The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1841: Come over for a drink, I can't finish it at 1:30, no...

Xue Wanche sat on his back in a daze. He didn't know how to start the scene. The restaurant staff stood inside the restaurant, looking at General Xue San with expectation.

I hope he is more courageous, so he can do it quickly. You must know that although the skill of Zhuxiang is not long.

However, Cheng's family had already made preparations, and they had specifically asked people to go to the North City to purchase the desk case, and when they returned to the new desk case, they were delivered.

The old one hasn't been harmed yet, so what should I do? After all, the Peony Pavilion restaurant has a large site, but it can't be opened.

At this moment, the manager of the Cheng family finally couldn't bear the inner suffering and moved forward quickly.

"The villain has seen General Xue San, General Xue San, you are here, why don't you hurry up?"

汜减B xwx.co汜. "..." Xue Wanche and a team of guards looked at this impatient restaurant Cheng Guan in silence.

I always feel that this style of painting is too crooked. The first time I saw this kind of actively inviting people to smash the steward of my own restaurant.

Xue Wanche tried his best to control his emotions, thought for a while, and finally jumped off the horse, and got to the housekeeper Cheng whispered in his ear.

"Well, Xue has never done anything like this before, and I don't know how to start..."

"Oh, you said this, General Xue San earlier, don't worry if you go in, just smash it, the people inside have been emptied."

"As for the publicity, leave it to our Cheng family. Come and come to General Xue San as soon as possible, as well as the listed brothers, hurry up..."

"..." Xue Wanche silently led the fat-physic Xue family into the Cheng's restaurant and stood there, not knowing how to proceed for a while.

This can make Cheng's housekeeper anxious, he just picked up a teapot and flicked it with a crisp sound.

The teapot filled with tea instantly shattered directly on the ground.

"General Xue San, do it! Oh, this kettle is a villain."

"...Smash!" Xue Wanche's face was black, Ni Ma, at this time, the Cheng family had been polite enough to do it on their own, and if they didn't do it by themselves, I was really sorry for the high hopes and expectations of the Cheng family.

But seeing that the Xue family began to copy the coffee table and smash it there, the copying table was there and smashed it, throwing the bits and pieces on the table to the ground.

But there is a problem. Those coffee tables and case tables seem to be a bit too strong. Except for General Xue San who can smash them three times, five and two, no one else can smash them.

The manager couldn't help feeling a little anxious. When will this be upset before the old cases on the first floor can be almost completely reimbursed.

If it fails, the efficiency is too low. Suddenly he has an idea and hurries to call someone to come over and give an exhortation.

With little effort, several restaurant employees carrying hammers, axes and hatchets rushed over.

"Come, come, brothers, you have worked hard, you can't do it with your hands, use this thing, and your horizontal knife is not good for splitting wood, take this thing, cut one by one..."

The Xue family looked a little bit embarrassed and thanked the hotel staff who handed them the weapon.

Started to continue, and sure enough, the efficiency rose instantly. The manager of the Cheng family finally developed a breath of air, well...Finally on the road.


"Wow... come and see, Xue Wanche, my important minister of Wuxun, is smashing the restaurant. Go and see."

"I heard that General Xue San was upset because of his brother being locked up in prison. He drank some wine and started smashing the restaurant..."

"Ah, Xue Wanche, my famous general, actually did this?"

"Yes, yes, you guys don't know, but General Xue San smashed the Peony Pavilion restaurant.

It's the one opened by Cheng Saburo, who is famous in Luoyang. The taste of the dishes there is very unique. "

"What, oh, why did this General Xue San suddenly turn his face with the old Cheng family, can't you?"

"Well, maybe I drank too much, my mind was not clear, and I was smashed indiscriminately."

"Walk around, go and see if it is true or not."

"I heard that General Xue Wanche Xue San is one of my most powerful generals. In a big battle, he won't be tired if he chops up thirty or fifty heads."

"The Peony Pavilion restaurant is going to be unlucky now. Unexpectedly, some people in the Peony Pavilion restaurant would dare to smash it."

"This is the Hantang Commercial Bank. The shareholders of the Hantang Commercial Bank include not only those honorable ministers, but even the princes and princesses."

"But the Peony Pavilion restaurant on our side in Luoyang is clearly run by the Cheng family."

"That's right, I heard my cousin in Chang'an say that there is such a saying in Chang'an that if you provoke the Cheng family, you will never end the year."

"It should be the Xiaomin Shengdou, a big figure like General Xue San, can it not pass the year?"

"I don't know if those Cheng family members will call helpers. If the notorious General Cheng also rushes over, hehe, that would be a lot of fun."

There are so many gossips, not to mention that in the ordinary days, the ruffians, the villains and the idlers will have good deeds to watch.

What's more, it was a big man who was smashed today, and the object of his smashing was actually the property of the Lu Kingdom.

Here, how many gossip there are, really aroused the strong curiosity of Luoyang people.

For the old Cheng family, the people in Luoyang have a very good impression. If it is usually, the people may be happy to help.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. However, it was a big man who came to smash it today, a big Tang warrior who crawled out of the **** sea of ​​Shishan, and these little ordinary people couldn't afford it.

But it does not prevent people with a sense of justice from jumping to the office.


Xue Wanche silently picked up the sharp axe, and in three or two strokes, he was able to give or chop or smash a small piece of wood into a rotten plank.

Just as he was on the battlefield, he liked to scream and fight, killing the enemy.

However, he really couldn't get excited about the act of beating, smashing and looting, and could only continue to do this kind of very dishonest thing in silence.

Mi He Mi. After smashing at least a dozen cases of Zhang, Ma Zha, Yajian opened the door or something, Xue Wanche also began to sweat.

Yigan Xue's family also began to pant heavily. At this time, the restaurant steward on the side hurriedly brought a bowl of warm tea to Xue Wanche who was wiping sweat.

"Come and come, General Xue San has worked hard, quickly drink a cup of tea to quench your thirst, and the brothers in the list also hurriedly come over and drink some water. You can't finish it for a while. Don't worry about it."

"..." Xue Wanche's eyelids twitched wildly, and there was always an urge to slap on the cheeky Cheng Guanshi's face.

It feels so embarrassing for others to smash it, and why you smash it yourself. It always feels like they are helping the Peony Pavilion restaurant to clean out the idle waste goods. This feeling really makes people feel aggrieved.

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