The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2113: Li Ji, a famous general in the country of Tang, actually has tens of thousands of sol

At this moment, there was no smoke rising in the distance, and Ding Ai looked at the soldiers behind him who had been inadequately armored because of the days of fleeing.

Even the thousands of households who had followed him and fled together, now only two are left behind.

Those tired and horrified faces were full of joy and ease after the disaster.

Ding Ai smiled bitterly, raised his eyes to look forward, and was chased by the Datang Cavalry and the Tuyuhun Cavalry.

Ding Ai had to deviate from a straight line and made a big bend, and it took almost four days to reach the city of Doma.

"Let's go, let's talk about advanced city." Ding Ai looked at the towering city of Doma, but couldn't be happy in his heart.

The task Zamp gave him was to stop Tang and Tu's coalition forces for at least three days before they could withdraw to this city of Doma, and then defend here.

At the beginning, I had to go around that big turn, and because I had the intention of avoiding the Tang and Tu coalition forces, it was not because I wanted to delay some time.

Otherwise, before the main force commanded by Zampo arrived in Doma City, he would have fled in embarrassment.

Ding Ai was very worried that this deep-minded Zamp would directly chop himself up and feed the dog under his frustration.

At this moment, although there was still some distance from Nadom City, Ding Ai still saw smoke and dust rising in the direction of Doma City.

Soon, a hundred households led the cavalry to meet the defeated general of Ding'ai.

"I will see the marshal at the end, marshal, you guys..."

The hundred households looked at Ding Ai with a look of uncertainty.

The helmet was gone, his body was gray, and the second person in the Tubo army was still wrapped in a piece of cloth on his right leg, the Deputy General Marshal Ding Ai.

The image at this moment is like a poor shepherd who has been robbed of cattle and sheep by bandits and wants to slaughter him.

"Where is Zampo?" Ding Ai ignored the interrogation of the hundred households, but began to instigate the horse towards Doma City.

"Zampo led his army into Doma City yesterday afternoon. After a rest night, early this morning, he led his army to the south, and..."

"And what?" Ding Ai asked, playing with the whip in his hand.

Seeing Ding Ai's gaze, the hundred households could only answer with a hardened scalp.

"Furthermore, Zampo has an order. If Marshal Ding'ai retreats to the city of Doma, he will be stationed on the spot, and he shall not retreat. The city is here and the people are..."

"..." When Ding Ai heard these words, he felt a scepticism in his heart.

Could it be that Zanpu wanted to ride northward with the Great Tang soldiers, while Qiongbo Bangse and himself were forced to lead the opportunity outside.

It just sorted out the back-hidden who was operated like an iron bucket by himself and Qiongbo Bangse.

Ding Ella grumbled noncommittally, then asked after thinking about it. "How many people are there in Thomas City now?"

"Today, there are still three thousand defenders in the city of Doma. If we can add..."

The Hundred Households subconsciously turned his head to look at some of the defeated generals around Ding Ai, and stopped talking with interest.

His silence does not mean that Maben, who guards the city, is silent.

When Duojima, the guard of the city of Doma, saw the deputy capital marshal and led hundreds of defeated generals into the city of Doma.

Although his tone was still respectful, his expression was a little nervous and uneasy.

"Marshal, how many Tang troops have come? Zamp said that he left you with eight thousand soldiers and horses. I am afraid that there is not enough troops here."

"Eight thousand soldiers and horses?" Ding Ai almost wanted to spit on Xingzi.


"Zampo left me only four thousand elites, okay? The remaining four thousand are wastes that have never been on the battlefield." Gu

"If it weren't for the fact that they fought timidly, didn't listen to orders, and disrupted our army's array, how could they have suffered such a terrible defeat."

I saw it.

And the uncle Li Jing, the military god, must have returned to the mansion as usual, but he did not see his son.

Check carefully, know the reason, and then come to the door to inquire about the crime.

"But the boy really doesn't know that the moral award brother will run away without even saying hello to his father."

Cheng Yaojin grinned. "I said the third child, how can you hear the rumors that rice can still be one year old and three ripe?"

"Father, Haier has indeed heard such rumors, but he didn't expect he actually inquired about it. There is such a rice."

Cheng Yaojin glanced at Cheng Chubi, then glanced at the mansion, the big slap fell on Cheng Chubi's shoulder.

"It's done, your kid is also responsible for this matter, but it's not a big deal.

The second child of your uncle's pharmacist's family is just such a guy who can't wait to stay home forever in the field. "

"Don't be afraid, father is here, go in quickly, and watch me wink and act."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi's heart fell directly, nodded vigorously, and followed his father into the palace.

Then I saw my father Cheng Yaojin, and picked up the thick doorstop.

"??" Cheng Chubi almost split his whole body, staring dumbfounded as his father played the door bolt, seemingly satisfied with the weight of this thing.

Damn it! Daddy, is this preparing for the righteous extermination or what?

Cheng Chubi was in shock, before considering whether he should twist his hips and run away, or just kneel on his knees and confess. UU reading www.

He saw Cheng Yaojin easily lift the door bolt with a scary diameter with one hand and glared at himself.

"Still stunned to do something, quickly followed Dad in, remember, look at Dad's eyes and act."

"Father, this, this..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, and then the old man smokes you again." Cheng Yaojin hated iron and glared at Cheng Chubi and strode forward.

At this moment, Li Jing, who was sitting at the back of the case, wondering what he should do after Cheng Yaojin and his son showed up, hadn't decided yet.

I saw Cheng Yaojin pick up a door bolt with the thickness of a bowl and strode in, followed by a trembling Cheng Chubi next to him.

"??" Li Jing looked at this posture with a dazed expression. What are you trying to do? Cheng Yaojin, isn't your wife afraid of death?

With a bang, Cheng Yaojin will take the big stick in his hand to the ground, and sternly shouted towards Cheng Chubi.

"Nizi, don't kneel down yet!"

At this moment, Cheng Chubi can only kneel on his knees, anyway, now his brain is a bit messy, and he doesn't know how to cooperate with his father's performance art.


Then he saw his father Cheng Yaojin strode to the uncle of the military **** who was also stunned.

With both hands, he handed the thick-mouthed big stick to the uncle of the military god, spitting and flying across the sky.

"Brother Yao, this kid is so damned, he is so young, he actually tricked your Erlang into running away from home."

"Don't say anything else, I blame my old Cheng's lack of strict tutoring for raising such a wicked barrier. Come on, just hit it, and if I'm killed, I'll kill my old Cheng and bury it by myself. There is no difference."

"..." Li Jing looked at this big stick with a black line, and then looked at Cheng Yaojin who looked regretful and annoyed.

Turning his head, seeing Cheng Saburo with a bewildered face and horror, he laughed outright with anger.

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