The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2100: Songtsen Gambo received the first letter...

A guard who was guarding the outside quickly stepped into the big tent, and glanced at the great civil and military officials in the big tent.

Songtsen Ganbu's attitude that hesitated and stopped was seen by Songtsen. He smiled heartily and put the wine glass in his hand.

"What's the matter, speak bluntly."

What else can the guard say? He gave a respectful salute, and then he said in a deep voice.

"Zamp, a messenger came and brought a letter of help from Gesang Yuben in the south..."

Suddenly, within the big tent, which was still lively and lively, suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Gesang Yuben, everyone naturally knows that this is a great minister who comes from a big family and sits in the south.

The smile on Songtsan Gampo's face gradually faded. "Where is the letter of assistance? Take it."

The guard hurriedly stepped forward and offered them with both hands. Songtsen Gambo was reading the letter for help, while the others looked at each other.

You know, although Datang established a so-called Yaozhou Dudu Mansion in Yaozhou, the problem is the composition of the Yaozhou Dudu Mansion.

It's just a bunch of honorable children, none of the famous heroes of Datang have come.

Even the elite soldiers of Datang did not send one, but let them recruit a gang of young men from all ethnic groups in the southern area of ​​Jiannan Road.

This kind of combat power can be imagined, and it is sufficient to prove that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty did this only to contain Tubo, so that Tubo could not be a soldier of the whole country to fight Tuyuhun north.

Rather than really want to open up the southern battlefield, and fight with Tubo face to face.

For this reason, Songtsen Gambo appointed the old and solemn uncle to talk about Coer as his handsome, and he also assisted him by adding two positions to the second and the single.

Lead the 20,000 elite divisions to the south to defend against possible invaders from the Tang Dynasty.

With 20,000 trained elite teachers, coupled with the natural dangers like Tieqiao City, Songtsen Gambo didn't think there would be a crisis in the south.

But when he saw the contents of the letter, he was stunned for a long time before he raised his head in astonishment.

His gaze swept across a group of civil and military officials in the big tent, and after a long while, he said in a deep voice.

"You all go down, the chief minister, the marshal of soldiers and horses, and the deputy marshal of the capital, and the four former imperial ministers will stay."

When other ministers saw Songtsen Gampo's horribly calm face, they all retreated into the big tent after a panic.

But almost everyone is starting to jump across the river in their hearts. Could it be that what kind of turbulence has occurred in the south?

In other words, Dalun Cole and the others suffered setbacks and lost their troops, so that Gesangyu had to ask Zanpu for help.

And there will be a conflict with the love of those two Zamps?

In short, everyone's heart is very uneasy, and the seven ministers who were left behind are a little surprised at this moment.

At this time, this time the internal minister who came with the army and Qiongbo Bangse, the official representative of the post-Tibet department, saw that the ministers had all withdrawn from the big account.

He stood up and spoke.

"Zamp, what did Gesang's request for help wrote in the end, so that expelling the ministers from the big account will easily lead to unreasonable speculation and disturb the military's mind."

Facing this domineering and domineering man, he managed to manage Hou Zang like an iron bucket and was extremely capable.

Zan Song Ganbu frowned slightly, did not answer directly, but instructed the guard.

"Call in that messenger, I have something to say."

Only then did his gaze fall on Daxiang Qiongbo Nei, and he said in a deep voice.

"Let's take a look at this letter from Gesang Yuben for help."

Qiong Ponei glanced at Songtsen Gampo in doubt, took the letter, only glanced at it two times, and instantly sucked in a cold breath and exclaimed. Hearing the question from Cheng Saburo, Li Deshang happily smiled confidently.

"Brother, I have been collecting information on the Extreme West for the past few years, so I naturally know a lot."

"Moreover, when we came to our caravan in Chang'an, there were caravans from the Fushi Kingdom (the ancient name of Eastern Rome), every year.

As a brother, I can take the brothers to follow the caravans of the Fushi country. "

"After arriving in Fufu country, I tried to go west again there, but I heard that the land west of Fufu country is a little messy."

"But for the brothers, I and my gang of children are definitely not good friends, and I have a lot of experience in wandering around the world, and I will be fine."

While talking, Li Dezai spit on the case, telling his meticulous planning over the past few years.

Cheng Chubi nodded as he listened, but when he gasped and drank Sanle paste to moisturize his throat, he couldn't help but ask when he was winking.

"Brother De Award, what is your purpose?"

"Purpose?" Li Dezhao blinked, glanced at Cheng Saburo, can't help but happily.

"Xing Xia is righteous, do you need purpose and reason to travel around the world?"

"No need?"

"do you need?"

Cheng Chubi's face is dark, are you special with a lever? Forget it.

The uncle of the military **** acquiesced in this gangster to go to the trouble. As a good brother, of course he must support his dream, but he can't just leave for nothing, right?

It’s right for your special mother to waste your time and time on the waves, but as a good brother, it is necessary for you to do some serious things while you are on the waves.

"...Stop, I said Xiongtai, if you go, you don't want to copy your experience of going south to Jiaozhou back then?"

The spit star flew horizontally, and the energetic Li Dezheng was taken aback, his eyes staring at Cheng Saburo.

It was as if seeing the first beautiful cub of the Cheng family all over his body, once again blooming with gleaming golden light.

Like a sage, he once again stretched out his carrot-thick fingers, pointed to the darkness in the distance, and told himself that there was light there.

"Brother Xian, aren't you kidding me?"

"Can you commit it?" Cheng Chubi snorted unwillingly. If I have that leisure time to play with you, I might as well play with the delicate young lady.


"Do you know dates?"

"Do you know cabbage?"

"Do you know what an oil olive is?"

"Do you know what a palm palm tree is?"

Seeing Li Dezheng with a dazed face and shaking his head frequently, Cheng Chubi knew it all.

The burden on his own special mother's shoulders sank again. "I said, Brother Dejin, let's put it this way, there are also a lot of good treasures in the west."

"Furthermore, we can grow good things in the vast and abundant Datang, and some of them are rare ingredients."

"If you can get all these good things back in Xiongtai, haha, let alone other things, at least Xiongtai might be a little bit higher than Banchao..."

Li Dejie's dumbfounded expression instantly changed, becoming greedy and eager.

"I said Brother Xian, those treasures you mentioned are all eaten? Are they similar to those three crops of rice?"

"Yes, many are eaten, of course there are many living creatures..."

Cheng Chubi spit and stared across the board to give him a Li Dezheng chick and ask him to bring himself some seeds.

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