The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1799: When did Cheng Sanlang's temperament become so good...

After seeing this Li Baoguo take the two sample books and leave, Cheng Chubi stood up in relief.

With his hands on his back, he seriously considered what he would do next. As for what to tell the old Zheng family, hehe, wait until they come to the door to talk about it.

Regardless of whether the old Zheng's family is still in writing or coming to martial arts, Cheng takes it all, afraid of a hammer.

Who let them use the means first? The "Luoyang Peony Collection" printed by Zheng Erbajing is nothing more than the "Luoyang Peony Collection" printed by Zheng this year.

Except for the dry character introductions, poems, and a few comments from the judges that day, nothing else.

The thickness of a volume of "Luoyang Peony Elegant Collection" is not as thick as a volume of non-decent scripts.

As for the "Luoyang Peony Collection" in previous years, I can't wait to take a picture of the talents of the family and big clans, and take a photo of them, and all such incidents as inspiration must be recorded.

When Cheng Saburo saw the official publication of "Luoyang Peony Collection", he was quite upset in his heart.

It's a pity that I was so busy doing the construction of the palace, and I was preparing to go back to Chang'an, so I didn't have the time to deal with it.

Until after returning to Chang'an, Cheng Saburo, who had always been revengeful, did not like Cheng Saburo after too long.

I directly approached the serious and unscrupulous calligraphy and painting artists in Cheng's University and asked them to start planning sample books.

I just wanted to prepare my own print, and then slam the face of those guys fiercely, but the letter from my father was just right to Cheng Saburo's appetite.

The sample book that was just in preparation has also been finished, and naturally it has become the order of the father.

This made Cheng Saburo, the elder filial son, couldn't help being proud. He felt that his father saw the most beautiful cub in the old Cheng family.

After conscientiously compiling the luxurious graphic version of "Luoyang Peony Collection" and the hero catalog of "Luoyang Peony Collection", you will definitely be comforted.

But having said that, now that the Mid-Autumn Festival is not far away, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, the Cheng family can only live in two places and cannot be reunited.

I don't know how Dad and the two elder brothers are living there, whether it is too much for the family banquet all the time.

Li Ke must have been hanging out with those friends, friends, friends all day long, tut...

Having said that, for this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival, I don’t know what my parents are going to do. Do you want to support some poems in advance?

Hmm... My father would not be polite to think about it, since the letter is only to let myself be responsible for the "Luoyang Peony Collection".

Then I won't be too much trouble, but then again, because I want to **** the princess.

For failing to participate in this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, those gentlemen must be celebrating.


Li Shimin is now leaning comfortably with the Queen of the Longsun, admiring a large painting in front of him. This is the work of a painter and calligrapher from the previous dynasty.

The husband and wife sipped tea and enjoyed small refreshments, pointing to this exquisite landscape painting.

He heard a rush of footsteps, and then Li Shimin saw Zhao Kun walking with a flat wooden box with a solemn expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, this is a package sent from Chang'an by His Majesty the prince, saying that your Majesty invites you to open it..."

Li Shimin was about to get up, the corner of his eyes swept to the beloved wife Guanyin maid beside him, his eyelids jumped wildly.

Empress Changsun glanced at the package with a puzzled face, and she couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. Could it be that there is something wrong with Chang'an?

But seeing Li Shimin smiled heartily, he patted the back of Empress Changsun's hand.

"Oh, don't worry about the lady, those are some small things sent to me by her husband, Cheng Qian."

"Oh, I don't know what these small objects are, can I take a look at it?"

Seeing Guanyin maidservant's bright eyes with a little exploration, when Li Shimin felt that he had to do something to turn the tide.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. I saw a slender figure appearing at the entrance of the hall. "Daddy, daddy... Hey, mother, are you there too?"

"Oh, Xiao Sizi is here." Li Shimin's face suddenly stiffened. The lady is by her side, and her daughter has already appeared on the stage.

His Majesty the Emperor of Datang has already felt the coming of the death of the society, and said that it is too late and soon.

Li Shimin jumped straight up with a carp, picked up the package, and jumped into the middle.

"Lady, take care of Xiao Si, there is something trivial to deal with for your husband."

Seeing her husband's very stingy behavior and unwilling to share little secrets with herself, Empress Changsun couldn't help but curl her lips.

Only then did the dear and daughter who moved towards the section smiled. "Come here and sit down, why are you here?"

"My daughter came over to please my mother and dad, why did dad go?"

The grandson empress fondly caressed the girl's Qingsi, this girl looks more and more watery, just like her own model back then.

"Hehe... your father asked your elder brother to send a package, maybe because he was afraid of being seen by you and me, so he took it and hid it."

At this moment, Li Shimin, who was hiding the package inside, froze and sighed helplessly.

Alas, the maidservant Guanyin and the daughters are the two women I can't afford to offend the most in these But anyway, this kind is very serious for married adults, but very serious for minors. Irregular things must not be exposed.


Li Shimin tried his best to let his daughters and women leave Wencheng Palace.

Decrease bxW x.C*o汜. And he went into the inner room again, picked up a letter in the package, and opened it.

Li Chengqian, a good and filial son, first expressed his longing for his father and queen, as well as the emperor's grandfather.

The other is that the crown prince Su Fei is getting closer and closer to the day of giving birth. Although there is brother Chu Bi by his side, he is still quite nervous.

At the end of the letter, it was mentioned that what was in the box was the good treasure that my father had asked him for.

Of course, Li Chengqian also promised his father Li Shimin that Cheng Saburo certainly didn't know that this was for your father.

Because he had already used speaking skills to induce Brother Chu Bi to misunderstand the prince Shao Zhan Shi Zhang Xuan Su's body.

Seeing the letter written by his son, Li Shimin finally showed a kind and satisfied smile on his face.

Not bad, it seems that Cheng Qian's child has finally matured a lot, and actually knows how to use tricks.

Li Shimin finally opened the box. He was taken aback and let out a soft huh.

What's going on, with Cheng Saburo's demon-moth nature, when did it become so satisfactory?

I remember that Chengqian's collection of sets, but the colors are so varied, how could this batch look so monotonous.

Mi He Mi. Well, half is vermilion and half is purple. Hey, why these colors always make me feel something is wrong...

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