The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2068: The main force of the Dalun commander was also defeated by Tang’s monster hand...

Seeing Cheng Saburo's eyes rounded dangerously, he looked like he was going to eat people.

Chima Ma was so scared that Cheng Saburo was really afraid that Cheng Saburo opened his blood basin and swallowed himself a bite, so he changed his mouth in time.

"Oh, no, no, no, it's returning to Datang."

"Um... it's almost the same."

You actually talked nonsense in front of the kid Li Ke, who likes to make short reports. Brother Zhas both sides. Does this affect Laozi's career?

Lao Tzu is a loyal minister of the Tang Dynasty. You don't need the allegiance of your Tubo barbarians. It's better for you to pay your allegiance to the old man in my house.

So that my old husband feels comfortable, and it's serious to cut down on the old Cheng family's salary.

After all, although the Cheng family has a thick-skinned face, they do not receive such a dark history as salary, which is too detrimental to the face of the old Cheng family who is a heir to poetry.

It doesn't matter if your father is indifferent, it doesn't mean Cheng Saburo doesn't care, after all, he still wants to shame.

Chi Guima thought for a while, and then spoke to Cheng Saburo.

"Cheng Xianchang, the villain has a small request, of course, to enable Cheng Xianchang to take down Iron Bridge City more smoothly."

Seeing this guy so active, Cheng Chubi couldn't help looking at this guy suspiciously, always feeling that there was a problem here.

Not only Cheng Saburo but also Li Ke and Ren Yaxiang were suspicious.

Facing their gaze, Chi Guima smiled helplessly. "The villain's relatives are now in Tieqiao City."

"The villain did this, but just hope they can survive..."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes and asked.

"Well, then you can talk about your request."

"I also ask Cheng Xian and Changen to bring the confidant to accompany him.

In this way, it is easier for the soldiers in the city to obey. After all, Dalun is Zampo's uncle..."

What this says is that the big talk has fallen, and you are afraid of being a bird.

Cheng Chubi glanced at Li Ke and Ren Yaxiang, nodded and replied.

"If that's the case, then you go, Luneng, you take him over and prepare a mount for them later."

Standing on the side, Lu Neng hurriedly agreed in a loud voice, escorting Chi Gui Maben to walk away quickly.

Lun Coer quickly saw Chi Gui Maben, and after listening to the other party's intentions, he had always either not counseled, or if he wanted to counsel him, he would not refuse to discuss Coer thoroughly.

He also specifically confessed that his confidant and his butler Ou Zhu, remember to cooperate with Chi Gui Maben's work of persuading surrender.

After Chi Gui Maben and the butler named Ou Zhu turned on their horses together, they rode the dusk and galloped toward the north along the yak road under the watchful eyes of a man and the like.


As the Gatso master led the twelve disciples into the iron bridge city with great fanfare, he began to bless the people and Tubo warriors who bowed down on both sides of the street along the way.

The twelve disciples behind them chanted sutras loudly, shaking those exquisitely shaped instruments, playing snails and drums, all in a lively and lively manner.

The soldiers and civilians of Tieqiao City who were blessed by the master of Gatso all had relieved smiles on their faces, and instantly felt that they had become very energetic, maybe they could beat ten one at a time.

Well, this is the blessing of power gained by devout believers. Of course, it is hard to say whether you can really beat ten one by one.

There are over ten thousand Tubo people in Tieqiao City, plus two to three thousand broken soldiers who fled scattered and returned.

Rao is the tall and burly master Jiacuo who is very physically strong, even if it is a blessing as simple as raising his arms, slap his palms on the heads of the recipients and it's done. If Cheng did not shoulder this heavy burden, he would have failed Wang Judge your painstaking efforts. "

Not far away, the dying Royal Highness Wu convulsed a few more times, and it seemed that he even let out a dumb fart.

The two loyal guard leaders around him squatted on the viewing platform with his belly, while the other grinned and pinched his thigh.

As for Cheng Saburo's own confidant, he had already jumped far away and didn't dare to stay in front of him. I'm afraid that I can't control the emotions and ruin the serious things of my third son.

Speaking of this, Cheng Chubi raised his head, glanced at the jaw-dropping judges around him, Cui Luoyang and Zheng Lao Er, with a deep expression on his face.

"They were still stunned, so they hurriedly carried away, and found a quiet place for Wang Jue to stay. The angina needs at least one hour of rest."

"I am honored to be the judge of the rankings. I never thought that Cheng would have time to accompany you. Hahaha, Qin Huaidao's masterpiece, I would rate it as excellent, how about you?"

"..." The reviewer looked at Cheng Saburo with a naturally smug look on his face, and wished not to mention that he would play the Wang Ba fist to make this fat and strong Cheng family splatter five steps.

Zheng Lao Er couldn't help but want to step forward, he felt his sleeves tighten, and saw Cui Luoyang helplessly shook his head at himself.

"Leave him alone, it's just that one judge is missing, it's fine."

"But brother, I am worried that he will continue to make trouble like this. This peony event is afraid..."

"Then do you think you can stop him Cheng Saburo, or can you stop those Wu Xun children who have unusual literary talents today?"

"..." The Zheng family's second child turned dark and was silent.

"And Cui wants to see how many masterpieces Cheng Saburo has the ability to produce..."

The second Zheng's eyes lit up, and he reacted instantly. Yes, Cheng Saburo was talented and he was covered in monsters.

Don’t believe that you can write nine masterpieces about peony, and you can really take up the "Luoyang Peony Collection".

Qin Huaidao was full of disbelief, and even stood in front of the peony garden a little bit ecstatic.

Seeing that the steward of Piaomei Pavilion who came over with a big smile came to the front, Qin Huaidao couldn't wait to scream up to the sky.

Following Brother Chu Bi, there was not only soup to drink, but also meat for special mothers. This trip to Luoyang, really did not come Then, the music on the building and the boat rang again, and Li Zhen's long sleeves flicked. , Who looked like a romantic **** brother, also began to recite aloud, and the subtitles followed.

"Who doesn't love peony flowers, occupying the good things in the city. Suspected as Luochuan goddess work, beautiful and beautiful..."

At the moment when he saw all the subtitles of this poem, Cui Luoyang and Zheng Lao Er neatly covered his heart and closed his eyes.

And this time, the cheers and applause of the sorrows inside and outside the peony garden and the people of Luoyang were even more exaggerated than before.

This poem, who dare to say that it is not good, or that it is not good, is an insult to the appreciation of the whole city of Luoyang.

And at this moment, Judge Deng finally couldn't help it. He felt that he could not go on like this. He dared to be sure that the old man Wang Judge was pretending to be sick.

Since Cheng Saburo couldn't see it, could he use the same trick?

Gritted his teeth, Deng

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