The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1801: Master Huo, actually want to sing a song at the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet...

After all, no matter how courage the Yushi was, he would not dare to offend so many important Wuxun ministers who jumped up and down in the palace of Lu.

This made Li Shimin couldn't help but be curious, after all, the old Cheng's family banquet was notorious in the Tang Dynasty's noble circle.

Although the important minister of Wuxun would go straight in and lie down from time to time because he was greedy for the delicious food of the old Cheng family.

But at least there will be a certain interval, but these days, it's really unusual to jump to the old Cheng's house every day.

So it's gossip, oh no... The emperor of Tang, who is very concerned about the physical and mental health of his ministers and workers, decided to ask the embroiderer to check what was going on.

After Li Shimin raised his hand to signal the embroiderer to dismiss the gift, he took the embroiderer's secret memorial that Zhao Kun had handed over.

With just a glance, Li Shimin's expression has undergone a huge change. What kind of ghost is Te Niang?

The elders of this group of Wuxun officials, who were the shareholders of the Han and Tang Commercial Banks, all visited Lu Guo Gong's Mansion every day.

Not only them, but also those young people who rushed to Lu Guo Gong's Mansion every day, as did their own son Li Ke.

And the content presented on this secret memorial, or the purpose of gathering the gang of masters, is actually a Mid-Autumn Festival feast.

Lu Guogong and a martial artist wanted to show off their voices and shame at this year's Mid-Autumn Festival banquet.

Li Shimin stared blankly at the two lines of singing and shame, but he couldn't recover for a long time.

"Do you mean that they meet in Lu Guo Gong's house so that they can show off at the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

" should be the case." The embroidered clothes made the leader think about it seriously, and replied confidently.

"In the beginning, the minister also felt that the people below had made a mistake, and the minister personally visited it."

"Every night after the night, the sound of various musical instruments does sound in the Lu Guogong's mansion, and there are also singing. What the minister can be sure is that he heard the voice of General Wei Chi."

"..." Li Shimin's face turned black for an instant, and that fellow Yu Chigong actually wanted to sing?

Or is this guy wanting to learn from Zhang Fei in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and staged a scene at the Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet.

Thinking about this, Li Shimin couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows and asked.

"Are you sure it's singing, not roaring, or roaring or something?"

Hearing your Majesty's question, the embroidered clothes made the boss concealedly rolled his eyes.

At any rate, the minister is also a person with bright eyes and clever eyes, how could he not even know how to distinguish between howling and singing a small song.

"...Chen, Chen thinks it should be singing."

Li Shimin squinted his eyes, and couldn't help asking another question.

"What about the rest?"

"The minister felt that they should be singing, after all, the minister did not dare to stay near Lu Guo Gong's mansion for a long time."

"Okay, let's go down first."

After Li Shimin raised his hand and waved back the leader of the embroidery envoy, he stroked three long beards, very suspicious.

Zhao Kun on the side saw Li Shimin's expression like this, and couldn't help but step forward.

"Your Majesty, would you like to invite His Royal Highness King Wu to come over and ask?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't help but roll his eyes. He is now not willing to talk to Li Ke, a prostitute son.

If it weren't for the persuasion of Guanyin's maidservant, the **** who pretended to be seriously injured and healed his wounds would definitely make this kid really hurt.

"...You don't need to let him come over, I don't want to see that kid, um, let's go, you send someone to ask that kid."

"The minister understands, the minister will do it now." Seeing his unhappy face, Zhao Kun quickly agreed and walked away.


Li Ke is very honest. After all, his father was provoked by himself. Now he is not honest, what should I do?

Therefore, he simply wrote a very detailed letter and asked the guard who came to find the inquiry to hand it to his father.

Naturally, the letter was the occasion of the family banquet between General Cheng Cheng, who poured his beans from a bamboo tube, and a great military minister.

Recalling bitterly, I thought of the embarrassment that was overshadowed by the civil officials at the Mid-Autumn Festival feast a few years ago, and wanted to be ashamed of this year's Mid-Autumn Festival feast.

Therefore, all the important Wuxun ministers who drank too much have issued a military order, and everyone must advance and retreat together.

Practice singing together, and strive to shine above the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Moreover, Li Ke proudly declared in his letter that every one of these important Wuxun ministers had a loud voice.

The songs they sang are very energetic, and they will surely shine on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

As for your own son Li Sanlang, he will also contribute his part to this Datang Wuxun Chorus at this Mid-Autumn Festival: accompaniment and accompaniment.

Seeing Li Shimin's headache and egg pain, what is this special lady's name?

At this moment, the eyebrows are picturesque, and the empress Changsun, who is full of eyebrows and full of spring, is making tea for her husband. Seeing her husband's sad expression, she can't help but wonder.

"Husband, what's the matter with you, is it possible, what trouble has Ke'er caused?"

"That kid didn't cause trouble, but this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, I am afraid that it will turn into a pot of porridge again..."

Empress Changsun looked at Li Shimin with a stunned face and blinked her watery eyes curiously.

And sitting not far away obediently, imitating his father's handwriting, Li Mingda, who was practicing Feibai there, also raised his ears curiously.

"Hehe, the gang of important Wuxun officials, who didn't know how the fellow Cheng Yaojin was bewitched, decided to sing at the Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet."

With a cry, the tea bowl that Empress Changsun was about to pick up the tea in the hand fell directly to the floor.

Li Mingda's hand holding the Zihao pen shuddered, and almost fell on top of Bai Xuan who was writing.

Lifting the pen in his hand, Li Mingda lifted the corner of his skirt and sat next to his father, asking curiously.

"Daddy, it's true, Uncle Cheng also wants to sing?"

Li Shimin fondly caressed the Qingsi who was stroking her relatives, and then began to wrench his fingers blankly.

"Not only Cheng Yaojin, but also Yu Chigong, Niu Jinda, Qin Qiong, Li Keshi, Liu Hongji..."

Every time a person's name was spit out, the expressions of Empress Changsun and Li Mingda were three points more shocked.

As for the rough lords who are all wow, actually want to sing a small song at the Mid-Autumn Festival?

When I heard that, even Chai Shao, the brother-in-law of your majesty, was about to step onto the stage. Empress Changsun couldn't control herself, so she raised her hand and stroked her forehead.

Can't help but utter a sentence in a low voice.

"Obviously Cheng Saburo is not in Luoyang, how can it make people feel as if he is squatting here."

Hearing what my mother said, Li Mingda was not only unhappy, but pulled her sleeves with excitement on his face.

"Mother, maybe it was the third brother Cheng's secretly poking behind..."


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