The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2083: The former Tubo Prime Minister Shang Nang Wei 1 living son Lu...

Fang Jun looked at Mo Kun, who slammed his head in front of him with a dazed expression, his gaze fell on Tieqiao City again.

"Did they tell you anything?"

"They confessed to the final general that if General Fang led the main force into Tieqiao City, it would be best to go north as soon as possible to consolidate the city's defenses."

"...I know." Fang Jun waved his hand feebly, let alone, unexpectedly the two elder brothers had thrown himself behind again.

Seeing the main force behind him wriggling forward like a long snake, Fang Jun could only sigh up to the sky.

I hope that when I lead my army to the city of Benben, the two brothers can stand in front of the city gate and greet him personally.

Rather than those Tubo squatting abandoning the city and fleeing.

Lao Tzu is here to make contributions, not to practice marching on the plateau.

Fang Jun gritted his teeth and ordered Fang Cheng and others to rush to send a message. It was not noon at this moment. If that is the case, there is no need to stay here.

Go straight through Iron Bridge City, head north, continue north...


In Chavajung City, in the largest inn, Nima, a wealthy highland merchant from an enemy country, was sitting in the private room reserved for him.

Seeing the beautiful young lady singing and dancing in front of me, I tasted the best tea from Yaozhou without a bite.

Although his eyes were looking forward, his thoughts no longer knew where he was flying.

Since he came to Chavajung City, he passed on the news to Zampo's uncle Lun Cole.

I have stayed here in Chavajong City and did not leave. Of course, the excuse is to take care of my own property here.

Moreover, Tsavajung, the most important big city in the southern region, does have many properties, just like the largest inn in the city of Tsavajung, it is also his property.

The reason why he stayed here was naturally to wait for the result of the war, which was agreed upon by him and Cheng San Gongzi.

He will wait here for Cheng Saburo to pass a message to himself, and then decide what to do next.

To tell the truth, although Nima is not optimistic about the combat effectiveness of Datang's miscellaneous soldiers, he is optimistic about Cheng Saburo's ability.

As an elephant-powered businessman who can do well in the enemy country, Tubo, he can survive today by relying on his pair of tricks that are best at seeing people.

It's just that as time passed bit by bit, Nima, who had been in Chavajong City for many days, became a little impatient.

"The treasurer of Nigeria, do you really think that Tang people can really defeat Lun Keer?"

At this time, a young man who seemed to be sitting next to Nima's shopkeeper was young.

There was a three-inch long scar on his face, which made his originally handsome face look fierce and hideous.

When it comes to the Tubo theory, he was so unceremoniously named Taoist surname, but the big shopkeeper Nyima didn't think there was anything.

On the contrary, he smiled at the young man, filled the other party with tea himself, and spoke earnestly and honestly.

"Second Young Master, don't worry, we have already waited for so many days, wait two more days, if there is no more news, Second Young Master wants to leave, I dare not stop."

Hearing this title, the second son couldn't help raising his arm and gently stroked the scar on his face, his eyes full of resentment and bitter hatred.

"You can also ask the big shopkeeper Nima to call me Lu Man, the second son, it's already gone..."

"I will continue to wait until the moment when they can tell the victory or defeat, if it is a big victory for Coer, then I have nothing to say, I can only blame Lu Man for not being able to recover."

"If it was Tang Guo's victory, I would also like to invite the great Nepalese treasurer to recommend me." In their eyes, this one could see Cheng Changshi's muscular silhouette in every move, far more masculine than that of His Royal Highness Wu. .

Especially his generous chest, leaning against it, will give people a strong sense of security.

Especially the Songzhou head Monza, who gave birth to a bunch of girl-girls, looked down upon his delicate skin and tender flesh.

But I feel that if my daughter is here, she will definitely like this muscular, tall and mighty Cheng Changshi.

At the moment when a group of people were thinking about driving, Cheng Chubi first saluted Li Ke and shouted sharply.

"See the chief governor!"

With his sonorous and powerful shout, the originally noisy Plaza of the Metropolitan Government was quiet in an instant.

The people present all saluted the Luzhou governor in unison.


Li Ke waved his hand with a smile, and returned half courtesy.

"You don't need to be polite, I'm equivalent to serving the court, and I'm all your majesty's courtiers..."

"Today, the princes can come to Luzhou in person, which can be regarded as a thin face for this king."

Li Ke stood on the steps with restraint and respect, stating that he had come to Luzhou on the order of his majesty.

The purpose is to develop Luzhou well, so that the people of Luzhou can be prosperous.

At the same time, it is also hoped that the heads of the prefectures can obey the overall arrangement and jointly make Luzhou a prosperous place in Jiannan Prefecture.

Your humen become wealthy, and you yourself can become rich. After all, you heads can have today, so don’t you rely on your humen for support?

Cheng Chubi looked at the Liren and Han officials silently, and the expressions on both sides were similar.

They have very honest expressions, and from time to time everyone nods their heads, as if they want to express that they already understand the thoughts of His Royal Highness Wu.

As for whether they really listened to it, only they knew it.

Not far away, near the wall, many large cages were moved in, but the cages seemed to have been deliberately covered.

People can't see what the stuff is inside, but the roars and collisions that come out from time to time, as well as the nervous watchers.

I'm afraid it was imprisoned in the big sturdy cage over there, it should be a beast.

This made Cheng Chubi a little bit confused. What kind of monsters are these gangsters doing, but when it comes to their ability to cause monsters, hehe...

Cheng*Chubi, the king of monster moths, is really not afraid, but really looks forward to having an opponent.


Hearing Li Ke's words, the leader of a dry roeman did seem to be quite moved on the surface.

But in fact, everyone is doing their own little calculations in their hearts.

Those who are really willing to respond, are afraid that they have just tasted the sweetness of Changning Liao from selling black stones.

There are also Nengzhou Lei and Shunzhou Lei who had previously been favored by General Cheng.

Modan, the head of Changning deer, has received the news from his younger brother. He has already organized a group of people, collected about 20,000 jin, and sent it to Jingnan.

From the hand of the manager of the Han and Tang firm, he exchanged a thousand wen. In the second batch afterwards, they collected 60,000 jin and exchanged them for 3,000 jin.

Moreover, Mo Kun also carefully checked the size of the other party. Han and Tang Commercial Banks are building on the banks of the Yangtze River in Jingnan.

There are already built kilns, and there are still more than ten kilns under construction.

This series of news caused Modan to be overjoyed in his heart.

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