The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2116: It's not because of that... Well, that virtuous son-in-law.

And this big victory made the Tuyuhun Kingdom rejoice. It was heard that the main force of the Tubo Kingdom had already retreated.

Under the wise command of Li Ji, Shangshu of the Tang State Department of Arms, the troops after the breakup were defeated in the wild, with countless survivors.

This made King Tuyuhun, who was originally shrunk in the palace, trembling in the thighs of his delicate young lady holding his delicate face every day, lifted his spirits.

He personally led an army of thirty thousand, and dashed to the front of the city of Doma.

The cause of all this is the fact that the group of young people in Yaozhou’s Dudu’s Mansion are so powerful in southern Tubo.

However, Li Ji also wrote very clearly in the victory report. For details of what they did, please read the letter written by Cheng Sablang's demon moth for yourself.

After all, the minister was not sure if the kid was bragging.

Well, that's probably what it meant, and that's why Li Shimin's expression is so weird.

I just said something to my daughters-in-law, um, how about a wave of Li Ji, a famous Datang general?

As a result, Li Shimin felt that his old face was hot anyway.

After all, it is possible for the hero Songtsen Gambo, who is determined to unify the plateau, to take advantage of the opportunity to annex Tuyuhun when the entire power of the Tang Dynasty cleans up Xue Yantuo.

However, on the eve of the attack on Naluyi City, he quietly led the main force of the army to retreat.

Only a few elite and miscellaneous soldiers were left here to meet the occasion, enough to see that the noise of the young people was not small.


At this moment, Li Shimin noticed the suspicious glances cast by Guanyin's maidservant and her daughter.

After smiling awkwardly and politely, he took up the letter and opened it up to appreciate it.

Sure enough, when he unfolded the letter paper, he saw Cheng Saburo's familiar handwriting inside.

At first sight, we saw that outside Jianchuan City, Datang did not damage a single soldier, wiped out thousands of enemies, and captured more than 10,000 enemies.

With just this opening, Li Shimin wanted to spit on him, Cheng Sablang, even if it was Datang Army God Li Jing leading his army to victory in all battles.

You ask him to lead 30,000 elite Datang Jianshou to clean up 20,000 Tuyuhun soldiers and horses, for fear that there will be a certain proportion of battle damage.

I glanced down a few more times, and saw Cheng Sanlang triumphantly show Li Ji in his letter that he was convinced by virtue.

There was a battle of wits with the famous Bon master of Xiangxiongguo, Jiacuo.

After the opponent was defeated, he cleverly and obediently presented the iron bridge city, the dangerous pass across the two banks of the Jinsha River, and Datang still did not lose a single soldier by this time.

Seeing this, Li Shimin couldn't help but wiped his face, thinking that if the **** Cheng Saburo dared to squat in front of him to talk.

He definitely flew over and let him talk.

Well, it was even more exaggerated after it arrived. Yuben City left the city and left. As for the southern Tubo office, Dacheng Tsavarung, Cheng Sablang and others had not had time to pass.

The Niang clan, who was almost censured by the Tubo governor Songtsan cadre, and the second son of the former prime minister Shang Nang, Shang Lu Man, had to make an agreement with his own son Li Ke.

So he went to the land of Subi, talked about the tribes of Subi, and then succeeded in attacking Tsavajung city at night. "Now that there are not many days before the palace exam, I don't know how well the four village tribute candidates are preparing." Gu

Seeing Uncle Li's brow furrowed, Cheng Chubi couldn't help feeling a little guilty. "Uncle rest assured, the four of them should be preparing carefully."

"Well, my nephew is going to take Xiumu in the afternoon, just in time to see them."

Li Shimin raised his brows and saw Cheng Chubi's expression, hehe.

"Your kid has never been able to speak, so I really want to go. The old man is also worried that the four men who make you nervous about talking will affect their preparations for the palace exam."

"If you are really worried, send a servant to give them some condolences such as food, and they will understand what you mean."

Hearing Li Shimin's patient advice to himself, Cheng Chubi was a little unhappy that the emperor said he could not speak.

However, I have to admit that what he said really has a certain truth. Originally, he had to go to the palace exam and it was already under great pressure.

If he did go, maybe it might break down the four village tributes who were already nervous.

"Thank you uncle for mentioning my nephew. When my nephew turned around, he asked them to bring them some wine and food to comfort them, not only to urge them, but also to inspire them."

Seeing Cheng Chubi had changed his mind, Li Shimin nodded in satisfaction, as long as he didn't let this kid meet the few village tributes before the palace exam.

Hmm...then you won’t miss any stuffing, it’s better not to miss stuffing, but even if stuffing is missed, can anyone dare to come to investigate me?

Thinking about this, Li Shimin couldn't help but protruding his chest somewhat arrogantly, squashing his long beard that was very delicately maintained.


General Xin Mao and Wu Xiangshou, who originally lived in the inn outside Chang'an, have now moved to the city and live in the same inn as Shangguanyi and Ren Ya.

The four of them are preparing for the upcoming palace trial every day, repeatedly creating articles about related content, and even commenting on each other.

After all, the four of them are different from the other village tributes, because they are the reason why they are recommended by the old Cheng family, who are both young and old.

Those scholars who lived with them in an inn also had their sons, and kept a certain distance from the four of them.

It seems to be too close to them, worrying that he will also be infected with the crude aura of the old Cheng family.

This made the four of them feel frustrated and become more angry. They have almost stayed home for nearly half a month, and are not immersing themselves in writing articles every day.

It's just getting together to discuss each other's tastings. These days, because they are at odds with the other members, even the meals are delivered to them by the inn's Xiaoer.

At this moment, it was noon, and several of the village tributes, who were also waiting for the day of the palace examination, were dining in the lobby at this moment.

However, the topics they talked about were not only about poems, but also about the four Xianggong Juzi who ranked at the top of the list of scholars.

"They think it's useful to stay behind closed doors like this? Oh, I'm a little worried for them..." This made the four of them feel frustrated and became more and more angry. They have almost stayed home for nearly half a month. I'm not immersing myself in writing articles every day.

It's just getting together to discuss each other's tastings. These days, because they are at odds with the other members, even the meals are delivered to them by the inn's Xiaoer.

At this moment, it was noon, and several of the village tributes, who were also waiting for the day of the palace examination, were dining in the lobby at this moment.

However, the topics they talked about were not only about poems, but also about the four Xianggong Juzi who ranked at the top of the list of scholars.

"They think it's useful to stay behind closed doors like this? Well, I'm a little worried for them..."

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