The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1759: The prince did not regard you as a courtier, there are some things to say about you..

Speaking of this, the appearance of Li Ke, His Royal Highness Wu Wang, who thumped his chest and feet, really made Cheng Chubi deeply contemptuous.

"You are also a dignified prince at any rate, and those vendors have only earned a few hundred guans.

Looking at your jealous look, those who don't know think you are not a prince but a poor ghost. "

"??" Li Ke looked at Brother Chu Bi with a black line, his whole body was not good. Lao Tzu is already poor, but it's not a ghost, okay?

"Brother Chubi, can you bury the younger brother like this? The younger brother is a little poorer because he is poor, but how can I be a little bit ghostly like me?"

Li Chengqian held back his smile and quickly changed the subject. "Two, serious things, let's discuss serious things."

Li Ke was unwilling to take care of the situation, and turned to his elder brother Li Chengqian.

"Brother don't worry, the younger brother has already sent someone over and asked them to print another 60,000 copies for tomorrow's sale."

"Thanks to the hard work, now it seems that the influence of the "Chang'an Xunbao" is really not small.

If this thing is manipulated properly, the public opinion of Chang'an City will almost be swayed by it. "

"It's no wonder that my fourth brother tried everything possible to make this "Chang'an Xunbao" already available."

"Although it was unsuccessful, but together with those families, made a copy of "Chang'an Collected Works"..."

Speaking of this, Li Chengqian's eyes fell on Cheng Chubi. "Brother Chubi, you can't help but prevent this."

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, Li Ke was immediately happy.

"Brother, let me say that the "Chang'an Collected Works" and our "Chang'an Xunbao" are not the same way at all."

"Furthermore, the younger brother specifically went to find out that the "Chang'an Collection" was handed over to the printing press of the Zheng family in Xingyang."

"Their cost, huh... Speaking of it, brother, you might be shocked."

"Is it very high? I just remember that Brother Chu Bi talked to me before. An essentially ordinary book costs about one or two hundred yuan."

After all, Li Chengqian is a flower that grows in the deep palace. The knowledge he knows can only come from the channels around him.

"Little brother, I heard that the Zheng family in Xingyang, in order to please our fourth brother, they also manually printed "Chang'an Collected Works" for him.

Even so, the cost of a copy of "Chang'an Collected Works" is almost forty essays. "

"So high?" Li Chengqian was taken aback and looked towards Cheng Chubi subconsciously.

"His Royal Highness, this is for sure. First of all, they are engraving printing. A wood block can be printed several thousand times at most and it is almost scrapped."

"Moreover, they use tribute paper. The price of tribute paper is so high that when the minister used it in the past, he was so distressed that he was bleeding."

Seeing Brother Chubi talking nonsense in that serious nonsense, and seeing Brother Chubi go to the toilet without two tribute papers, Li Ke felt that there was no sense of ritual.

I really wanted to ask if the blood that Brother Chubi shed last time was when he went to the hut.

Of course, with regard to this question, the beautiful Changan Panan Li Ke only dared to complain secretly in his heart.

After all, Brother Chu Bi's explosive muscles are very lethal.

Li Ke felt that he was a gentleman with fine skin and tender flesh, there was no need to follow suit and roll his sleeves at every turn, inspiring the general knowledge of the scary rough masters.


After listening to Cheng Chubi's explanation, Li Chengqian couldn't help but slap his tongue again and again.

"According to you, if he prints the "Chang'an Collected Works" once, he will have to lose at least two to three thousand pens."

"Of course, this is still under the circumstance that he maintains 60,000 copies. If he wants to learn from us, one hundred thousand copies, um, he will have to put in four thousand copies."

Cheng Chubi pulled the finger of his wrench and couldn't help but admire the fat Michelin prince. In order to fight with herself, the real mother is not distressed by the cub selling Ye Tian.

If it is two issues in one month and one year after the printing, I don’t know if His Majesty Wei, who is very much loved by His Majesty, will be so poor that he wants to lose the loincloth.

I don't know at that time, Uncle Li knew that his fat-eared son would be angry with others, and if he got rid of a hundred thousand guana a year, would he slap him with a big mouth.

Hmm... Cheng Chubi is very eager to see Uncle Li, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, personally demonstrate to his courtiers what a true *hands-on-hands* father's filial piety is.


Almost blowing the lard pastry on the front plate onto the case table, rubbing his nose, Li Tai continued to enjoy the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" series on the "Changan Xunbao" with an expression of disgust and relish.

And he also criticized while admiring. "What kind of ghost stuff is written here, look at this, what Hedong Jieliangrenshi.

Obviously he is a vulgar villager who doesn't know where he came from. Haha, this Han family clan has also fallen into a place where he sells straw sandals, tusk tusk..."

The housekeeper, Grandpa Li, stood there blankly, listening to his Highness's complaints, oh no... it was a criticism.

Calculating how much money was spent today to buy how many copies of "Changan Xunbao", that's nothing more.

His heart bleeds when he thinks of the two thousand four hundred volumes of "Chang'an Collected Works" that he has just paid for the printing fee.


Finally, after turning on the Tucao mode and reading the "Changan Xunbao" intently, Li Tai deliberately threw the newspaper to his feet.

It doesn't seem to be the case, and he cannot express his contempt for this "Changan Xunbao".

Seeing Li Tai finally finished reading the newspaper, the housekeeper Li Gonggong said.

"His Royal Highness, the "Changan Xunbao" we gathered today is almost 20,000 copies."

"Not only us, there are also many vendors who are vying with our people."

"Those **** dealers are really forgotten people who have forgotten their own gains. No matter what, 20,000 copies are 20,000 copies. Tomorrow, if there are more..."

Wei Wang Li Tai's face was a little dark and after pondering for a long time he stiffened his scalp.

"Take it again. You say, how can they print so fast, and they print so much."

"It's just the second issue. I'm afraid that the newspapers they sell are at least 100,000 copies. If you count it as forty texts, it's a full four thousand."

"Their old Cheng family, haha... just the properties of their family, I'm afraid they won't be able to earn so much in a month, right?"

The steward Li Gonggong thought for a while, and felt that he still had to tell the truth: "His Royal Highness, since the "Chang'an Xunbao" has advertised them for Cheng's restaurant."

"That Cheng's restaurant is full almost every day, and it is now considered to be the best-operated restaurant in East City. Do you want our "Chang'an Collected Works"..."

Li Tai, the king of Wei, immediately stared at the housekeeper Li Gonggong unhappily, but when he thought of an issue of "Chang'an Collected Works", he had to smash into it two thousand four hundred.

The apex felt pain and hesitated for a while before he said it. "You can do it yourself, you don't need to bother this king with this matter."

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