The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1815: Although there is no blue light in this era, but there is ze...

   "Can it be cured without taking medicine?" Wu Taiyi couldn't help but look at Cheng Saburo and asked curiously.

  He is an old veteran of the Imperial Medical Office. Naturally, he knows the skills of the former Imperial Physician Cheng Sanlang.

  The sacred hand of Chinese medicine who can solve the suffering of the patient's illness by picking up the knife.

   Regarding his abilities, Doctor Wu believes very much, but he still feels a little unsafe.

   "General Cheng, the two little majesty are so young, are they not suitable for knife use?"

   Cheng Chubi shook his head, then raised his arm and pointed his finger at the sky outside the temple.

   "Of course, you don't need to use a knife. The cure for this type of severe jaundice is known to be phototherapy."

   "Light therapy, is it not possible to get sun exposure?"

   Li Chengqian subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the sun outside. Now the weather in the north is getting colder.

   But the autumn weather is cool, but there is plenty of sunshine.

   "His Royal Highness is wise, just basking in the sun." Cheng Chubi nodded, and squinted at the big sun.

   "Really useful?" The doctor Wu on the side also glanced at the sun. He was a little dazed. For the first time in his life, he heard that solar energy was used to treat this kind of baby fetus jaundice?

   "Of course it works, otherwise how would I know that there is a medical treatment like phototherapy."

   Cheng Chubi's face turned positive, and phototherapy is to treat neonatal jaundice by illuminating the skin.

   Makes the body's bilirubin converted into water-soluble bilirubin isomers under the action of light oxidation, without the need to combine with glucuronic acid.

   can be excreted from the bile and urine, thereby reducing the bilirubin in the serum.

   Prevent unconjugated bilirubin from penetrating the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier and entering the brain to cause bilirubin encephalopathy.

   This point coincides with the idea of ​​the doctor Wu requesting timely treatment.

   But as a considerate medical worker, Cheng Chubi knows very well that he has to express the above point of view.

   refers to the uncertainty and will be regarded as serious nonsense by the people present.

   Cheng Chubi couldn't help but subconsciously glanced at Wu Meiniang, who is becoming more and more curvy and hot and sexy.

   is simply the kind of unfathomable and bottomless, oh, forgot to say the noun, it is the generation gap, the very serious kind of psychology term.

   But Wu Meiniang became more and more charming. Cheng Chubi couldn't deny this, so he took another look, but he didn't forget the seriousness.

  "His Royal Highness, the method provided by the minister does not require medicine or a knife.

   In the situation of the two little princes, they can't do nothing at all. It's better to let the minister do it first.

   As for the two little Majesty's need to take medicine, how about you slowly consider it? "


   Although Li Chengqian was willing to believe in Brother Chubi in his heart, Brother Chubi pointed to the sun in the sky and said that the thing could cure illness.

   Li Chengqian always feels that Brother Chu Bi’s statement is really unreliable. It is not that he does not want to believe him, but that it is too weird.

   But now, he was indeed worried that such a small doll would start taking drugs, and immediately nodded.

   "Also, I will work hard, brother, you."

   Cheng Chubi gave a salute to Li Chengqian, and strode towards the outside of Cheng'en Hall, but only after a dozen steps, he heard a soft call from behind him.

   As soon as he turned his head, he saw Wu Meiniang hurriedly chasing her, Cheng Chubi stopped and turned around.

"What's wrong?"

   "Brother, the sun can solve the problems of the two little princes?"

   Wu Meiniang asked curiously, after all, Cheng Saburo's statement was really a bit weird.

  "Yes, but it takes a long time and a large area of ​​sunlight. And children also need to pay attention to keep warm.

   The lighting in the previous operating room was very good, and there was a curtain to block the wind. I asked me to go and raise the iron stove inside the operating room.

   In this way, the two little princes will not catch a cold with their bare buttocks inside. "

   Looking at Cheng Saburo’s serious expression, Wu Meiniang also knew very well when Cheng Saburo was not using his sword.

   The treatment of hand diseases is so strange and weird that it can hardly be theorized, but there is really no time to miss it.

   immediately nodded vigorously, and smiled at Cheng Sanlang.

   "Okay, the third brother, go ahead, let me explain to the princess, the princess will definitely object to the third brother's actions."

   Cheng Chubi looked at this girl Wu who was thinking about herself, and said in a warm voice.

   "Then you have worked hard to please you, your Royal Highness still values ​​the prince's suggestion."

  As soon as Wu Meiniang left, Cheng Chubi saw the grandson Li Xiang stepping on his short legs and running towards this side panting.

   "Uncle Cheng, Uncle Cheng, I heard that you are going to help my sister and brother, can I help?"

  Looking at this Li Xiang, who had trouble with Lippi on weekdays, but was quite responsible for the big event, Cheng Chubi smiled and nodded.

   "The minister just happens to have a lot of things that need help. If your Highness can help me, then it would be better."

   Hearing this, Li Xiang's little face flushed with excitement. He stepped away from his short legs, quickly followed in the footsteps of Uncle Cheng, and hurried towards the operating room where he had been placed before.


   Cheng Chubi didn't think about the entire glass box, but the problem is that there is no blue light for medical use in this era.

  Don't say that the glass box is made, even if it is a tempered glass box or even a bulletproof glass box, it is not a bird.

   So, it's better to let the child lie in the warm space with bare buttocks, enjoying the strong sunshine.

   Through the blue light in the sun, the unbound bilirubin in the blood is transformed from the fat-soluble type B to the water-soluble type B under the action of light. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

   is then excreted from the bile and urine, thereby reducing serum unbound bilirubin.

   The operating room has not been dismantled. After Cheng Chubi arrived, he asked the eunuchs and the summoned Zuo Neishi to start the necessary modification of the operating room.

   had another iron stove brought in. In order to keep the temperature, two iron stoves were set up.

   In less than two quarters of an hour, everything was ready, and the two little majesty were also sent over by the female officials Awu and Wu Meiniang.

   The princess was not relieved, and was also in the wheelchair, pushed by someone.

   Watching Cheng Saburo put black blindfolds on the two children, and then carefully put them on the white quilts.

   Cheng Chubi thought for a while and asked people to get cotton swabs and water, because in this era, there are no pacifiers and only real people can breastfeed.

   However, in addition to breastfeeding, more water needs to be added to facilitate the discharge of those wastes in the child's body.

   After dealing with all this, he finally made up his mind, and the prince Li Chengqian, who had negotiated with the doctor Wu, also rushed over.

   Looking at the specially-made operating table in four directions, it is covered by white gauze, only the square is covered by a very thin gauze.

   Two bare little dolls, with very chic black cloth strips covering their eyes.


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