The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2099: Facing the main force of the Tubo army, the Tang Department of War Shangshu...

Langjie looked at those slaves who were so meek and obedient when he saw him in the past.

Everyone was flushed at the moment, and their eyes were terrifyingly bright, although they stammered.

However, what he did, even the things he had forgotten about ten or twenty years ago, were turned over.

Although his mouth has been blocked and the whole person can't move under pressure, he is constantly mottled in his heart, and the rebuttal is so plausible.

Just chop off one of your hands. Whoever makes your hands and feet dirty, dares to steal your master’s things, even a piece of highland barley cake.

What's wrong with digging one of your eyes, the master's woman, can you see such a sordid and dirty slave?

But when the countless condemnation became louder and fiercer, it even needed those soldiers to stop them to stop the slaves from moving forward.

Not only Lang Jie, but also the large and small slave owners in the tribe, had already begun to tremble, and some even began to cry out in pain.

When Pubu saw that the scene became more and more difficult to control, he picked up the bamboo whistle and started blowing.

Dozens of soldiers blew the harsh bamboo whistle together, finally suppressing the emotions of those overly agitated accusers.

Under Pubu's gesture, the bookkeeper raised his throat and began to read the Law of the Tang Dynasty loudly.

And what kind of responsibilities Lange should bear for a certain crime committed.

After he finished the reading, the book official who was born in Han Chinese but knew a fluent Tubo spoke up his voice.

"Langjie is extremely vicious and sinful. He regards human life as grass, killing and disposing of others recklessly. According to the law of Tang Dynasty, he should be punishable, so as to prevent others from emulating him!"

Pubu's gaze fell on Master Dunzhu. "Master, do you think I have disagreements with the Law of the Tang Dynasty?"

"No objection!" Dunzhu bowed slightly and nodded solemnly.

"The official representative of Datang Yaozhou Dudu's Mansion announced that Lang Jie was sentenced to death and the decision will be executed!" Pubu suddenly shouted loudly.

Soon, a burly soldier came out from the rear, and stood in front of the inhuman Langjie.

He grinned at him, showing a grin of white teeth.

While slowly pulling out the long knife around his waist, he said patiently.

"Once, I was also a humble slave, but now, I am a soldier of Datang! Kill!!!"

There was a wild roar, and the sharp light of the knife flashed past, and the head directly rolled to the ground, and the spewing blood shot out into the sky.

For those slaves who have been living in the dark, it is like cutting off the shackles that bound their souls...


From Doma City all the way to the northeast, after passing Wuhai, after two days, you can see Naluyi City.

Originally, this place was just a small town, but it happened to be stuck on the main road leading from the south of Tuyuhun to the hinterland of Tuyuhun.

Since Dadoma City fell into the hands of Tubo, Tuyuhun turned to Datang for help and asked Datang to be the master.

On the one hand, the Naluyi City was heightened and thickened, hoping to block the possible attack of Tubo here.

It wasn't until the famous general of the Tang Dynasty, Li Ji, who was still a book of war, led five thousand elite soldiers and arrived at Tuyuhun. Naturally, all kinds of conspiracy theories and all kinds of messy rumors in Beijing quickly disappeared before the truth announced by the imperial court.

However, this storm did not affect Cheng Saburo and Li Ke, the two energetic and lively monster moths at all.

For example, Cheng Saburo is now looking at his father with a black line on his face holding his only left-handed master Luo making Cheng's pipa.

The Erlang's legs were raised there, the Cheng's Pipa was put on his legs, and the carrot-thick fingers were awkwardly plucked there.

"Father, you have to do this, you can't use your fingers too hard, this thing is wrapped in a ponytail..."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a jump, and a string broke in response, and Cheng Chubi stared at the broken string blankly.

General Cheng Cheng gave a hehe with some embarrassment, and patted Cheng's Pipa with a bit of disgust.

"I didn't expect this thing to be so unsturdy, the third child, Dad will give you a suggestion.

You have to make this string thicker. It is strong like the bowstring. Not only is it not easy to break, but it is also strong. "

"..." Cheng Chubi's face became darker and darker, and he sat down next to him, took up the cold tea and drained it.

He feels he needs to calm down, after all, this is father, father.

I'm not in the second class in the classroom, and I can ridicule and even slap twice when I see something wrong.

Cheng Chubi felt that he was using the same set of teaching room juniors to deal with Dad, hehe...

Believe it or not, the villain who was copied by his father with a big stick and drove him into the chaos of the Lu Kingdom’s mansion today is himself.

Just as Cheng Chubi was in a daze at the empty teacup, General Cheng yelled unwillingly.

"I said you kid, hurry up and teach the old man carefully."

"Father, you have to listen to the child, otherwise how can the child teach?" Cheng Chubi wiped his face and moved to the front again, very painstakingly speaking.

General Cheng nodded repeatedly with brows and eyes. "Cheng Chengcheng, it's all about you kid, but what should I do if the string is broken?"

Cheng Chubi looked at the pipa newly made by Master Luo in his father's hands, and wanted to hold it up and feel distressed.

Forget it, since that's the case, as the saying goes, the poor Dao has already suffered, and the Dao friends should try it together.

"Father, wait a minute, big brother! Second brother! No need to hide, I have seen you, please take your pipa over quickly, dad wants to use it."

With Cheng Saburo's voice, the boss Cheng Chu, who was about to slip away, couldn't help but sigh up to the Alas, if I knew I would not join in this excitement, I slapped my second child on the back and shouted. "Stupidly doing something, go get it quickly."

The inconspicuous effort was another delivery of two Cheng's pipas in time.

General Cheng picked up the pipa of the boss, Cheng Chumo, weighed it in his hand, and couldn't help but vomit.

"Boss, look at you, this pipa is so light and not good at all. Could it be that the Cheng's pipa you play is not as good as your third brother."

"??" Cheng Chumo looked at his father who was right in front of him with a black-headed face, his mind was confused.

Does the weight of this special lady have anything to do with the skill of playing the pipa? Dad, can you teach others for another convincing reason?

The corners of Cheng Chubi and Cheng Chuliang's second brother Cheng Chuliang's mouth were crooked, of course they were happy, but they didn't dare to speak out for fear that their father and eldest brother would not be happy.

With the elder brother squatting in front of his father, Cheng Chubi finally has a reason to stay away from his father for the time being.

"Big brother, it happens that you teach dad to play the pipa. I will give dad a new string as soon as possible."

"Father, you have to hold it like this, you have to move your hand here..., this finger has to go this way..."

"Father, be gentle, this is a pipa, not a weapon."

"Believe it or not the old man smokes you again."



"!!!" Nothing was beyond Changsun Wuji's expectation. After just two or three days, the Embroiderer claimed to be an **** who burned incense in the house to pay homage to his parents who had died prematurely.

I left in a hurry because of something, and the incense fell down, ignited the combustibles, and eventually burned the house, which damaged the data in the "Datang Pharmacopoeia".

The emperor of Datang gave his approval to the conclusion submitted by the Embroidery Envoy.

He also called the person who presided over the "Datang Pharmacopoeia" Yu Zhining into the palace, and was said to have been denounced face to face by His Majesty.

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