The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2101: The second letter received by Songtsen Gambo...

It is to make everyone understand who dares to move a finger towards him.

Then consider the whole clan to finish playing, but no one thought that the Niang clan had just been wiped out, and immediately began to make chaos, this special Niang is simply drawing praise on Pu's face.

So Zampo was furious, personally led the conquest, gave the gang of Subi tribes a vicious meal, and even picked out the typical to kill the chicken and the monkey.

After leaving, Subi did not change, but everyone knew that Subi was not convinced, but was just afraid of being killed.

But if the Tang state's army advances to Tsavajung City, what will the Subi tribes do, in all likelihood, they will become the winners and losers of the situation in the south.

And the army under his command is far away in this Tuyuhunnan land, and if you want to lead the army back to help, even if it is just a cavalry, you will have to see the sun.

At that time, it was hard to say whether Chavajung City was still in the hands of Gesangyu itself.

And his strategy of exploring Tuyuhun northward will also be subject to huge variables because of his need to divide his forces to rescue the country.

The more he thought about it, the more angry Songtsan Gampo became, and he was so frightened that he felt pain in his heart again.

Fortunately, at this moment, Qiong Ponei's advice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Although his expression has not changed much, Songtsen Gambo, who is already angry enough to vomit blood, feels a little loose.

After a long while, he slowly nodded and said, "The inner master is reasonable, Chi Sang Yu will prepare his pen and ink, I said, you write..."

However, with Zhuxiang's work, a royal guard hurriedly left the big account with a letter.

Surrounded by dozens of riders, heading south, galloping away...

Even if there were only a few important ministers discussing matters, the fiasco that took place in the south quickly spread among those important ministers.

Facing such a fiasco, all the important ministers felt that this was clearly because Zampo had used the wrong person, and that Dalun Cole was too old and difficult to be a major task.

It must be because he listened to greedy words and wanted to make contributions, but instead he was ambushed by those young people in Tang.

However, the messenger sent by Songtsen Gampo just breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and the comments of the civil and military officials about the fiasco in the south have not completely disappeared.

In the early morning of the next day, Songtsen, who had only fallen asleep yesterday, washed with a dry cloth and walked out of the big tent.

Looking at the continual camp, his eyes once again fell on the Naluyi city, which was less than ten miles away, above the head of the city, the Tang State's battle flag was still flying high.

This made him quite unhappy in his heart. The owner of the country kept his promises and wanted to be courteous first and then pawn. As a result, you gang of unscrupulous Chinese people.

Unexpectedly, I took the tip of a knife and pierced my Tubo in the back. Very good. If you don’t withdraw until the appointed time, hehe...

Looking at the small city, Songtsen Gambo smashed his lips. If I can capture Li Ji, the Shangshu official of the Ministry of War of the Tang Dynasty.

I don't know if he can be used by me. If I can't use it, I will never let him go easily.

Maybe, just use him to exchange Nagar Songtsan and his son back...Cheng Chubi sat down with eyebrows, took a drink of the tea soup, hey, it was so hot that he quickly stuck out his tongue and wiped his face. Seriously and authentic.

"Don't listen to him talking nonsense, what is robbing? My name is good."

"Yeah, I believe Brother Cheng San. You are so amazing..." Li Mingda nodded vigorously, his face full of admiration.

It seems that Cheng Saburo has done something serious, well... Cheng Chubi always feels that Li Mingda praises himself so much, it seems that there is a problem.

It's as if I stole the lotus leaves from the lotus pond in Jiucheng Palace, and went to the garden to sap your Majesty's Fangzhu. It seems that she is also in such a mode of exaggeration.

Wu Meiniang on the side looked at Cheng Sanlang, and she suffocated a word for a long time. "Three brothers do things, it's the father's style to do things."

"..." Cheng Chubi was not well. What a **** is the father's style, how could my father be such a person? No, it seems that my father should be able to toss better than me.

Seeing Cheng Saburo's expression, the two women finally couldn't hold back, and the virtuous and gentle women who had originally put on make-up broke their skills in an instant.

In an instant, the room was full of laughter as Yinling's laughter one after another, and Cheng Saburo felt very disgusted in his heart. There are so many people, so don't do anything.

However, the two beautiful women laughed so much that Cheng Saburo's eyes tremble almost fell to the floor.

Fortunately, the two shrewd girls quickly stopped their laughter and looked at Cheng Saburo in front of them with watery eyes.

Wu Meiniang's thick eyelashes flickered lightly and cast an apologetic look at Cheng Saburo.

"Thank you third brother for your gift. Third brother, you can talk slowly with your highness, and I will go to boil some water."

When Li Mingda saw Wu Meiniang leaving, he whispered.

"Brother Cheng San, I am not laughing at you. I just think that you are too cute just now..."

"Reminds me of the happy days we spent together in Jiucheng Palace."

Seeing Li Mingda, whose face was pink and pink, and his pretty face drooped in shame, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but warm up.

This is the cute little I grew up watching. UU Reading still remembers that when I first saw her, I was squatting with the patron saint of ants outside the Daan Palace.

At that time, she was really like a cute thing that only exists in a fairy tale, so beautiful and cute, so well-behaved and sensible.


Brother Cheng's gaze, Li Mingda felt that his little face was rolling, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to hide it quickly.

However, she still mustered the courage and raised the short-necked pipa in her hand towards Cheng Saburo.

"Brother Cheng, you gave me a gift, but I can't play it, you have to teach me."

"His Royal Highness's will is the mission of the minister." Cheng Chubi hurriedly stepped forward, knelt on one knee, assumed the posture of being a second-degree in the past, and said the slogan that still seemed to be a second-degree in the past.

Hearing Li Mingda's heart sweetened, his brows and eyes curled, he subconsciously stretched out his hand, and raised his green little finger.

The little fingers of the two were linked together again, Cheng Chubi smiled honestly, and Li Mingda smiled brightly.

The melodious sound of Cheng's pipa sounded from inside the house, and soon the palace ladies and eunuchs who were guarding outside the house gradually heard the smell.

One voice appears thicker, and one voice appears brighter.

The vigorous and textured plucking sound first sounded, and after the rest, the bright and smart plucking sound tense followed.

A lady of the palace couldn't help laughing while covering her lips, and even someone who had a good deed sneaked up to the door of the big beating room and looked inside.

Wu Meiniang came carrying the pot and heard the music from inside the house, as well as these sneaky figures outside the house.

Couldn't help but cough, a **** palace lady hurried back to you all honestly, lowered her head with a guilty conscience, and showed a pleasing smile at the closest comrade-in-arms around Jinyang Princess Ji's confidant.

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