The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2123: The Apologetic King of Bon: Demon Moth*Cheng*Chubi

Songtsen Gampo closed his eyes, took deep breaths frequently, and imagined that he was staying on the shore of the holy Lake Mana Pang Yumco at this moment. Bah!

That is the holy lake of the Bon religion. The gang of Bon religions are now uniting with the Tang people and are digging for the roots of their Tubo kingdom.

The most important thing now is to clean up the Tang people who jumped onto the plateau to make monster moths.

As for you **** who turned their elbows out, wait, the Tang people were driven out of the plateau, and the next day is your end.

We must let those Bon believers understand that Lao Tzu likes Buddha, so you can only believe in Buddha on the plateau.

All the random thoughts really made Songtsen Gambo's mood gradually calm down.

Songtsen Gampo managed to control the emotional fluctuations, and only then did it seem a little rush to feel the slight stinging heartbeat calmed down a bit.

He also considered another big problem, that is, the 100,000 elite Tubo teachers under his command.

Some of them are elite Tubo clan, but there are also many brave slave households serving in the army.

Not to mention that I, the master of Tubo, can be regarded as the largest slave owner in Tubo.

Nearly one-third of these huge slaves in and outside the city belonged to him alone.

And there are many slaves in this palace, doing some rough chores.

If these guys are also crippled by those Bon religions, they are desperate for their lives and make chaos in this palace.

A cold sweat broke out on Songtsan Gambo's forehead. His wife, the princess he married, and his own sons all lived in the palaces of these cities.

Songtsan Ganbu raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, and he invited a guard officer to give a whistle in his ear.

The guard stunned, and after a salute to Songtsen Gampo, he quickly walked away...

The Tubo ministers in the house were still arguing quietly.

Those Tubo ministers who were not far from the southern region wished that Zampo would lead his army south now.

Even if Zanpu doesn't go south, they have to lead their own soldiers and horses to go back and take a look.

Those slaves who dared to betray their masters should all be stripped of their skins and made into drums.

Let the slaves whose eyeballs have been dug out beat them with the thigh bones that have been shaved off, and let them sing lamentations.

Let more slaves see what a miserable end it would be if they dared to betray their master.

But the important officials of those tribes who were near the cities of Luoxie were also unwilling to raise their troops south at this time.

After all, his home is here, and there was a large-scale slave rebellion in Nianga, not far from the city.

Everyone is also very worried about their own tribe, in case they also jump into a Bon, so that those **** slaves will become dogs that hurt their masters. Arriving in front of the Temple of Ganlu, Changsun Wuji wiped the sweat from his forehead and lifted his front to climb up the steps.

Facing Zhao Kun, the head of your majesty's confidant guard who saluted him respectfully.

Changsun Wuji just smiled reservedly, and after moving his chin a little as a gift, he walked straight into the Temple of Ganlu.

I saw that your Majesty was staring at some place in a daze, seeming to be thinking about things, but also in a daze.

Changsun Wuji stopped his steps, and Zhao Kun hurried to his Majesty's side to remind him, and then he stepped forward to salute respectfully.

"The minister sees your majesty."

"Wuji is here, hurry up and sit down..." Li Shimin recovered his senses, his gaze fell on Changsun Wuji, and he smiled and raised his hand.

Hearing his majesty calling himself so, Changsun Wuji couldn't help but warm up, and the feeling that his majesty still loves me instantly filled his chest.

Changsun Wuji came to the front and sat down, the **** on the side filled the eldest grandson with a cup of tea before he stepped aside and stood there. Valley

Li Shimin also sipped a sip of chrysanthemum tea that can clear the liver, improve eyesight and maintain health, and then smiled and said to Changsun Wuji.

"Wuji, it's been a while since the imperial examination hall exam, right?"

"Yes, your Majesty." Changsun Wuji nodded, but he was a little confused about Li Shimin's question.

Then, I saw His Majesty the Emperor of Tang copying a copy of "Changan Xunbao" from the case table and handing it to him.

"??" Changsun Wuji looked at the newspaper that His Majesty handed to him with a dazed expression.

The whole person is bad, what do you mean? Could it be that the gossip of the city has reached His Majesty's ears.

This emperor who had a stubborn personality when he was young, did he want to laugh at him again?

"Have you read today's "Chang'an Xunbao"?" Li Shimin saw Changsun Wuji's expression, somewhat inexplicable, but he pointed to the newspaper and asked.

"Chen...Chen just watched some." Changsun Wuji tried to calm himself down, and said with a smile.

"I think these four Jinshi in Jinke are all rare talents. I don't know when will the official selection start?"

Hearing this, Changsun Wuji's heart suddenly sank, and he was calm and authentic on the surface.

"Your Majesty, the minister intends to start the election at the end of this month. I don't know what your Majesty has ordered..."

Seeing Changsun Wuji put on a posture of listening respectfully, Li Shimin nodded slightly.

He tapped his finger lightly on the case table, and after thinking about it for a long time, he said.

"General Xin Mao, the number one scholar in the current division, this man has a righteous disposition and a peaceful calligraphy, so he can be a living man.

Ren Yaxiang, the second place in the ranking, is courageous and courageous. He can join the Department of Military Affairs and the Department of Military Affairs. He is very literary and elegant, and he can join the Ministry of Etiquette as the main and guest department..."

Hearing His Majesty's determined tone, Changsun Wuji lowered his head, but his eyelids kept jumping.

It never occurred to him that his Majesty would directly intervene in the selection of officials, which is extremely rare.

After Li Shimin put all the four people in his place, he said to the grandson Wuji.

"My arrangement, Wuji, what can you say?"

"Your Majesty, suddenly entrusted with great trust, will you let them..."

"It's okay, since they are talents, they must be entrusted with important tasks before they can show their abilities."

"Since Wuji you don't object, that's the deal."

"..." Changsun Wuji opened his mouth, but in the end he could only salute Li Shimin respectfully.

But he was straight in his heart. Your Majesty, you have reached a conclusion, can I still refute you?

"The minister understands, your majesty can rest assured."

"This matter, only if you leave it to Wuji, can I be at ease."

Li Shimin smiled and nodded, then picked up the "Clan Chronicles" and handed it over.

"By the way, I just received this thing here, let's take a look..."


Changsun Wuji couldn't help but froze for a moment, then congratulated Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, in the sixth year of Zhenguan, many ministers and servants published the correct surnames according to your majesty's order. It has been four years since then. It is a great joy for me to achieve results.

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