The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2112: Tell your family Lord, this is taking back the city of Nadom...

Li Ji rode his horse slowly among the Tubo camp, looking at the seemingly empty camp.

In the open space, there are still many dead Tubo soldiers' corpses, and those Tuyuhun soldiers are searching in those camps unscrupulously.

There are even some Tuyuhun soldiers who have begun to grab the spoils, not only moving their mouths, but even starting to move their hands and feet.

Seeing the unorganized and undisciplined appearance of those Tuyu soldiers, after a battle, the elites of the Tang Dynasty who were taking a break despised the gang of Tuyu soldiers who were like gangsters.

But at the moment, those who were staying at the camp were all foot soldiers, and all the cavalry had already gone to hunt down those Tubo defeated soldiers.

A thousand households who had been arrested, while rushing to surrender, used his stuttering Shuzhong Mandarin to answer Li Ji's questions.

Soon, Li Ji and other Datang generals understood what was going on from him.

"No? Is it possible that Cheng Saburo and the others have even taken Na Tsavajung City?"

"Is that kid's nonsense true?"

"Thinking about it, it should be that they really captured the Tubo city of Tsavajung, and also defeated the soldiers and horses that Tubo sent to the south to defend."

"It's just not the disposition of Cheng Saburo that resembles that of his father, General Cheng Cheng, ha ha..."

A bunch of generals couldn't help but start winking their eyebrows, smirking secretly, and Li Ji over there almost turned the corner of his mouth out of the sky.

But at any rate, General Cheng and himself are old friends who have lived and died together for many years.

Li Ji's face was stern, and he coughed twice, and the rough masters all closed their mouths wittily.

After all, if you provoke the Cheng family, the new year will never end. This jingle is not a joke.

Li Ji slapped his lips and straightened out his thoughts. The Tubo Middle School was really tossed by the young people from the Yaozhou Dudu's Mansion.

As a result, major changes occurred, and perhaps the destructive power they brought was not limited to southern Tubo.

Therefore, the Tubo master did not even make a tentative attack, so he withdrew overnight.

And the great minister in Tubo also led his army to the Xiangxiong country, which made Li Ji couldn't help thinking of the beginning.

In front of His Majesty, Cheng Saburo promised with a vow that the great businessman from Xiangxiong country would definitely help Datang to contain Tubo.

It seemed that there was something wrong with the land of Xiangxiong, which made the Tubo leader had to separate his troops and evacuate.

"Marshal, what should I do next?"

Li Ji smashed his mouth with toothache. After thinking for a long time, he said.

"This commander will play up everything that happens here as soon as possible, please refer to your majesty."

"However, since they have successfully completed the important task of containing the main force of the Tubo Kingdom."

"It is impossible for this commander to let the army of Tubo coach rush back unharmed and put those little rascals in danger. Haha..."


A prince, a son of a housekeeper, Cheng Sanlang's largest demon moth in the Tang Dynasty, and a very optimistic man, Ren Yaxiang, who is both civil and military.

He didn't want this group of young talents, the pillars of the future Datang Kingdom, to be in danger in order to help himself contain the main force of Tubo.

The very depraved Tubo leader is sure to use the power of the lion to fight the rabbit to deal with the group of young people.

Therefore, I must put enough pressure on the Tubo country to make it difficult for Tubo. Sample. Valley

Cheng Chubi couldn't help but feel a move in his heart, and raised his hand, after Deng whispered gratifyingly for a while.

Not long after, Deng Chengxin brought pen, ink, paper and inkstone to the four of them.

Cheng Chubi cleared his throat and turned his attention to the current champion Xin Mao general.

"Since the four of you are here today, you will stay by the way. I have sent someone to prepare the wine and food. In any case, I will leave after dinner.

In addition, Cheng has some questions, and I want to have a good chat with you, or interview you. "

"Cai, interview?" Xin Maojiang looked at Cheng Taichang, who was smiling, with a dazed expression, and he didn't quite understand the meaning of this statement.

"Don't worry, you don't need to be pressured, just some small questions, I ask, you answer."

Cheng Chubi smiled and said to Xin Mao. "Don't worry, I won't ask you super-class questions."

"..." Xin Maojiang stared at Cheng Taichang in a daze. He didn't quite understand what Chao Gang was, but since the benefactor had a life, he would cooperate.

"First of all, I would like to ask, what do you think about being able to become the number one scholar in the ten-year scholarship of Datang Zhenguan?"

Hearing this question, Xin Mao, who had not even turned his mind, would be deeply confused.

This was a very difficult interview. The main reason was that Cheng Chubi was not a professional reporter, so the four great Tang talents were puzzled by the questions they asked.

In addition, the four interviewees had never experienced such a scene before, and they were confused when answering questions.

Fortunately, everyone finally completed this interview, which was both unprofessional.

And just after Deng Chengxin put together those interview manuscripts, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, he heard hearty laughter from outside the hall.

Xin Maojiang and the others turned their heads subconsciously, and couldn't help taking a breath, and saw three look exactly the same, all with big Tongling eyes.


It was all a thick beard like a steel pin, and the hideous strong man strode into the front hall.

"The boy has met Dad, met the eldest brother and the second brother, these four..." Cheng Chubi hurriedly greeted him, and turned around and was about to introduce him.

He was directly pulled aside by his father, and walked up to the four young talents who had just got up to salute.

"Oh, haha, who should the old man be? It turned out to be Xin Zhuangyuan, Ren Banyan, Shangguan Tanhua and Wu Jinshi."

"Let me see Lu Guogong..." The four of them hurriedly saluted the fierce General Lu Guogong Cheng Taichang's father, the benefactor.

I saw General Cheng's face full of flesh and kind smiles, and he nodded and smiled at them.

"Don't be like that, and since it's a friend of my third child, the old man will ask you to call him uncle, right?"

"This..." The four of them couldn't help but hesitate. The main thing is that this General Cheng is too approachable.

"Why, don't you think the old man can't be the elder you are waiting for?" Cheng Yaojin couldn't help but said with joy when he saw the four hesitations.

"If this is the case, the younger generation dare to refuse again, and see Uncle Process." Ren Yaxiang's heart was stunned, and he opened his mouth and said loudly towards Cheng Yaojin.

The other three did not hesitate anymore, calling themselves juniors, and saluted Cheng Yaojin again.

Cheng Yaojin nodded in satisfaction, and slapped Ren Ya and others on the shoulders and laughed heartily.


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