The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2111: A well-versed and scheming general Li

From the very beginning, Li Ji used the telescope to observe the opposite side, staring at the facial expression of the vice-marshal of Tubo.

When Li Ji signaled, the army once again marched on Lixu and then stopped. On the city wall, the drum beat again.

When the third wave of soldiers and horses poured out like mercury from the gate, this time, the armor belts at the forefront of the Tubo array, the handymen and shepherds who were fake soldiers finally couldn't stand it. pressure.

Started to flee towards the sides, although only a small amount of collapse, and how old Li Ji is.

"Send the command to the whole army, three calls! Quick! Quick!" Li Ji shouted quickly and hurriedly, and soon, accompanied by the sound of the command.

Three thousand Datang elite iron armors raised up the weapons in their hands and shouted loudly.

"Datang! Wansheng! Datang! Wansheng! Datang! Wanwansheng!"

Three thousand well-trained Datang iron armor elites, raised swords and guns like a forest, thousands of people roared like a roar.

The loud and passionate roar sounded, and the tens of thousands of horses were dark in an instant, as if the heavens and the earth were going to change for it, even the Tuguhun soldiers and horses as friendly forces, they were frightened for a while.

Needless to say, the apparently collapsed Tubo army formation was amidst the roar of Tang's iron armor elite.

The four thousand handymen and shepherds who carried knives and shields, dressed as elites, collapsed in an instant.

It was like the hornet's nest that had been hit by a firecracker, and it seemed to have jumped into the weasel's henhouse, and began to collapse in all directions.

The sharp roar of the Iron Armor of the Tang Dynasty in front of him made the rustling Ding Ai feel palpitations, but he would not be timid.

However, when he heard the noise and messy footsteps and shouts that suddenly appeared behind him.

He suddenly turned his head and saw the routs who were running around, oh no, it should be the handymen and the shepherds running around like flies without a head.

Seeing this scene, Ding Ai's heart sank directly, like a heavy stone, slamming it on the back of his instep.

At this moment, Ding Ai turned around, staring at the opposite side bitterly.

Even if it was too far away and couldn't see the face on the other side clearly, Ding Ai still wished to use his eyes to stab Li Ji's despicable, scheming Datang general to death.

Ding Ai's gaze and the expression of teeth cutting were also fully seen by Li Ji, who was still using his telescope to observe the enemy commander.

Li Ji carefully gathered the telescope that had worked, and put it back into the leather case. With a choke, the long knife came out of its sheath and pointed diagonally forward.

"Passing orders, drumming, the whole army going out of the city, all soldiers and horses, ordering the commander to be called, continue to move on!!!" And Tanhua Shangguanyi, only awarded as a scholar, there is naturally a reason, there is no suitable position for him, so first Scholars will have the opportunity to be appointed officials in the future, which is also in line with the regulations.

As for Wu Xiangshou, among the top scholars, the palace exam results are not in the middle.

However, his appearance is average, and his calligraphy is also average, and it is normal to pick his voice as too hoarse and not loud enough to make him fall in the rankings.

Changsun Wuji stared at such an arrangement proposal, wishing to approve it immediately.

However, thinking of His Majesty's confession, Changsun Wuji had no choice but to lift up the pen, aggrievedly revised the results of the four candidates, and handed them to the corresponding officials.

" this appropriate?" The waiter who had been waiting next to him saw this kind of reply, was taken aback in his heart, and asked in astonishment.

"There is nothing inappropriate, this is what your majesty meant, understand?" Changsun Wuji could only try to maintain the calmness on his face, and calmly ordered.

The qualification election is over, and the results of the qualification election are naturally sent to the hands of a group of jinshi who have gone through the qualification election.

And Xin Mao will wait for the four people to be really pleasantly surprised, because in the past, many of the poor students who were admitted to the imperial examinations would get stuck in this level of selection. Valley

Some people even lose out in the election directly, and most of the poor people who have passed the election will only become officials with but no official positions.

Then I began to wait year after year for one day, and it was remembered that there were even many scholars who hadn't joined the job after waiting for more than a decade.

"From today onwards, you are no longer a commoner, brother Xian, you have met Xin Zuo."

Wu Xiangshou, who was given a post as a subordinate province to pick up from the upper left of the eighth product, was so happy that he didn't know what to do, and said to Xin Mao, who also liked the color.

"Ren can actually be employed in the Ministry of Defense, ha, it is very appetite for Ren to join the Fangsi.

At least you, Shangguan Xiandi, are both talented and knowledgeable, and you can show off your talents when you come to the Ministry of Etiquette as the main and guest department. "

The four of them were excited for a long time in the inn, and the shopkeeper also rushed over to congratulate the four.

He even generously asked the kitchen to bring food and drink to these four people, which was regarded as his congratulations from the inn shopkeeper to these new officials.

After eating the food and wine of the inn, Ren Yaxiang couldn't help thinking about the delicacies of Qicheng Mansion, especially the turbid wine in the inn. How could it be as exciting as the secret three-leaf juice of Cheng Mansion.

"Oh, should we also take time to visit Cheng Taichang? If there is no Cheng too often, we won't have Hearing this, Shangguanyi couldn't help but change his face and his head was shaken. Langgu said.

"Let's talk about this in a few days. Last time I was so drunk and unconscious. It took me two full days for my brother to recover."

"Yes, General Cheng's family is too polite and too enthusiastic..." Wu Xiangshou was really greedy and scared when he thought of the Cheng family banquet.

What is greedy is the delicious food of the old Cheng family, and what is afraid is the secret three-leaf pulp of the old Cheng family.


"Second son, your friend is here, saying that there is an urgent matter to see you." A voice came into Li Dejiu's room.

In the room full of weapons, Li Dezheng, who was wiping the bright sword in his hand with a tarp, flashed his eyes.

"Hurry up, please..."

With little effort, a slender young man in his early twenties walked quickly to the courtyard of Li Dejiu.

After seeing the incoming person, Li Dezheng strode forward to greet him. "It turned out to be Brother Devourer, come here, come in quickly."

"I have prepared food and wine here, come in and taste it."

Seeing the gaze cast by Li Dezheng, Wu Tunhu happily returned a salute. "My little brother is disrespectful..."

When Wu Tunhu entered the room, Li Dezheng drove the people waiting in the room outside with an impatient look, and then he couldn't wait to ask quietly.

"How about, how are you inquiring?"

"Fortunately, it's not a shame, really let us find out..."

After Wu Tunhu gobbled up a large piece of venison, he lowered his voice and muttered in Li Dezheng's ear.

The brothers of Li Dejiu, after receiving the news from Li Dejiu, decided to inquire around and look for the news.

Really inquired from a businessman from Lingnan Jiaozhi

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