The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1757: Haha... Cheng Sanlang, just the height of Shi Lang,...

Remember in one second【】

Li Shimin looked stunned at Yu Zhining, who was holding one hand and walking arrogantly, but every movement was very slow.

At this time, Chen Sanlang had already strode over and supported Yu Zhining's other arm.

Forcibly resisting the distorted and hideous face is a hypocritical caring way.

"Yu Zhan you want to come over, why don't you say hello, let me accompany you anyway."

Yu Zhining glared at Cheng Saburo fiercely. He looked like this. Although Cheng Saburo was not the culprit, he was very responsible.

But at that time, I also asked for the stent on the initiative, and it stinks compared to lying on the bed for a month or two.

Although this posture is extremely awkward, but at any rate he can still walk around, originally Yu Zhining also thought very simple.

Just because he looks like this, he shouldn't go out, so he should stay in the mansion for a while to recuperate, and then go out after removing the bracket.

But who ever thought that he was preparing to rest today, but his majesty's guards entered the mansion and told himself that his majesty had come to Chang'an quietly and wanted to see him.

Yu Zhining was very helpless. After all, His Majesty came here because of the collusion between the prince and the prince.

Since your majesty is returning to Chang'an quietly, he can't let his majesty come to find himself.

In desperation, he could only maintain the awkward posture fixed by Cheng Saburo, lying in the carriage, and came to Cheng's University.

This way, he has been tossed enough. Your Majesty is face to face, and Yu Zhining is really not good at complaining, so he can only speak quietly.

"Yu knows you will come too, I said, can this bracket be removed now?

It is really embarrassing to meet with your Majesty like this. "

At this time, Li Shimin had already strode forward to Yu Zhining's, looking at his awkward posture and awkward expression.

Li Shimin tried to control himself, trying to make his tone a little heavy.

"Yu Qing's house, you have suffered...suffered."

"Your Majesty, what does this injury matter to the minister, the real suffering is those soldiers who paid their lives to protect His Royal Highness."

I thought of the tragic death battle that day, and those soldiers who used their bodies completely fearlessly to protect His Royal Highness.

Even with life's efforts to stop the enemy's arrows and swords, Yu Zhining's eye sockets once again seeped wetness.

Li Shimin's face darkened, and his big hand patted Yu Zhining lightly on the shoulder. The voice was not high, but he was extraordinarily determined.

"I...I understand, I will definitely give them back justice."


Yu Zhining couldn't sit down, but stood aggrieved leaning on the pillar, and continued to stretch his hand forward.

Seeing this scene, Li Shimin couldn't help but glared at Cheng Saburo before lowering his voice.

"Your kid is doing something, how can you treat Yu Qing like this?"

"It's no wonder I, Yu Zhan not only had several broken ribs, but even the scapula had fractured bones, as well as muscle tears."

"If you have surgery, I am afraid that Yu Zhanshi will have to lie on the couch and stay immobile for two or three months."

"So, my nephew, I can only use non-surgical methods for Yu Zhan. First, it will reduce the physical and psychological pain, and there is no need for surgery."

Seeing that Cheng Saburo is always so plausible, nobody else can say about him.

After all, this kid is indeed a leader in treating illnesses and saving people.

Li Shimin ignored him, walked up to Yu Zhining, and began to communicate with him in a low voice.

As for Cheng Sanlang and his son, and Ma Zhou stood in the distance, leaving space for the monarch and his subjects.

Ma Zhou looked at Cheng Saburo awkwardly, and then at Cheng Yaojin. He wanted to say something.

But when I thought that your Majesty was not around, and Cheng Saburo's mouth was not much worse than his father.

Forget it, just treat it as a blessing to suffer a loss, just have a chance to retaliate later.

At this moment, he saw Cheng Sanlang's eyes sneaking at him, making Ma Zhou uncomfortable.

Finally couldn't help turning his head. "I said General Cheng San, what do you always think Ma does?"

Cheng Chubi nodded at Ma Zhou with a smile, and pointed to Ma Zhou's belly that stood as if she was pregnant.

"Sorry, I just think Shilang Ma didn't seem so fat before you.

Before Cheng left Chang'an to go to Luzhou, at that time, Shi Lang Ma, you looked a little slenderer than you are now..."

"..." Ma Zhou's face went dark. Talk as you speak, pointing your finger at the old man’s belly, what do you do? Does the old man's belly provoke you or provoke you?

"Haha... Saburo, you are still very careful to observe. If you don't say it, you still don't think for the father."

"Lao Ma, your whole body was thin and there was only a handful of bones left. This is just a few of them. Isn't this the weight of the previous two?"

"You...huh! The old man doesn't bother to talk to you." Ma Zhouyi flicked his sleeves angrily to the side with black lines on his face.

After more than ten steps, he stood on the other side, his face was full of displeased expression, and Zhao Kun had a toothache.

Seeing Ma Zhou's angrily appearance, General Cheng hesitated, stroking the thick beard like a steel needle, turning his elbow and whispering his own Saburo.

"I said Saburo, what's the matter, that old boy recruited you?"


^0^Remember in one second【】

No, but Dad, the boy thinks Shi Lang does not seem to be in good health. You see, he must be peeing..."

"???" Cheng Yaojin turned his head with a black line and looked at his son who was very excited.

"You kid, can you do something serious, he's going to pee, why are you so excited?"

Seeing his father pulling a face, Cheng Saburo quickly explained with an anxious face.

"No, no, don't get me wrong, dad, the boy suspects that Shilang Ma has three highs, and the three highs are quite serious..."

Zhao Kun, who didn't know when he came by, heard and let out a dumb fart.

"Haha... Cheng Saburo, the height of Shilang Ma is three times higher? Did you even point out his height?"

General Cheng stroked his thick beard, raised his hand with deep conviction, made two virtual comparisons on his nose, and turned his head with a genuine expression on his face. .

"Come on, the third child, tell your father, is Shilang Ma as tall as your father?"

"..." Cheng Saburo's face was black, and the whole person was square. It seems that Wen Wu No. 1 and Wu Wu No. 2 are really right.

As a military commander, of course, he is not happy that others are better than himself, three taller than himself, bah... taller than himself. ""

"No, no, dad, you understand the meaning of the wrong boy. Boyer means that Shi Lang's blood sugar, blood pressure and blood lipids must be quite high."

"These three are high, it means that Shi Lang Ma has a problem with his body, it is a disease, and he can be cured."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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