The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1816: Tell Lu Guogong that I am going to visit Fanghuayuan tomorrow

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Hearing the words Lu Guogong Mansion, Li Shimin's expression became weird, and he appeared to be another victim of a family banquet in Cheng's Mansion.

"Come on, quickly give Xue Qing a cup of hot tea, Xue Qing quickly drink some warm intestines and stomach, this is Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea, not only to clear the liver and eyesight, but also to maintain health."

Xue Wanjun took a cup of tea with gratitude on his face and looked at the blooming chrysanthemum and a few red goji berries.

After taking a sip, the slightly bitter but sweet chrysanthemum tea refreshed Xue Wanjun.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the tea. This tea is really delicious, and the minister's stomach is warmer and more comfortable."

Li Shimin took a sip of chrysanthemum tea quite contentedly, and then asked again.

"How about, how was the dinner at Cheng Qing's house yesterday?"

Hearing this, Xue Wanjun not only recalled the scene of eating and drinking yesterday.

Thinking of the dry pot wild pork, I couldn't help swallowing the almost dripping saliva and said.

"For the first time in his life, the minister has eaten such fragrant wild boar. The taste is still remembered by the minister..."

Seeing Xue Wanjun's appearance, Li Shimin couldn't help swallowing Xingzi. He had known this before, and he should have tasted it yesterday.

Before the two talked a few words, they heard the voice of welcoming the Emperor from outside.

Li Shimin hurriedly stood up, and with little effort, he saw the gray beard and vigorous father Li Yuan strode into the Temple of Ganlu.

Xue Wanjun also hurriedly paid a respectful salute to the founding son of Datang.

"Forget it, get up..." Li Yuan smiled and patted Xue Wanjun on the shoulder.

After slightly nodding towards Li Shimin, he sat in front of the iron stove and rubbed his hands, his eyes fell on Li Shimin.

Li Shimin, who knew what his father came for, quickly spoke to Li Yuan.

"Father, the child is just now chatting with Xue Qing's family about Xue Wancheqing's marriage. I don't know what the father has instructed..."

Li Yuan happily, stroking his long beard and nodding with a smile

"The old man naturally knows what Xue Saburo is like. If he can marry Danyang, that would be a good thing."

Hearing this, Xue Wanjun couldn't help being overjoyed. His Majesty also agreed, and the Supreme Emperor nodded his head even more.

Now, my third brother finally has a distinguished daughter-in-law. I hope that guy can get married soon and give birth to a baby soon.


Cheng Chubi carried his exaggerated food box and came not far from Ganlu Temple, and saw Xue Ershu Xue Wanjun, who was lying and leaving Cheng Mansion yesterday.

"My nephew has seen Ershu Xue."

Xue Wanjun strode to the front, although he had a pair of panda eyes, he seemed very excited.

"Chu Bi Xian Nephew will soon give up the gift, your Sanshu Xue is about to marry his wife."

After hearing what Xue Wanjun said, Cheng Chubi learned that the Supreme Emperor had nodded his head.

Your Majesty is going to take care of the marriage between Xue Wanche and Princess Danyang at the turn of next spring and summer.

Cheng Chubi hurriedly said congratulations, and Xue Wanjun slapped Cheng Chubi several times in a row, with a grateful expression on his face.

"If it weren't for your nephew Xue Sanshu to cure his phobia, how could he marry a daughter-in-law so soon."

"This separation of love will be remembered by the old man and you, Sanshu Xue. If there is a place for your uncle in the future, just speak up."

After a few greetings, Xue Wanjun hurriedly said goodbye. He wanted to go back as soon as possible and tell his third brother the good news.

Seeing Ershu Xue, who was walking away arrogantly and arrogantly, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

I am envious of the intimate relationship between the old Xue brothers, but our old Cheng family is not bad.

Yesterday, we made concerted efforts to take down almost half of the important military officials of Datang, that kind of sense of accomplishment.

It's not much worse than defeating so many famous generals on the battlefield and watching them collapse one after another.

Cheng Chubi glanced at the heavy food box in his hand, yes, hurry over, he was ordered to come and feed today.

Arriving in front of the Temple of Nectar, the inconspicuous effort was granted.

Just after stepping into the Temple of Ganlu, I saw the royal father and son who didn't talk about martial arts.

"Oh, who should the old man be? Your kid is here..." Seeing Cheng Chubi, Li Yuan couldn't help but enjoy himself.

"I heard that you hunted a wild boar yesterday, but you made a delicious meal that is unsatisfactory..."

"Exactly, the Weichen specially brought you and uncle today..."

After Cheng Chubi opened the food box cheerfully, he took out a pot, set it aside, and then took out a casserole from inside.

As the lids of the two pots were uncovered, a scent of meat began to permeate.

This made Li Shimin and Li Yuan both couldn't help taking a breath.

"Is this really wild pork?" Li Shimin asked in surprise.

"Of course, the taste of wild boar is better than steer pork.

Especially for this dry pot wild pork, the most suitable one is to put it on a small fire and enjoy it slowly..."

Li Pan couldn't help swallowing at the scent emanating from the heat.

"It seems that the old man is coming at the right time for today, Erlang, hurry up and get the old man a pair of bowls and chopsticks."

"How about it, your kid, too?"

"Then I will respect my fate." Cheng Chubi was not trying to rub others, but just eating the delicacies he cooked at other people's homes.


The braised wild boar in yellow is soft and waxy, and the wild boar in dry pot is tender and charcoal, each with its own characteristics.

After taking a few bites, Li Yuan smashed his mouth, looked at Cheng Chubi, winked at this kid.

Cheng Chubi still didn't know what the big man who didn't talk about martial arts wanted to do, so he could only take out a bottle of wine essence from the bottom layer of the food assistant.

Li Yuan was very satisfied to reveal that a little **** was very sensible, and the old man took your look very optimistically, and stretched out his big hand.

"...Oh, your kid is still hiding such good things, haha, the old man just happened to have a sore in the past few days, cure it."

" you like to have some too?"

Li Shimin looked at his father's posture of good wine gluttony, and it was really hard to say anything.

Taking into account the body of his father, Li Shimin, as his own son, naturally has to share some pressure for his father.

Although Cheng Chubi is a junior, but at any rate he brought them food and drink, no matter what, it would be no problem to get some wine.

The three big guys started to eat with a mouthful of wine and meat.

As for Zhao Kun, the loyal head of the guard with a hair-faced face, he has already jumped out of the door to watch the wind after receiving his majesty's eyes from the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

As the saying goes, what you are afraid of, here is eating happily and drinking happily.

The gentle and virtuous eldest-grandson, holding the pink and jade-cut baby girl Li Mingda, is on the way to this temple of nectar.

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