened quietly, and got... the boy Cheng Saburo was selling himself and boasting, and the hearty laughter and applause of Cheng Jiajin.

Li Shimin wiped his face and sighed helplessly. The power of father and son together is not as simple as one plus one.

Ma Zhou also rolled his eyes frequently and raised his spirits to salute his Majesty.

"Your Majesty, the minister thinks that if you want to deal with this matter in this way, there is nothing wrong with it, but the East Palace..."

"I understand what you mean, presumably the prince Zhan Shi, should also be coming soon."

Hearing what His Majesty said, Ma Zhou also nodded with deep approval.

"Your Majesty Shengming, if you can persuade Yu Zhanshi, Cheng Saburo will carry this... well, this burden.

With the generosity and love of His Royal Highness, this matter can be accomplished, but in this way, His Royal Highness..."

Although Ma Zhou didn't say anything, Li Shimin didn't understand it. It was tantamount to letting the prince take over and swallow this grievance.

Li Shimin also frowned and sighed for a long time. If it’s not for worrying about my father and my beloved wife,

^0^Remember in one second【】

In addition, Li Shimin couldn't bear to kill his son.

But in the end, the real victim, his eldest son, came to suffer this grievance, and Li Shimin's heart was also very entangled.

"I also know that doing this is really suffering for the prince. I also want to give him some compensation, but he is already the prince..."

Ma Zhou nodded silently, indeed, the prince, that is, the future heir of the Tang Dynasty and the successor of your majesty.

What kind of compensation can be given? I'm afraid it's not appropriate to give it.


At this moment, a rush of footsteps rang. "Your Majesty, Prince Zhan Shi has already arrived outside the courtyard..."

"Well, let him in." Li Shimin stood up and walked slowly towards the door. This is also a loyal hero.

Hearing that he was still injured, Li Shimin was also a little bit embarrassed to ask him to come over

Cheng Saburo, who was flying around with his father, also heard this report, and strode out of the house with his father.

Then, first, Zhao Kun, who was in charge of the welcome, stepped into the courtyard with a sullen expression, and then stepped aside to step aside.

What Li Shimin first saw was not a person, but a fist, and then a straight arm.

Then, I saw the prince Zhan Shi Yu Zhining, who had a straight spine and his chest high.

Xiongjiao walked arrogantly and arrogantly, but at a slow pace like a snail, and entered the yard.

"??" Li Shimin was confused all over. Is this the prudent and courteous prince Zhan Shi Yu Zhining he knew?

General Cheng Cheng directly puffed out with joy. "Yo yo yo, who is this, actually even more arrogant than my old Cheng..."


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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