The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1798: There is half a copper plate connection with "Luoyang Peony Elegant Collection&q

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At this moment, Li Baoguo, manager of Jinyang Bookstore, stood respectfully in front of Cheng Saburo and watched Cheng Saburo hand him a manuscript.

Just glanced at the cover, it was written in the big characters "Luoyang Peony Elegant Collection".

Li Baoguo couldn't help looking suspiciously at Cheng Saburo, the second owner. Well, the big owner is naturally the jewel in his hand, Princess Jinyang.

"Er Dongjia, what does this mean? Isn't this the "Luoyang Peony Collection" printed by Zheng's Bookstore?"

Cheng Chubi hesitated and lifted his chin toward Li Baoguo. "Don't just look at him outside, take a good look inside."

Li Baoguo nodded, the moment he opened the first page.

He saw General Cheng Cheng who was the first to show up before him.

"???" Li Baoguo was confused, what the **** is this?

But seeing the distant view of the picture is the magnificent Luoyang City, and the frame of the whole picture is decorated with peony flowers.

The majestic and majestic General Cheng, leaping across the horse, happened to stab the enemy general under the horse, and the image of a group of enemy troops fleeing in a hurry seemed so vivid.

"I said Li is in charge, what's the matter?" Cheng Chubi saw Li Baoguo's shocked expression, and couldn't help but get up and leaned forward to take a look.

"Is there a problem?"

"Er Dongjia, this doesn't seem to be "Luoyang Peony Collection", right?"

"This is the hero list of "Luoyang Peony Elegant Collection". Didn't you see the small print next to it?"

"???" Li Baoguo's eyes bulged directly, only then did he notice the big characters next to the "Luoyang Peony Collection".

There are four unobtrusive subtitles: The Heroes Catalog.

But the question is, does this Te Niang's have half a copper connection with "Luoyang Peony Elegant Collection"?


Cheng Chubi also realized his mistake and stretched out his hand like a trick.

He took out a brand new "Luoyang Peony Collection" and handed it to Li Baoguo.

Li Baoguo just put down the hero catalog and looked carefully on the cover, and instantly felt his eyes go dark.

Sure enough, there is a subtitle, but it says Luoyang Peony Elegant Collection, and the attached title next to it is: Deluxe Graphic Edition.

Cheng Chubi patted Li Baoguo on the shoulder with satisfaction, and put his finger on the sample book.

"You should take a look at this first. This is the luxurious graphic version of "Luoyang Peony Collection". You can read that copy of the hero catalog as an extra."

"..." Li Baoguo's mind was suddenly confused. God's special fan, do you have a more serious sample book here?

After taking a deep breath, let's stop, I can't offend this second owner who is about to become the big owner's son-in-law.

Li Baoguo could barely squeeze a smile and open the first page.

My eyes lit up suddenly, and the essay opened. It was a poem from the Peony Collection. The author was Yuchi Baoqing, and they were arranged in the order of the day.

The point is not this, but that this poem also has pictures, which are naturally beautiful peony, which fits well with the artistic conception of that poem.

After turning to the next page, Yuchi Baoqing was dressed in a Confucian shirt, standing on the high fence majesticly and domineeringly, overlooking the image of the Peony Pavilion.

Turning another page, it is the mighty image of Yuchi Baoqing wearing his armor and riding a horse. He also gave a detailed introduction to Yuchi Baoqing.

Including how old, how many achievements have been written down, and written in very detailed.

There is actually a line of introduction that says marital status, and the one behind it is married...

In addition, there is a line of handwriting in black and bold at the bottom: For more details, please see pages 18 to 28 of the hero catalog.

This made Li Baoguo couldn't help copying the hero catalog of "Luoyang Peony Elegant Collection" just now. Turning to page 18, he saw the majestic and murderous image of General Yuchi.

Then there is the introduction of General Yuchi's stellar record, and it also focuses on the detailed process of General Yuchi's heroic rescue.

The richness of the language and the wonderful description make people look like watching "The Romance of Cheng Sanlang Jiannan Road" is as wonderful as it is.

Li Baoguo continued to read the book of heroes without hesitation.

In short, every poem will cooperate with the peony, a brave and brave martial artist, or sing in the flowers.

A toast to invite the moon, or a horse and a spear, or, in short, all kinds of sorrows, and also praised these Wuxun children's vigorously.

Li Baoguo looked at this savage-eyed thing and couldn't help but carefully put forward his own suggestions.

"...I'm talking about the second owner, will it be too complicated?"

"What's complicated?" Cheng Chubi glared at Li Baoguo unhappily.

"Do you know what this is? This is the heroic deeds of the shareholders of my Hantang Commercial Bank and their elders."

"Those Zheng's bookstores, when the "Luoyang Peony Collection" was printed in the past.

Not to get the family background of those authors, as well as all kinds of flattering words written by Ye Luzi literary critics who don't know where to find them. "

"But this year's "Luoyang Peony Collection" is probably less than half the thickness of the collections published in the past."

"In that case, why can't we add more material."

Li Baoguo wiped his face and looked at the plausible Cheng Saburo, who was very speechless.

Returning to the wild Luzi, in this world, when it comes to Luziye, it is still your old Cheng's family.

Especially you Cheng Saburo, no one can beat you when you are up in the wild.

"But after all, "Luoyang Peony Tooth Collection" has been printed by the Zheng family for so many years. If we do this, will we..."

Cheng Chubi looked at this cautious Li Baoguo. It was right to be cautious, but he also scored.

In doing business, one cannot always be cautious, as at this time, one must be reckless.

"You, don't worry, you are responsible for the printing of the book, and you should explain it to the Zheng family, and Cheng will be responsible."

"Don't be too cautious in doing things all day long. Sometimes when you start to do things, you have to be a little bit bolder and a little bigger. Don't look forward and backward and be afraid of pulling eggs. UU Reading"

Cheng Saburo's words made Li Baoguo feel bad, but he couldn't afford it.

I can only say weakly that I don’t, um, of course it means that I am not courageous, but that I am not an overly cautious person.


"It's just that it will take a lot of effort to print it like this."

"It's a matter of course, just print it, don't worry, print it boldly, this luxurious graphic edition, and the hero catalog.

It is also the same as the number of prints of "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" that I told you before, all of which are 100,000 copies. "

Li Baoguo nodded silently, the second owner said all that should be said, what else can he say?

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