The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2124: The difficult and difficult Tubo escape from slavery...

Huh? …It seems that the topic is off the track, cough, the words of Tashi's commentary made Songtsen Gambo and the Tubo monarchs a little bit painful.

Among them, there are indeed some Tubo ministers who are more serious in feudal superstition, and they have begun to pale.

After all, they have believed in the Bon religion for a lifetime, and they are still fresh in the memory of the gods and guardians of the Bon religion.

Now suddenly there appeared such a Bon apologist, and a terrifying demon that he knew well, how not terrifying.

Songtsen Gampo naturally saw the changes in the expressions of the ministers and workers in his eyes, and cleared his throat calmly.

"You are in the Qing family, don't worry, Bon religion is the religion of my plateau, and believers are all here. Cheng Chubi is just a Chinese."

"Neither he was born in the plateau, and he has never heard of his belief in the Bon religion, so he called him the Apostolic His Holiness."

"It's clearly the work of those who are otherwise ambitious among the Bon religions, and the Qing family probably won't listen to these rumors, right?"

Hearing Songtsen Gambo's words, I couldn't help but feel relieved when I worked on the Tubo civil and military.

"What Zampo said is quite true, nine out of ten, it is the treacherous trick of the Tang Dynasty Yaozhou Dudu Mansion and the Bon Religion in order to disturb my Tubo ruling and opposition."

"That is, I heard that Cheng Chubi is not a good thing among the younger generation of Tang, and he is notoriously far-reaching, just like his father Cheng Yaojin."

"Relying on a little cleverness, Cheng Ri tried to fiddle with some unreasonable things, which caused the Tang Dynasty to complain."

"Yes, yeah, the minister also heard..."

One after another, Tubo ministers and workers came forward to criticize Cheng Saburo, who was very problematic in character.

At this moment, Cheng Saburo has become the chief culprit of Tang's invasion of Tubo, and a despicable villain who deserves to be slashed by a thousand swords.

After everyone spit on the stars, Songtsen Gambo decided to stay in these cities for a period of time to rectify the soldiers and horses.

After all the rebellions around Luoxuecheng have been put down, they will move in and send troops south.

After all, if the middle school is uneasy and rushes southward, there will be no time to cry if there is any accident.

"Furthermore, all tribes from all over the country are sent to inquire. Any Bon believers who are found to be still preaching will be expelled from the country. If they dare to stay in the country, they will be detained."

"If anyone who dared to resist promoted the abolition of slavery for Tang, they would all be wicked and never repent, and would be severely punished!"

"I want those Bon believers to understand that this is Tubo, not Xiangxiong."

After listening to Songtsen Gambo's murderous edict, all civil servants and military officers abruptly obeyed their orders.

The so-called wicked ones without repentance refer to those criminals who need to be punished with the harshest punishments.

Those who do a lot of evil and do not repent will be chopped off their heads, limbs and hands and feet by their hands, and their tongues and eyeballs will be filled with molten copper, and they will need to be peeled.


Just when Songtsen Gampo, the leader of the Tubo kingdom, rushed back to the cities of Luoxue, he sent troops to suppress and shock the slaves of the cities around them.

The sturdy Dama panted heavily, holding a broken knife head in one hand, and the blood on it had turned into a black sharp blade.

Pulling his fragile wife with one hand, she was still carrying her mother who was about fifty years old. The sheepskin bag in her arms wrapped his child who had just been full moon. Valley

Facing the wind and snow, continue to move forward. Behind him is a team of nearly a hundred slaves, stumbling on the ground, gritting their teeth and moving forward in the wind and snow. "Of course, this is still under the circumstance that he maintains 60,000 copies. If he wants to learn from us, one hundred thousand copies, um, then he will have to put in four thousand copies."

Cheng Chubi pulled the fingers of his wrench and couldn't help but admire the fat Michelin prince. In order to fight with herself, the real mother is not distressed when she sells Ye Tian.

If it is two issues in one month and one year after the printing, I don’t know if His Majesty Wei, who is so beloved by His Majesty, will be so poor that he wants to lose the loincloth.

I don't know at that time, Uncle Li knew that his fat-eared son would be angry with others, and if he got rid of a hundred thousand guana a year, would he slap him with a big mouth.

Hmm... Cheng Chubi is very eager to see Uncle Li, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, personally demonstrate to his courtiers what a true *hands-on-hands* father's filial piety is.

"Ah sneeze!..." Wei Wang Li Tai, who was watching the "Changan Xunbao" in his hand, sneezed horribly.

Almost blown the lard pastry from the plate in front of him on the table, rubbing his nose, Li Tai continued to enjoy the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" series on the "Changan Xunbao" with an expression of disgust and relish.

And he also criticized while admiring. "What kind of ghost stuff is written here, look at this, what Hedong Jieliangrenshi.

Obviously he was a vulgar villager who didn't know where he came from. Ha ha, this Han family clan has also fallen into a place where he sells straw sandals, tut tut..."

The housekeeper, Grandpa Li, stood there blankly, listening to his Highness's complaints, oh no... it's a criticism.

Calculating how much money was spent today to buy how many copies of "Changan Xunbao", that's nothing more.

Thinking of the two thousand four hundred volumes of "Chang'an Collected Works" that had just been paid for the printing fee, UU read his heart bleeds.


Finally, after turning on the Tucao mode, after reading the "Changan Xunbao" intently, Li Tai deliberately threw the newspaper to his feet.

It doesn't seem to be the case, and he cannot express his contempt for this "Changan Xunbao".

Seeing Li Tai finally finished reading the newspaper, the housekeeper Li Gonggong said.

"His Royal Highness, today we have gathered almost 20,000 copies of the "Changan Xunbao"."

"Not only us, there are also many vendors who are vying with our people."

"Those **** dealers are really forgotten people who see profit, nothing, 20,000 copies are 20,000 copies, tomorrow, if there are more..."

After thinking about it for a long time with Wei Wang Li Tai's face darkened, he hardened his scalp and said.

"Take it again. You say, how can they print so fast, and they print so much."

"It's just the second issue. I'm afraid that the newspapers they sell will be at least 100,000 copies. If you count forty essays, that's a full 4,000."

"Their old Cheng family, ha ha... just the properties of their family, I'm afraid they won't make so much in a month, right?"

The steward Li Gonggong thought for a while, and felt that he still had to tell the truth: "His Royal Highness, since the "Chang'an Xunbao" has advertised them for Cheng's restaurant."

"That Cheng's restaurant is full almost every day, and it is now considered to be the best restaurant in East City. Do you want our "Chang'an Collected Works"..."

Wei Wang Li Tai immediately glanced at the housekeeper Li Gonggong unhappily, but when he thought of an issue of "Chang'an Collected Works", he had to smash into it two thousand four hundred.

The apex felt pain and hesitated for a while before he could say it. "You can do it yourself, you don't need to trouble this king with this matter."

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