The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2115: Datang’s thick and stiff thighs, holding it is...

In Chang'an, in the imperial palace, Li Shimin, who had just finished handling many government affairs in his hand, exhaled in relief.

Stretching a big lazy waist, he walked out of the Ganlu Hall and walked quickly towards the Lizheng Hall.

The reason why he is so urgent is naturally because his little cute Li Mingda, the jewel in his palm, has entered the palace again.

At the moment, in the Lizheng Hall, a lay speaker with a loud voice and full of emotions.

There was an eloquent narration of "Luoyang Peony Pavilion", the grandson Queen and Li Mingda, the beloved daughter who went to the palace to visit her mother and father.

He was sitting comfortably in the temple, with red eyes and a silk paw in his hand, listening to this endless-heard story.

When the lay speaker just finished a chapter, he saw the emperor of Tang Dynasty who appeared at the entrance of the Lizheng Hall, and the lay speaker hurriedly saluted.

Empress Changsun was a little bit reluctant to signal the layman to withdraw, and Li Mingda had rubbed his red eyes, and quickly came to his father to ask for peace.

Seeing the girl's appearance, Li Shimin pretended to be angry.

"Oh, why my little pocket is so red, who dares to bully you, come and tell daddy."

"No, my daughter missed her dad." Li Mingda smiled brightly, that sweet smile almost melted Li Shimin's heart and soul.

"Haha, daddy also misses you too tightly. Look at you, I haven't seen daddy for many days."

"Why, I remember the palace where my daughter just entered three days ago."

"Really? Why does Daddy think it's been a long time..."

Empress Changsun calmly watched the father-daughter pair crookedly in front of her, and wanted to roll her eyes.

But one is a husband, and the other is a daughter-in-law, let it go, and let their father be kind and filial.

Empress Changsun walked to the case table and began to tease the chrysanthemum and wolfberry tea, which can clear the liver and improve the eyesight and health.


After Li Mingda sat down with his father, he cleverly offered tea to his father, and Li Shimin sipped the tea soup with open eyes.

"Girls, I'm still used to staying in the Lu Guo Gong's mansion..."

"..." Li Mingda and Empress Changsun both wanted to roll their eyes neatly, almost every time a father and daughter met, there must be such a sentence.

However, Li Mingda patiently answered his father's question that was full of sincere care, but it happened to be the same.

"I think Daddy looks very good today. Could it be another happy event?"

Li Mingda's words made Li Shimin happy, stroking the long beard and saying. "You really saw it by the girl, that's right..."

"Now, Xue Yantuo, who took the place of Turks, has already frustrated my Datang for a while in Bai Daochuan, and retreats. My army of Datang is pursuing..."

Yes, Datang's strategy against Xue Yantuo was completely to strike at it with a powerful force of thunder.

The elites of the Tang Dynasty were able to go out in several ways, and the Turks, Khitan, Xi and other tribes all tried their best to follow the Tang Dynasty and send troops to attack Xue Yantuo.

The governor of Yingzhou, Wancheng County, Zhang Jian led his cavalry and the allied forces of Qidan and Xi to suppress Yi Nan from the east, and Li Daozong, the king of Jiangxia, was the commander of the army on Shuozhou Road.

In the north of Shuozhou, he fought against the main force of Xue Yantuo. After a great battle, Xue Yantuo was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Fearing the might of the Tang Dynasty, he had no choice but to renounce the idea of ​​going south, and was forced to evacuate from Bai Daochuan, intending to flee far away.

"...Although he wants to escape to Mobei and rest and rest, how can I give him such a chance."

"This time, we must let those grassland clans understand that if they dare to violate my will, then we need to pay a heavy price." "Go, take my Hong Yuncong out and run. This period of time is not bad. Hold it back very hard."

Seeing that his second son didn't mean to jump out, he went straight into the house.

The family members who had been ordered by the master to watch the gate of the mansion to prevent the second son from escaping from the mansion were finally relieved.

With little effort, Li Dezhang's confidant led two horses, and left Weiguo Gongfu from the palace gate in such a high stride.

The dignitaries didn't stop them, and let this one go in and out, anyway, as long as the son stayed in the house.

Li Dezheng rode his own horse and led the second son's horse. After leaving the mansion gate, he went straight out of the street.

At the gate of the mansion, where the family members could not see, he sneaked and pulled his horse's head and galloped towards a certain part of the courtyard wall of the mansion.

At this time, Li Deshang put aside his pen, looked at the letter that had been written, dried the ink, and pressed the inkstone on the case table.

He helped the horizontal sword and barrier sword beside his waist, and then hurriedly left the room with a heavy suitcase in one hand.

Then sneakily avoiding the people coming and going in the Palace of Weiguo, heading towards the meeting point designated by the relatives and followers.

Only this is not far, and I saw a mother in red, standing not far in front, standing with her hands smiling, looking at herself.

Li Dezheng looked at his mother with a smile on his face awkwardly, and approached him with a guilty conscience.

"Mother, why are you here? Didn't the boy go to please you just now."

Happy in the red dress, the heroic Mrs. Li walked to Li Dejuan and stood Although she is a woman, her spirit is not inferior to a man.

"Smelly boy, you're a big mother with one hand and taught with the other. When you roll your eyes, your mother will know what you want to do."

Li Dezheng put his luggage down with both hands, and quickly bowed to his mother and replied.

"Mother...Baby is wrong, but this time, Babe really wants to do a great cause for the country and the people."

"My boy inquired that in Linyi Country in the south of Cochin, there is really a one-year-old rice that can ripen three times.

If a child finds this thing to offer to the court, the people will no longer suffer from food shortages that day.

If a child does not do these things for the country and the people, he will be a chivalrous man in vain. "

Mrs. Li took her hands and looked at the handsome and high-willed young boy, she couldn't help feeling a little sorrowful.

That eager face and that hot and hopeful gaze were so similar to those of her husband when he was young, Madam Li sighed softly.

"It seems, Cheng Saburo's saying that the great chivalrous man is for the country and the people. It really makes you hard to get through..."

"Okay, my mother won't stop you, but it's the same sentence. When you are young, it's enough to be brazen and do what you have a clear conscience."

"The boy understands, and I ask my mother to believe in this ability of the boy and the nature of the boy, and I will definitely not lose the face of my father and mother."

Mrs. Li, who was dressed in red, gently pointed at Li Dezheng's already sturdy face with her fingers, showing a calm smile.

"Well, go, don't forget, father and mother, are still here in Chang'an waiting for you to return home."

After saying this, Mrs. Li's eyes reddened slightly, and she passed Li Dezheng and went straight away.

"Mother..." Li Deshang turned his head and looked over, only to see his mother's straight figure and a red dress, drifting away.

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