The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2067: Your previous pleadings touched Cheng...

"His Royal Highness is reasonable..." Ren Yaxiang, who had been taken badly, couldn't help but chuckled.

Turning his head and glanced at the prisoners of war who were locked up in their cages, at this moment, these two unlucky ghosts were a bit different from the dejected ones before.

The samurai cavalry who had been bragged by bragging was so brainwashed that there was only one thought left in his mind.

Cheng Saburo is awesome, Cheng Saburo is powerful, Cheng Saburo is not a human being, Cheng Saburo is an invincible demon.

Those who are killed by him will only suffer torture and eternal suffering in **** all the time.

If you and others can survive, that is great fortune and a thing to celebrate, not to be sad or depressed.

Seeing this scene, Ren Yaxiang couldn't help thinking, and suddenly a bold idea popped up in his mind.

When the sky was getting dark and the camp began, Ren Yaxiang secretly poked to the side of Li Ke and whispered.

"His Royal Highness, I look at this group of prisoners, and today I heard about so many demons in Cheng Changshi... Well, heroic deeds.

I'm afraid that the two have been frightened, so the official has a trick..."

Li Ke stretched his ears and listened to the muttering of Ren Yaxiang. After listening for a long time, his eyes lit up.

"Yes, this is a good way. In that case, if you want to release it, you must release at least two prisoners of war back."

"One person made a statement, and there is evidence on the other side. It couldn't be better."

"His Royal Highness is wise, but your Highness, shall we tell Cheng Changshi first, after all, this will be the coach."

"Of course, leave it to me, I'll talk to Brother Chu Bi."

Li Ke strode forward confidently and found Cheng Saburo, who was patrolling the soldiers camping.

Because this place is still in the yak road, so if you want to set up a camp, you can only stay in this valley road.

Seeing Li Ke walking towards him with a smirk, Cheng Chubi looked at this Li Ke, who had been carrying a beer belly because of too much water in his belly.

"I said, "How did you laugh like this?"

"Brother Chubi is not joking, just like those rough old men crooked melons and jujubes, where can the daughters born be beautiful."

After subconsciously replied this sentence, Li Ke remembered the serious things he had come, and hurriedly murmured into Cheng Saburo and his ears.

Listening to this plan, Cheng Chubi nodded with approval. "Not bad, I think it's reliable."

"After all, these guys are already scared. Returning to Iron Bridge City will definitely affect the morale of Iron Bridge City's military even more."

Speaking of this, Cheng Chubi turned his head and swept his head and saw the prisoners of war who were still being held in the car. Can see recognized masterpieces.

At this moment, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the Han and Tang Dynasty Commercial Building Boat that was still mooring on the water.

I saw a tall, valiant, but immature noble son standing on the third floor platform. After raising his breath, he read aloud.

"I haven't seen this flower blooming for ten years, and I will come alone. I will be alone in the scent of the treasure land. Before sitting on the flower-watching king's poem, the sound of music urges me to come to the Peony Terrace."

Once again, it is the way of subtitles to show this masterpiece to the audience of Yigan Peony Garden.

Then Qin Huaidao signed the money. Once again, the people of Luoyang shouted excitedly. And a sorrowful person with a black line on his face.

The faces of Cui Luoyang and Zheng's second child could not help but become black again, Te Niang's, this is another flattering poem.

Where is the treasure? Of course it was Luoyang, sitting on a boat to admire the peony. Before the poem was completed, there was music urging him to play.

Although it is not a brilliant masterpiece, the problem is that it fits well with this situation.

It just so happened that the people of Luoyang, who had always been proud of Luoyang, felt refreshed.

Cheng Chubi couldn't wait to rub his hands again, with a kind smile on his face, looking at the group of judges.

"Listen, hurry up, give a comment quickly, have you heard the cheers of the people in Luoyang?

This time, the man who appeared on the stage was the Da Lang of the family of Yi Guo, so you must carefully comment on it. "

"Don't let the Da Lang of the Yi Kingdom be compared to the Erlang of the E Kingdom, maybe, the Yi Guo will come over and have a good chat with you."

The judges looked at the notorious Cheng family with a black line. Although this poem is not so brilliant, it is at best equal to the previous flattering poem.

But the problem is that Cheng Saburo has already revealed Qin Huaidao's identity and threatened people so blatantly.

"Cheng Saburo, you don't want to go too far!" Cui Luoyang couldn't help but blow his beard and stare at the scene.

Cheng Chubi had a happy laugh, and didn't say anything, anyway, I've finished what I should say, now it's up to you guys to do it.

The evaluation of the toothache is to the extreme, yes, the standards of these two poems are about the same, how to do it, let's let the Yuchi family's Erlang play.

And leave the Dalang of the Yiguo family, even if the Yiguo has a good temper, he is afraid of grievances, but this is not the point.

The important thing is that the few behind, which one is not a distinguished martial artist, how to get it, if they can all come up with works of this level.

Is it possible that this year's "Luoyang Peony Collection" will become a collection of essays by the rough masters?

Looking back, it was strange that these judges could have a good life. Thinking about this, the judge who had just spoken first gritted his teeth and stomped his feet.

Suddenly, with a sigh, his hand was covering his heart, and he rolled his eyes directly, and fell softly on the Peony Observation Deck.

"!!!" The judges looked at this loud voice, and walked like wind. UU reading

Judge Wang, who had been standing in front of the weak old judges before showing his stronger fitness body, has fallen to the ground, his face pale, and he has already drawn the past.

In particular, the face of Judge Deng, who has a very good relationship with Judge Wang, who walked very close on weekdays, turned black.

Oh shit! Unexpectedly, this guy is so cheap, and he did such a trick directly.

"Mr. Wang, what's wrong with you, Mr. Wang?"

As the principal of the Zheng family in Xingyang, Lao Er Zheng, who was the main organizer of the Luoyang Peony Festival, turned pale with fright, and hurried forward to inquire with concern.

Wang Jue raised a hand with difficulty, his face full of pain and authenticity.

"I don't know why, old man, the old man feels weak, his chest pains terribly..."

"How can this be good?" The second son of the Zheng family couldn't help feeling tensed when he looked at the old Mr. Wang with sweat coming out of his face.

"Let go of him and let Cheng come."

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