The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2132: Young Master of the Ge Clan: Cang Yang Bangdi

In the holy lake, the width of the narrowest part of the entrance of Mapang Yumco is no more than ten feet, but the periphery of the entrance is a huge plain.

Although the entire plain is covered by white snow, but above the vast snowfield, it is close to the entrance of Manpang Yumco.

But there are small black spots dotted around large and small, just like Li Ke's clean white face, with black heads that make the scalp numb.

At this moment, Master Gacso rode his horse forward and behind him.

Sixty to seventy strong men with fat physiques all wore Bon hats and Bon robes.

Riding the horse under his command, he galloped towards the direction of the pile of small black dots.

And one of the tall and brave young men, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, has a sturdy silhouette. He is the head of the Governor of Yaozhou in Datang, Cheng Saburo, the apologetic king of Bon religion.

At this moment, he was also wearing a brightly colored Bon robes, standing shoulder to shoulder with the disciples of Master Gacso.

In the rear, the Cheng family, who were fat and sturdy, were all dressed and riding their mounts just like the Bon religions.

It's just that everyone's expressions are not very happy, after all, everyone is a very serious Cheng family.

In the dead mountain and blood, they can stop and wander in any scene, but it is the first time in their life to pretend to be religious.

However, for the Three Young Masters' plans, for the peace and harmony of the Dudu Mansion of Yaozhou in Datang on the plateau, they all bravely dedicated their first time.

"King Cheng Fa, look over there, someone is coming." Master Gacso suddenly reminded him.

Cheng Saburo looked over in the direction pointed by his hand, and saw at least nearly a hundred cavalrymen rushing towards this side.

"Master, please call me the dharma name." Cheng Chubi quickly gave a dry cough, reminding the Jiacuo master not to miss the stuffing.

"By the way, which tribe is this?"

Grandmaster Gatso narrowed his eyes and looked at the flag that was erected at the front of the approaching team.

"Oh, it seems that during this time, the Ge clan was guarding here, and the three big clans who took refuge in Tubo will guard this mountain pass separately."

"But no matter which clan is waiting here, the other two clans will not be more than three days away from this Manpang Yumco."

"It's just to prevent those Xiangxiong tribes from suddenly launching troops to rescue the country's lord. Their three clans are powerful, but now they have become the rebellion of the entire Xiangxiong..."

While talking, the headed Naya Hundred Households had already led more than a hundred cavalry soldiers to the front.

After he saw clearly that it was a group of Bon monks who were actually here, he quickly turned over and jumped off his horse, and bowed to the monks religiously.

"Naya of Gregor has met all the masters."

Guru Jiacuo, who had been accustomed to such a scene for a long time, sat on horseback with restraint, his eyes seemed to be open as if closed, his face was half-upward, and he looked indifferent.

On the other hand, the fat and sturdy big disciple turned over and immediately asked, politely and politely towards the hundred households.

"Who is in charge of your Geshi now?"

Upon hearing this unceremonious question, Naiabaihu did not dare to have any dissatisfaction, and remained very humble and authentic.

"Report to Master, now the master of the Ge clan is Cangyang Bangdi, the son of the patriarch."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a puff sounding like a fart coming from the Bon troupe, but Naya Baihu did not dare to look up in disrespect. "It's so cute, madam, are our elephants cute?"

Su Clan smiled and nodded lightly when he saw this self-satisfied husband. "What the husband said is that our children must be pretty."

"That's natural, Xianger, you are the father's child and the father's eldest son. I hope you can grow up peacefully. Like father..."

"No, Dad hopes you can be as wise as your grandfather..."

Hearing that Li Chengqian had come to see the princess and the grandson's eldest grandson, before they reached the steps, they heard a voice from inside.

He couldn't help but raised his mouth, shook his head helplessly, and coughed deliberately before he stepped up the stairs.

After the grandson empress stepped into the hall, he saw that the elephant had returned to the nurse's arms, and Li Chengqian appeared a little embarrassed to stand there and salute himself.

"Cheng Qian is here, come and sit down quickly, how about it, these days, you run to the palace almost every day, did you delay everything in the East Palace?"

"Mother don't worry, the children come here only after handling the matter.

The boy was very happy to see that Xianger and Su were safe and sound. Thank you to the queen for helping the boy to take care of them both..."

Empress Changsun crossed Li Chengqian and said with a smile.

"You child, you are actually going to be polite with your mother. This is your mother's daughter-in-law and good grandchildren. It is right to take care of them."

"The husband said that because he was afraid that the queen would be overworked." Su Clan glanced at the somewhat embarrassed husband and whispered.

"Well, it's worthy of being a family. UU reading all knows to help her husband to defend." Empress Changsun shook her head with a laugh.

"By the way, Cheng Qian, can the East Palace be peaceful these days?"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian couldn't help but sigh with authenticity. "These days, the East Palace is very peaceful, which makes children a little uncomfortable."

After hearing this, Empress Changsun's expression was a little weird and authentic.

"Yes, that kid Cheng Saburo is busy getting into his Cheng University, he must be so busy."

If Cheng Saburo stayed in the East Palace, if the East Palace could still be so peaceful, it would be really abnormal.

"Yes, mother, as the prince, the child has an important responsibility.

Fortunately, the third brother gave his father's order to help Brother Chubi, and it won't take long for Cheng University to start school. "

"My boy really hopes that Cheng's University can cultivate more talents for the court as soon as possible."

"Yes, your father thinks so too, but..." Empress Changsun had a slight pause when she said this.

In all likelihood, the students recruited by Cheng's University will only be those of poor families, but the officials of the Tang Dynasty are all from the family.

Unless it is a particularly outstanding talent among the poor, otherwise, it is very difficult to enter an official position.

Even if Cheng Saburo created such a university, he would not change the current situation too much.

Seeing the change in the expression of Empress Changsun, Li Chengqian naturally understood what his mother was worried about, and said with a smile.

"I had a chat with my third brother yesterday, and I heard that among the students enrolled by Cheng's University, medicine is the main priority.

What other disciplines does he need to build, such as physics, chemistry, arithmetic, geometry, etc. On the contrary, there seem to be not many students who focus on studying the Four Books and Five Classics. "

After the mother and son chatted for a while, Li Chengqian suddenly thought of something business.

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