The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1842: This kid is clearly raking the grass and hitting rabbits by the way, 2...

   At this moment, Cui Luoyang, who was reading in the public room, heard a rush of footsteps walking towards this side.

   Then I heard a voice coming from outside the house. "Master, Lieutenant Yang has something to report."

   "Hurry up, please." Cui Luoyang could only put the idle book in his hand to the case table, and saw Lieutenant Yang walk into the house with a little bit of anger.

   "The lower officials refer to the Luoyang Decree, and the government officials came to report that there was a major incident on the north bank of Luoshui, and the Peony Pavilion restaurant was smashed."

   "It's the Peony Pavilion restaurant of Han and Tang Commercial Bank?"

   When Cui Luoyang heard the news, his eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth rose.

  The first sentence that flashed through my mind was, you gang of fat-physical and sturdy lords have their own businesses today.

   But soon he recovered his taste, and he dared to beat the people of the Peony Pavilion restaurant, fearing that his identity would not be simple.

   Otherwise, can the criminal Yang County come over and find himself? He can handle it himself.

   "Lieutenant Yang, sit down first, and talk about it carefully, what's the matter, who smashed the Peony Pavilion restaurant? What's the misunderstanding here..."

   "Luoyang Ling, it was Zuowei General Xue Wanche who smashed the restaurant."

   "???" Cui Luoyang's mouth was grinning exaggeratedly, and his eyes bulged out impersonally.

   After all, anyone who has some information channels knows that Xue Wanjun is on a hunger strike to die in prison.

   And Cheng Saburo rushed back from Chang'an Starry Night to save Xue Wanche's second-born brother Xue Wanjun.

   But now, Xue Wanche actually went to smash the Peony Pavilion restaurant, the first thought that flashed through Cui Luoyang's mind.

   That fellow Xue Wanche is crazy, and the second thought is that Xue Wanche must be drunk.

   "There were a lot of people there, and the news had spread. When the officials rushed over, they felt something was wrong."

   "Tell me, what's wrong?"

   Cui Luoyang wiped his face, and when something like this happened, he, a civil affairs official in the eastern capital of Luoyang, was under great pressure.

   After all, now your Majesty and hundreds of civil and military officials are all squatting here, if someone is impeached to eat all day long, the corpse is a vegetarian meal, it will affect the official career very much.

  Especially the Cheng family and the shareholders of Hantang Commercial Bank, if they are in trouble, can they not be exhausted?

   It is a pity that there are only a few shareholders of Hantang Commercial Bank. The others are very geek and never show up. Huh? I don't know if their Xue family is a shareholder.

  If it is the same, hehe, smashing into your own store by yourself, wouldn’t it be the same as some people going crazy and even hitting yourself?

   "Before the official arrived, I asked the steward of the Cheng family, but the steward didn't tell him, so it was fine.

   The cheerful look of the steward made the subordinates feel like he was taking a big advantage. "

   "..." Cui Luoyang sat at the back of the case with a dazed expression. What the **** did this mean?

   Just when Cui Luoyang, who was in the Luoyang Commander's Office, wanted to break his head, but didn't figure out what was wrong here.

   Over there, Zhao Kun has hurriedly entered the palace. He is going to report the news to His Majesty.

   After all, Cheng Saburo needs an intermediary to cooperate with His Majesty, and he is the best and most outstanding microphone.


   When Zhao Kun returned to the Wencheng Palace, Li Shimin was playing against the Empress Changsun.

   After Zhao Kun paid a respectful salute, he explained Cheng Saburo and Xue Wanche’s plan to Li Shimin.

   The Queen of Longsun shook her head secretly when she heard it. This kind of messy routine is really...

   His Majesty Li Shimin, the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, stroked three long beards, his expression was very numb, and he naturally understood Cheng Saburo's intentions.

   "Does he want Xue Wanche to enter the prison too? Then let their brothers pity each other in the same illness, in order to stimulate Xue Wanjunqing's desire to survive?"

   "Exactly, it's just that the ministers don't understand. Cheng Saburo seems to hope that General Xue San will smash their Peony Pavilion restaurant."

   "The minister asked Cheng Saburo, but it's a pity that this kid is very perfunctory."

   "..." Li Shimin is also a little bit inexplicable, is that kid really so kind? No, no, that kid's heart is not bigger than the eye of a needle.

   is full of bad ideas, how can it be kind.

  At this moment, Empress Changsun, who was sitting aside, seemed to think of something and wanted to speak, but she saw her husband still thinking.

   Then, she continued to maintain her smiling and silent posture gently and gracefully, waiting for her husband to think about it.

   After a few more breaths, Li Shimin rolled his eyes and slapped him on his thigh.

   "I understand, hehe... this little bastard, really slippery. It seems that I want to use my hand to promote their Han and Tang firms."

   Zhao Kun heard this, and couldn't help being taken aback. He looked at your Majesty who was grinning with a weird smile.

   "Finally, I will just tell you that. You are not here to tell me that Xue Wanche is to cure his brother's disease and cooperate with Cheng Saburo."

   "Then I went to make some mistakes and was impeached by Yushi, so that I could justly throw him into prison."

   Zhao Kun nodded, yes, is there any mystery hidden here?

   "Have you ever thought about it, he Xue Wanche is also the pillar of my Tang Dynasty, he lost his courtesy after drinking, and smashed a restaurant, even if he was impeached."

   "If it is kept as usual, I will reprimand at most one or two, ordering compensation."

   "But this time, I will use this pretext to directly imprison Xue Wan Cheqing."

   "Zhao Kun, you only know the cause, but what if my actions fall into the eyes of those officials and people who don't know the truth?"


   Zhao Kun immediately reacted, and suddenly the whole person was not well.

  "He just wanted to borrow the hand of his majesty. UU reading made those who don't know the truth feel that his majesty loves the business of Han and Tang dynasties.

   For the smashing of the Peony Pavilion restaurant under the Han and Tang Commercial Banks, a minister must be deliberately placed. "

   Seeing that this confidant had already reacted, Li Shimin sighed helplessly.

   "Yes, although it is said that in Guanzhong or Luoyang, or in Jiannan Road, no one dares to run into the business of Han and Tang Dynasties.

  Other places, it’s different..."

   Li Shimin is naturally very concerned about this Han and Tang Dynasty firm. After all, his daughters, sons, and even relatives have shares in this Han and Tang firm.

   Therefore, I am very concerned about the Han and Tang dynasties that have grown into behemoths over the past few years. Naturally, I also know that Han and Tang dynasties have suffered a lot of dark losses in some places.

   "But after this incident, all merchants who want to embarrass the Han and Tang firms, or those who have conflicts or fights with the Han and Tang firms, I am afraid they will have to think about it."

   The Empress Longsun couldn't help but utter a sentence in a low voice.

   "This kid is really good, just hit the rabbit by the way, and don't delay either."




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