The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1800: Wu Xun’s important ministers frequently gathered in the Lu Guo Gong’s mansion, and th

After being suspicious for a long time, Li Shimin couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, muttering to himself authentically.

"Perhaps I think too much, anyway, there is only the color of Zhu Zi, in short, the flamboyant whistle...Zhu Zi..."

Li Shimin's eyelids jumped wildly, and his face instantly turned black.

The set made by Cheng Saburo this time is designed according to the rank of the other party's official rank, right?

When I think of Zhang Xuansu's Qing family, who is wearing a red suit, wearing such... um um, that picture, Tai Te Niang's eyes are a little bit hot.

Looking back, if the kid knew that he wanted it, he would probably make a bunch of black ones.

If he is asked to make it for officials below Rank 6, hey, maybe it will be the coquettish green ribbon.

It's really something Cheng Saburo can do. Li Shimin grinned for a long time and put the box away contentedly.

Finally, I don't have to be forced to control myself to defend myself when facing my charming beloved wife.

It was night, in the Hall of Yiluan, a family of three were playing checkers. The moon was getting higher and higher, and Li Shimin couldn't help but yawn in secret.

He took another sip of tea to dispel the sleepiness. Seeing the eyes cast by Guanyin's maidservant, Li Shimin hurriedly was very energetic and authentic.

"How does my husband feel very energetic today, not sleepy at all."

This made the Empress Changsun glance at her husband suspiciously, wondering why he said such words.

In the past, at this point, the husband would return to Wencheng Hall to rest. Today he said this, it is weird...

Just when Empress Changsun was still suspicious, the little cute Li Mingda finally yawned sleepily.

"Daddy, mother, stop playing, I'm sleepy."

Hearing this sentence from Li Mingda, the little ancestor, Li Shimin saw that the maidservant Guanyin was about to get up, and quickly raised his hand and caught her.

Then he made a smile at his daughters-in-law.

"Okay Xiao Sizi, go back to rest obediently, Dad is going to play a few games with your mother today."

Li Mingda looked back at his mother, then glanced at his father, and got up nicely and left.


After seeing Li Mingda leave, Li Shimin turned his head and smiled at Guanyin's maidservant.

It's just a smile, um... it looks a little bit unpretentious, which makes the Empress Changsun startled.

"Come on, lady, let's have two more."

In Li Shimin's urging voice, there was already a little bit tired of the grandson queen, who could only accompany her husband to continue the game.

Until the game was played, it was already at least Zhuxiang's effort to leave the girl. Li Shimin has determined that it is impossible for the girl to return.

This commanded without looking up.

"Who, Hu Shanggong, let's retreat first, I won't leave tonight."

As soon as this remark came out, Hu Shanggong hurriedly paid a respectful salute to Li Shimin, and then quickly raised his hand to signal. Soon, a group of court ladies and eunuchs all walked away lightly.

Hu Shanggong was the last one to leave the house, and then motioned to the **** to close the door.

"..." At this moment, seeing the moment when the husband closed the door of the palace, he put down the chess piece in his hand and raised his head.

The scorching gaze cast, as if to show himself a lively life, is an old husband and wife, and the pretty face of the eldest grandson empress can't help but feel a little hot.

"Husband, haven't you been..."

Li Shimin's hand was already like a little thief, very dishonest.

"Hehe... for your husband, that is to worry about Guanyin maidservant, your body is ill, within a few years, you can't get pregnant again."

"But now, haha, don't worry about it for your husband."

Empress Changsun looked at her husband in a little astonishment, and saw that there was a weird thing in her hand, which seemed to be a transparent tulle.

Well, this is not the point. The point is that the upper part of the tulle has a very long, bright red ribbon.

In an instant, Empress Changsun suddenly thought of the groove that her former husband had vomited with herself, um, it was about this thing.

"..." Looking at the smug husband, I thought of the colors of the old husband's unceremonious and contemptuous dear son.

Empress Changsun was ashamed and amused, and quickly covered her red and hot pretty face...


In the next few days, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, rested in the Yiluan Hall. B*X*wX*.co汜

And the Empress Changsun, who had a faint sorrow between her eyes, finally cleared her sorrow, and her whole person seemed to be much more energetic.

Between the eyebrows and the corners of the eyes, there was also a little more moisturizing and softness, even the smile, which was a lot more than the previous few months.

Of course, the court ladies and eunuchs knew exactly what was going on. After all, every morning, when His Majesty the Emperor Datang left.

They all seem a bit, uh... how to put it, I am very energetic, but it seems to be a bit overworked, uh uh, I understand it.

Especially the female driver and female commander in the palace, you can definitely understand what is going on.

As for the eunuchs, for them, it is the same whether they understand or not, after all, they have fallen out of the category of men.


"Mother, these days, you seem to be getting better and better... Kaka Kaka..."

Li Mingda chewed the crispy dried fish, tilted his head and looked at his mother, and came to a conclusion with confidence.

This made Empress Changsun's heart jump, and she hurriedly made a haha, and moved the plate of dried fish to Li Mingda.

"Well, my mother has slept well these few days, so my spirit is naturally much better."

"Hurry up and eat it, this small fish will be cold after a while but it won't be so fragrant. UU Reading"

Li Mingda nodded slightly, and continued to throw small snacks into his mouth, after thinking about it, he said seriously.

"I know what's going on. In the past few days, my father has been with my mother, so my mother can sleep very securely.

Yeah, mother, huh... mother, why is your face blushing? "Xi Ru Xi Ru

"'s a bit hot, ah, my mother suddenly feels a little tired, you eat that little boy, mother must go in and rest."

Seeing the mother who was walking in a hurry, Li Mingda chuckled the crispy dried fish, and his watery eyes curled up.

Not knowing what she thought of, suddenly her little face turned into a big red cloth, and then she quickly raised her hands to cover her pretty face.

Hu Shanggong, who was not far away, looked dazed. What's wrong with Princess Jinyang?

At the same moment, Li Shimin, who had been sitting behind the case for a long time, couldn't help but move his somewhat sore waist.

Decided to lie down for a while, after all, I am not an iron man, but who makes Guanyin maidservant be so charming?

With a not-so-serious smile on the corner of Li Shimin's mouth, when he was about to lie down for a while, he saw Zhao Kun enter in a whispered report, saying that it was the embroiderer who was playing something.

His Majesty, the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, had no choice but to sit back again, his eyes less on the embroidered clothes envoy who bowed to the inside.

In the past few days, the impeachment officials of the princes who had been impeached by the military officials frequently gathered in Lu Guo Gong’s mansion, and the ghosts and wolves screamed and harassed the people. However, this kind of book was not directly presented to the court. Mi He Mi

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