The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2082: General Fang, His Royal Highness King Wu and Cheng Changshi are no longer in iron...

The guardian of Cardiac City, Phuntsok Qianhu, slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the beautiful young lady in his arms, feeling the comfort brought by the skin of the two, and closed his eyes comfortably. .

After all, I am a little older, and the strenuous activities last night made my old waist a bit too tired.

Pingcuo Qianhu, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed but no sleep, finally began to think of serious things.

That Zamp’s uncle said that Cole had been heading the army for a long time, and he didn’t know how it is now.

However, with the bravery of the great Tubo elite soldiers, it must be possible to deal with those imperial soldiers in the Tang state.

Maybe this meeting has already decided the victory or defeat, but it's not necessarily true that the two arrogant and arrogant people are attacking Jianchuan City.

When I thought of the two Ruben, who regarded themselves as Zanpu's confidantes, they seemed to be indifferent to themselves, the guardian of the local snake in Bencheng.

The Phuntsok Thousand Households couldn't help feeling a little unhappy, but what if they were unhappy? I'm just one thousand households, and those two are the princes of ten thousand households.

Even if they were spitting stars on their faces, I was afraid that they could only laugh and praise the other party for spitting on their heads.

Although I couldn't wait for the two **** Ruben to be killed by Tang Guobing Ma, unfortunately, I can only think about it.

After all, no matter how powerful those miscellaneous soldiers were, how could they be opponents of the elite divisions sent by Zamp.

It's a pity that I was born in a small tribe, and I haven't climbed a good thigh. I can only become a guardian of a thousand households with no more than a few hundred people in this city.

Guarding this beautifully named fortress, it is really a small town with a population of no more than three thousand people.

Although the terrain is important here, Tieqiao City to the south is ten times more dangerous than Ben City.

Therefore, there are only five hundred old, weak, sick and disabled, and there are three thousand elite teachers under the hands of that Chigui Maben.

What I can do is to sneak up to the vicinity of Bencheng from time to time, and go to those tribes to beat the autumn breeze.

Alas, I don't know if I still have a chance to get promoted and make a fortune in this life, or I really want to survive to death in this small city.

Feeling the tender and tender body in his arms, Phuntsok Qianhu felt it, and felt that he could do it again.

Just as he was about to move, he suddenly heard messy footsteps and shouts coming from outside.

This made Phuntsok Qianhu, who just thought he was doing it again, instantly felt that he was doing it again.

The black-faced Phuntsok Qianhu put on the outer skirt under the wait of the beautiful young lady, and opened the door to curse.

I saw Dele Baihu, who was on duty at the city gate today, had a pale face and was afraid of people rushing towards him.

"Uncle, uncle is not good, they are defeated."

"In fact, they were defeated?" Phuntsok Qianhu couldn't help taking a breath.

"In a big way, they were defeated by the demon **** Cheng Chubi of the Tang state, that demon **** who knew how to bewitched, not only defeated me, the 20,000 elite teachers of Tubo.

He also captured Dalun and Cidan Ruben alive, I heard that Shan Zengruben and thousands of elites have been swallowed alive by the Demon God of Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, the demon **** was still outside Iron Bridge City, using Tianlei to defeat the highly respected and unpredictable master Jiacuo. "

This is too perfunctory, looking back at the old man... well... the same is the same, it's better than the different.

Thinking about this, Li Shimin's dangling old father's heart finally calmed down.


Almost at the same moment, in the Imperial Medical Office, Wu Meiniang looked at those postcards and the beautiful landscape paintings with joy.

There is also the handwriting written by Cheng Saburo, in that letter, he kept complaining about the journey into Shu.

Riding around day and night, eating and eating, and sleeping and sleeping.

Not only was Wu Meiniang not bored at all, on the contrary, she became sweeter, as if there was a picture in front of her eyes.

It seemed to see Cheng Saburo standing in the landscape painting, with a look of disgust, the Shu Road was too difficult.

The last sentence is that although Shu Road is a bit difficult, he has made two hornet's nests on the way.

It's a bit of comfort to this difficult journey, after all, the Hornet's stuff tastes good.

It's a pity that the wasp doesn't produce honey, but fortunately, Cheng Saburo disappeared after reaching the achievement of entering Shu, and got a wild beehive.

Some wild bee secrets have been adjusted. At this moment, there is a small porcelain jar on Wu Meiniang's case.

Cheng Sanlang also told Wu Meiniang that a spoonful of honey every day before going to bed can not only nourish blood, nourish deficiency, detoxify, but also whiten and nourish the skin.

Especially after seeing the instructions for whitening and beautifying the face, Wu Meiniang solemnly placed this pot of Sange's mind.

After carefully reading Cheng Saburo's letter from the beginning to the end, he carefully put it back in the envelope and hid it next to his body.

Taking a look at Cheng Fu Jiading who was still wandering outside the door at this moment, Wu Meiniang picked up the pen, thought about it seriously, and started to write a letter.

Tell Cheng Saburo what happened in Chang'an during this period.

I heard that the Hantang Commercial Bank had already donated 50,000 sets of winter clothes to the court in advance. His Majesty's decree, Xu Hantang's firm reclaimed wasteland to plant cotton in Liangzhou.

But she also knew from the words of the empress and her Majesty that it was as early as the end of the year last year.

The elders of the shareholders of the Hantang Commercial Bank have already sent a team to the Liangzhou enclosure. If they want to come, they should be able to catch up with this year's spring ploughing.

In addition, she also knew from the chats between her Majesty and the empress, whether it is Chang'an or Luoyang now.

There are a lot of wealthy businessmen, as well as those family members, who have sent people to the south, and they should have a great relationship with the development of Jiaozhou Dudu Mansion.

In addition, His Royal Highness Wei often went to the palace to ask for peace during this period, and his attitude was very correct, but according to Mei Niang's opinion, that guy was definitely uneasy and kind.


Cheng Fu Jiading, who was waiting outside, saw that the picturesque and beautiful young medical girl was struggling to write a has written several pages of letter paper, but looking at her enthusiasm, it seems that she is not over yet. .

This Cheng Fu patriarch had no choice but to stay still, this girl couldn't afford it herself.

Maybe in the future, she will be the girl of the third son of our old Cheng family, who is said to be very capable and capable.

Moreover, Uncle Fu, the housekeeper, has now married Aunt Liu, the lady’s housekeeper. Hmm... This can be regarded as a strong alliance.

He also met that Aunt Liu, and she was very shrewd and capable. These days, the old face of Uncle Fu was smiling almost all the time, and she seemed to be walking.

It seems that marrying a daughter-in-law can really make people feel good, and the unmarried Cheng Fu Jiading can't help but squat outside the house and start thinking about it.

And Wu Meiniang inside is still struggling with her pen and writing, as if she can't wait to describe the thousands of words in her heart in her pen and ink.

At the end of the writing, after Wu Meiniang hesitated for a long time, she waved a few splashes of ink again.

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