The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1760: In the past, His Majesty loved King Wei more privately than His Royal Highness, presu

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! When Cheng Chubi saw this scene, he almost burst into laughter. Fortunately, the kind-hearted Cheng Chubi jumped off the horse.

"Okay, don't embarrass them, Brother Dezaian, if you have something to tell me, let's..."

"Let's go back and let them stay here, so that they can not hear us and can rest assured."

"Thank you Cheng Taichang for understanding the difficulties I waited for, what do you think of the second son?"

The family leader couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed to Cheng Chubi, and then carefully looked towards Li Dezheng.

Li Dezai snorted, and walked back in big steps with a face full of disapproval. After walking back side by side with Cheng Chubi for more than 20 steps, he stopped.

"I was just thinking about what you said, Brother Xian, you are right, you want to be famous... ahem, how can you not take a risk if you want to be a knight with a long history."

"What's more, this is for the people of the world to take risks. Li is naturally unwilling to be a queen."

Seeing a Li De Prize who was serious about making a name in the world, Cheng Chubi almost uttered aloud, anyhow holding it back, so as not to lose his face.

"If Xiongtai really has such a belief, this is really a blessing for the people of the world..."

After hearing Cheng Chubi's flattery, Li Dezheng did not forget the seriousness after grinning for a long time.

"The virtuous brother, can you tell Brother Yu, where is the kind of rice that you said can be ripened twice a year, or even triple-cropped?"

"Does Xiongtai know about Jiaozhi?"

"Of course I know that, last time, from Liuqiu back to Datang, we still had brothers who wanted to go there to see the world."

"But in the end everyone left their hometown for too long and couldn't make the trip, could it be said..." After Li Dezheng sighed with emotion, he immediately reacted.

A pair of eyeballs stared like copper bells, staring straight at Cheng Chubi.

"I only know that the kind of rice that is double-cropped a year or even triple-cropped is in that area just south of Jiaozhi."

"Brother Xian, are you really sure?" Li Dezhao took a deep breath. At this moment, he seemed so full of fighting spirit.

"Of course, I can be 100% sure, that kind of rice is that area."

"However, even if I knew it was there..."

Li Dezheng smiled heartily, slapped Cheng Chubi's shoulder with a big palm, and said with a finger up.

"As long as you don't cheat Brother Yu, you can rest assured, as short as one year, and as long as one and a half years.

Li will definitely be able to return to Chang'an with the kind of good baby you mentioned. "

"If this is the case, the younger brother first wishes Xiongtai a successful horse, and hopes that Xiongtai can return safely."

"Don't underestimate my ability to wait for the ranger to survive. Okay, let's go, Brother Yu, I won't give it away."

Cheng Chubi nodded, returned to the mount, turned over and jumped on the horse's back, and then turned back.

Li Dezheng still stood on the spot, waving his hand towards him. "Brother virtuous walk slowly."

Cheng Chubi nodded, turned his head and kicked off.

After seeing Cheng Chubi beat the horse away, Li Deshao sprinted towards the Fuzhong.

Now that you have a goal, you have to start making good preparations, and you have to send someone to send a message to your brothers who are wandering around the world together.

I hope this time, it won’t be as unlucky as the last time Dongdu Fusang.

To be reduced to fleeing like a dog of the mourning family is really a shame for the face of a hero who is determined to make a name in the world.


"Your Majesty, the minister just went to the Temple of Ganlu. I didn't see the Empress and the Princess. On the way there, the servants learned that the Empress took the princess to the East China Sea to play."

Li Shimin heard the report from the eunuch, took a look at the remaining memorials, rubbed his eyebrows, and put down the brush in his hand.

"That's all, if that's the case, then I will walk around too." I have been busy for so long, and I should relax and look for the little pistachio of my girl.

About a quarter of an hour after Li Shimin left, the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan stroking his long beard and carrying his hands on his back, wandering to the front of the Ganlu Hall.

I looked around for a while, but didn't see Li Shimin in the Temple of Ganlu. When I asked, I found out that Li Shimin had something to go out and would come back later.

"My lord, go in and wait for your majesty. If it's starting to get hot today, it's better to cool down in the hall."

Li Yuan nodded and walked slowly into the Temple of Ganlu. Today, he didn't know what evil he had hit. When he went to the Temple of Lizheng, his daughter-in-law went for a stroll with Xiao Sizi.

Having not returned for a long time, Li Yuan reluctantly decided to come and take a look at the Ganlu Temple, but he did not expect that not only his daughter-in-law and Xiao Sizi were not there, but even Erlang was not there.

Already walking a bit tired, Li Yuan, who was already seeing juice, stepped into the Temple of Ganlu, the ice in the palace was slowly exuding a chill.

The air in the Ganlu Hall was much cooler than the outside, which refreshed Li Yuan.

I came to Li Shimin's case table danglingly and sat down in front of him, looking at the mountain of memorials on the case table.

There is also a memorial that has not yet been corrected and is in the middle of the case. It is enough to see that even on the day of rest, his own Jiro is handling government affairs conscientiously.

This made Li Yuan's old face a look of relief, his eyes swept away, but he saw a booklet that had been crooked and exposed an oblique angle and was pressed under several corrected memorials.

Li Yuan subconsciously reached out and pulled out the book. Seeing the four big characters "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" on the cover of the book, I couldn't help but stay in a daze.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, how come the old man has never heard of..."

Always living in the deep palace, every day besides eating and drinking, he was strolling in the Da'an Palace, or playing with Xiao Sizi. Li Yuan, who didn't care about the world at all, whispered and opened the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms."

And this volume is exactly the content of the one hundred and one back to the one hundred and five chapters.

After Li Yuan copied it into his hand, he saw the characters in it appear on stage, and he quickly realized which story the book was about Soon, he was attracted by the wonderful content and watched with gusto. , For a long time, I even forgot to drink the chilled lotus seed soup for cooling off.

At this time, Cheng Chubi, the Datang royal food supplier, had already carried his heavy medicine box, carrying a food box, and stepped into the palace toward the depths.

Cheng Chubi carried the medicine box lightly, while silently complaining about why the floor of the palace couldn't be completely leveled.

Even if my medicine box is equipped with wheels, most of the time the wheels can only be used as decorations.

Carrying this thing on his back, against the harsh days, Cheng Chubi spit out while rushing, and finally rushed to the temple of nectar.

Seeing the Ganlu Temple close at hand, Cheng Chubi wiped off his sweat and strode up the steps. The guards and eunuchs of the Ganlu Temple had long been responsible for the appearance of the old Cheng family. It's normal to get into the palace.

Very insensitively, he watched Cheng Chubi walk into the Temple of Nectar with the medicine box and the food box on his back...

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